Tribute to Sharad


Tribute to Sharad

Before I say anything else, I'd like to voice my appreciation to Sharad, and thank him for all the time he's invested in the Dark Brotherhood.

I don't think anyone has acknowledged Sharad's accolades as Obelisk High Commander, and I think it's appropriate now that I touch on the subject.

For the longest time, he kept the Obelisk Order up and running, and I think everyone owes him a debt of gratitude for all his hard work. He was always determined to help out, he ran some pretty cool competitions, and he's kicked my ass in JK1 and JK2 on more than one occasion.

I know I'll always regard him as the second-to-best Obelisk High Commander :P

That being said, I want to wish Sharad good luck in all his future endeavors. I'm sorry to see him leave, but hopefully he'll still come visit from time to time.

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