Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House of Tridens Quaestor’s Report

October 2nd thru October 9th

By: Ma`ar-Tyrius Tarentae

General News:

1.Well it looks as everything is back to normal, the gaming nights have returned and operations have been back to normal for almost two weeks.

2.FYI: As some of you have heard, I’m currently off work, I got hurt at work, and the back is slightly messed up, so I will be around almost all day and into the late evenings, this should last till Friday of this week, possibly longer. But my back is killing me, and trying to sit in front of the PC for a long period of time, is a bit taxing. But I’m usually in and out of my room, I have also been working on getting some Cat5 cable run throughout the house, so I will have internet in the bedroom, so I may be on here and there.

3.Medals: Both for the ORoS, and monthly rec’s should be figured out here shortly, The clan summit is allowing us to upgrade them, so I will have my work cut out for me this month. How it will be done, is a bit tricky, as some of you would stand to get a high merit award, so we will do some number’s crunching and go with the flow. Expect them out soon.

4.Battle Teams: Well he had to close Rei due to some inactivity, but it was also due to several other factors, If you are a writer and wish to join a writing battle team get in contact with me directly at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] , and I will see if we have enough people, currently we have two members still wishing to be on the Team, and they need two more minimum to get it back rolling again.

5.Competitions: Well Oberst has got a few out there, I know of two a trivia one(pending) and a writing one. Archean is also hosting a poetry comp for the House, and in the near future we will be having a few gaming ones, and a few writing ones, and possibly a few puzzle comps. Stay Tuned for more info.

6.ORoS: Well for those that did participate in the event, Id like to say Thank you, your efforts paid off and we snagged 2nd place, all the medals have been submitted and approved…So good work Tridens, DAMN good effort!!!!!

7.I sit here and wonder at times, where has the time went, I remember my first days here and often sit back and reflect, Even now that I have risen through the ranks, and feel that what I have done and accomplished needs to go for some good, so as of Today I’d like to offer a chance to any member that is looking for the same thing I did back when I first joined a chance to learn what Myself and Merlance do each week, As our time will come to pass for new challenges and that we will need replacements that wont feel like I did when I got Quaestor of this house, So email me if your interested, I have one person so far that will get a chance, I will also be letting those that are willing to, get your hands involved with all the duties of the AED and QUA, you’ll be supervised of course, but you’ll learn the ins and outs of House summits.

Gaming Activity:

October 2nd - 9th

Ma`ar: 24matches (10-4), 6matches (10-6), 23matches (10-8 ICTE)

Archean: 12matches (10-4), 3matches (10-6), 9matches (10-8 ICTE)

Karel: 15matches (10-4), 13matches (10-6)

Shadow Academy Exams:

Lilith Fair: MSN Messenger, and Test of Wisdom

Kris: IRC Basics, and HTML Basics

Karel: Krath Core, and Krath Poetry

Katalam: ACC Initiates

Silent Jay: PHP Programming

Archean: Test of Endurance

Medals and Promotions:

October 2nd – 9th

Archean: CF’s, Silver Nova, Gold Nova,

Ma`ar: CF’s, Crescent w/ Sapphire, Crescent w/ Amethyst, Crescent w/ Emerald, Silver Nova, Gold Nova

Karel: CF’s, Promotion to Jedi Hunter

Vardar: Crescent w/ Amethyst

Zekk: Crescent w/ Emerald

Oberst: Dark Side Scroll, Bronze Nova

Merlance: Silver Nova, Gold Nova, CF’s

Kris: Promotion to Novice

Katalam: Promotion to Novice

Silent Jay: Promotion to Guardian

New Transfer’s

October 2nd – 9th

Apprentice Odin Vaaj

Apprentice Caleb

Novice Kris

Jedi Hunter Karel Bruth’Kothae

Apprentice Zola

Novice Katalam van Ossorous

Hope your time in Tridens is full of reward, and you make yourself at home here.

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