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_The Fourteenth of October in the Year of Darkness,
Two-Thousand and Five
**Report Twenty-Two
Jac's GM Year Anniversary**_ </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" height="164">
- Final days for Warbanner requests -
- BF2 Server/Donation Policy -
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"Do the chickens have large talons?" </td> </tr>
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Couple things picking up iRL for me that will play with my DB schedule. I'm going home tomorrow. Hopefully it will just be a day trip, but it could potentially go until Sunday. The wife and I are going to the photographer to pick out our wedding album pictures. AKA, Jac gets to spend a shitload of money.
Beyond that, I have a big presentation to give on Wednesday night for my Land Use Controls class. The professor decided it'd be fun to have the students get up and tech the class each week instead of her. So a partner and I have to put together a three hour presentation on 70 pages of cases and notes on Zoning. Fun stuff eh? That just means that going up to that day, I'll be busier than normal. Just FYI.
Other than that, not much else is going on. I'm behind in a few of my classes and I really need to play catch up after my presentation is finished. So next weekend I'll get to read a ton. Fun stuff. That's about it for Jacland.
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So, tomorrow marks the day that will put me at GM for a full year. I dunno - I personally don't go for the big anniversary stuff that a lot of people do. It doesn't really do it for me as much, I guess. I prefer to base my goals on what I've accomplished rather than how long I've spent accomplishing it.
I am proud of the things that we have accomplished over the past year. It's been rocky at times, and there have been mistakes along the way. I think though, that this club is moving in the right direction and that we are all finally working together pretty well. A lot of the personal conflicts that were self evident when I took over have either gone away or have subsided. The DC has been stable for a very long time, and projects are moving forward better than I have ever seen them.
Of course, we still have more to do. A lot more. That's the reason that a year matters little -- what matters is that I'm not finished with my work. We have more ideas to flesh out, more documents to write, more code to make work -- it's all ongoing. if we continue at out current pace, I hope to be content when my second anniversary hits. Of course, I'm never content with anything, who am I kidding?
I just want to thank everyone here and now. I've enjoyed my time as Grand Master and I continue to enjoy the opportunity that you are giving me. keep up the great work, and most importantly, have fun!
</td> </tr>
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Just thought that you should all know what's going on in the DC bit. I opened up the floor for GJW proposals for the next vendetta. It's slated for Spring of 2006.
There is a lot of interest in running the GJW, so I felt the fairest way to figure out who would get to run it was to ask for detailed proposals and choose from those. I have asked that DC members put as much time and effort into these as they can, try to sell me on why their proposal is best and why I should choose them. I have received a few great ideas already and I expect 2-3 more proposals by the time they are due.
Whoever is given the final nod will be working with all DC members to create an awesome GJW. We are all pooling together out experience to learn from the mistakes of the last GJW and other competitions, so this one should be good!
</td> </tr>
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I just wanted to make mention again of the Dark Voice Submission guidelines that were posted this week. In response to a lot of questioning, Oberst took the initiative to get a document started. Trev and I weighed in and I think we came up with a good set of standards.
This should lay to rest the questioning and doubts about DV submissions. Anyone can submit something -- it will go through the editing process to make sure it is of high quality and it will be included. The Guidelines outline the process and explain the difference between staff writers and everyone else.
You can view the policy by hitting the link off of our policies page.
If you haven't read it -- go check out the new edition of the Dark Voice!
Submissions for the next DV are due November 17th!
</td> </tr>
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This is just a warning: make sure you get in your requests for Warbanners. It is open currently only to those people who had a GoA in the past. Kaine will be making a final call for the requests today or tomorrow and when time is up, the request form will go away. If you don't get in your request now, you will lose your priority from having a previous GoA.
</td> </tr>
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Goat has been putting together an excellent proposal on the timeline of the DB. He has created a document that we will be releasing to the public asap. We are waiting on a few last minute changes and some final Dark Summit comments before we proceed. This will clarify a lot of things fictionally, and I'm looking forward to getting it released.
Big thanks to Goat for his efforts on it.
</td> </tr>
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Just a quick update: I received confirmation from Mammoth Games that they will be supporting BFII. I will have the donation system set up in the next week so that we are sure to have the fund s available to start up a server right away.
Mammothgames - http://www.mammothgames.com/
</td> </tr>
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Conrats to Shadow on getting DA -
Big Props to Kir on a great service as CON! -
Yaaay! Merlance got a GC! -
W00t to Ben and his SB! -
Props to Duga on the SB! -
Yippie! Ziggy fot a GC! -
Yay for Dark Sabre and his shiny new SB! -
Go Crix! GC for you! -
Yay Kraval! We like GCs! -
Congrats to Xuth on the SB! -
Woah! Tiberius and the GC! -
Big Props to Chaosrain on Templar! -
Huge congrats to Vardar on getting a Lightsaber! -
Yay! Aksle got a Lightsaber! -
</td> </tr>
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</td> </tr> </table> <-
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Smacks Jac
Don't forget the sweet new Test of Lore!!!!
I want props aswell :(
Yay! In honour of 1 year of GM Jac, I say we name something after him, hell let's rename EVERYTHING after him, all medals, clans, house, ships, ranks and orders are hereby renamed Jac!
I hereby grand Desio a Grand Cross of the Jac Side!
Congrats Jac, keep the good work going :D