Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Greetings Plagueis! I’ve finally sorted through all the emails I received over my vacation, and think I have worked out a system to keep everything organized, so I present to you my first official report as your Proconsul.


Vlasik Zaitsev


SW Warhunter Arawn Entar

GRD Karel Bruth'Kothae

ACO Devani</font>

NOV Mikel Dierstein: Conflict Mediation

SW Starrett: Sith Tactics

ACO Jacen Lazarus: Leadership Studies

PRT Vlasik Zaitsev: MSN Messanger, IRC Basics, ACC Initiates, PHP programming I, Test of Wisdom, HTML Basics, IRC Channel Operator, Photoshop, Sith Tactics

DJK Jaysun Adumaril: Obelisk Core, Sith Core, Krath Core, ACC Initiates, Sith Flight Studies I, Sith Flight Studies II, MSN Messenger, ICQ Studies, Test of Wisdom

KAP Jason Hunter: Dark Cross

DJK Jaysun Adumaril: Dark Cross

DJK Scorpius: Dark Cross

PRT Vlasik Zaitsev: Dark Cross

DJK Doku: Crescent with Emerald Star

PRT Bran Redmow: Crescent with Quartz Star

DJK Xen’culo Hartzirto: Crescent with Emerald Star

KAP Esca Teiko Isradia: 2 Clusters of Fire

DJK Drodik Va'lence al'Tor: 5 Clusters of Fire

GRD Ashura Megos Isradia: 5 Clusters of Fire

JH Vasily Occasus Zaitsev: 2 Clusters of Fire

GRD Tulkar Ras-Kyr: Cluster of Fire

PRT Galaphile: 3 Clusters of Fire

DJK Tarax Dante Eosphoros Kor: 7 Clusters of Fire

JH Aabsdu: 39 Clusters of Fire

OP Arso Slyth: Crescent with Topaz Star, 11 Clusters of Fire

DA Cyris Oscura: 2 Legions of the Scholar, 3 Dark Side Scrolls

Mikel Dierstein elevated to Novice

Vlasik Zaitsev Elevated to Novice and then to Acolyte, GO VLASIK!!!

Gaidal Dupar al'Tor Elevated to Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats Gaidal, now go play with your new Saber!!!

Everyone be sure to Cc both your Quaestor and Aedile on ALL competition submissions, unless otherwise stated in the competition details, so they can keep track of your activity!

Lucien and I are currently working to get our Competition page on the CP site updated, so send your submissions to the person stated in the competition until its up and running. I will let everyone know as soon as it’s functioning!

Our Consul Lucien is still running a thread on the Clan MBs intended to allow you all to submit ideas for the names of each ship, if your idea gets picked, you receive a Dark Cross! You can fing the topic here

*Satal Keto Competitions: *</FONT COLOR=RED>

HSK: Warrior’s Skill

House Satal Keto: The Dark Warrior Azrakel

<font color="RED">*Exar Kun Competitions: *</FONT COLOR=RED>

The Undiscovered Complex

<font color="RED">Clan Competitions</FONT COLOR=RED>

Retaliation and Retribution

Mission Impossible 2

<font color="RED">DB competitions</FONT COLOR=RED>

Krathish Karvings, Obeliskian Ornaments, Sithy Shtuff

The Fun of Halloween </font></font></font>

That’s right, the Mission Impossible 2 ACC competition is on! I want everyone planning on kicking some CSP and CNS ass to shoot Lucien and I a quick email, telling us who you would like to partner with, if you want to compete but don’t have a partner, let us know, and we’ll get you paired up with someone right away. I am calling out every CP member with an ACC rank of Seeker or above. I want to see the House Summits set an example and rally your troops, Lucien and I will be marching into battle right along side you all.

As I stated earlier this week, the CP archives are open! Anyone who has work they would like to submit may do so at any time, simply send your graphics, fiction, screenshots, ACC battles, whatever, to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I’ll get them uploaded!

I have had a few really good ideas for competitions come in from CP members lately, one is currently running (Retaliation and Retribution), and I am working to get the others up and running. If anyone ever has any ideas for competitions they would like to see, send them to me! I am always looking for comps, so let me know if there’s something you’d like to see.

IRC activity is required for advancement within the House and Clan, so naturally I STRONGLY encourage everyone to join us in channel #plagueis</FONT COLOR=RED>. It’s not only the place to get the latest news on what’s happening in the Clan, but also a great place to hang out and get to know your Clanmates. So if you’re not already familiar with IRC, be sure to go here

Come join us and slap someone around with the trout for a bit!

That’s all for now, expect my reports to evolve a bit over the next few weeks, as I get settled into the position. If I missed anything, or if anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact me either by email at

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

or on IRC.

Your Servant In Darkness</FONT COLOR=RED>

DJK Virulence Saj Bezatyne (<font color="PURPLE">Krath</FONT COLOR=PURPLE>)

Proconsul of Plagueis


Very Good report, Love the New Titles man. Very psycadelic man


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