Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

It's almost.... Halloween, yayy! I can hardly wait to scare the crap

out of the kids, I mean... er... have fun. heh heh. What will I be

this time... maybe the Count from Sesame Street.

Well, on to the news.

Today is Revenant's birthday. Be sure to punish his liver heartily,

all you folks that know him.

Zhade is still looking for a Master. We have plenty of qualified

people here in HLK to do it. You types that have been here for a while

need to step up and help.

Some sicko posted nasty porn to the forum. If you see this happening,

be sure to email the CoJ and let them know. It gets them banned.

Yours truly has advanced to the second round of the CHL in the ACC. Kill! KIll!

Transfers: blasted website is down. I'll list them next time.

However, Manesh has elected to join Sapphire Squadron. way to set the

example, Manesh. Woot!

An update from the Consul: ANY gaming supported by the DB is game as

far as Knight Trials go. That includes Allegiance.

Shimura has injured himself, and will be quiet for a while. Get well soon!

Taking their trials per the Knight Council:

Sharmin, Revenant, and Malisane. Woot!


Lex DarkFire- GRD - Congrats my Apprentice. Keep up the ACC action.

Zhade Momoj, Serpent's eye- PRT. Well done.


Seal(s) of Conquest:

Manesh, Revenant, Ghost Angel, Sanjuro, Lanius, Acara, Ashia, Link,

Siyavash, Morgan, J'Rai, Malik, GreyFalcon, Beowulf, Phil, Acerbus,

Blade, Dessan, Macron

Cluster of Fire- Manesh, Tiberius

Dark Cross- Macron

Scroll of Indoctrination- Macron

Legion of the Scholar- Macron

SA tests:

ICQ, Test of Wisdom- Ashia Kagan

All in all, you guys make me happy.

That's all for now.....


SW Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura

Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh

Instructor, Dark Jedi Meditation

Sith Alchemist

Bushi of the Keibatsu

Prefect of Aeotheran

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