Dark Greetings-
As this is my first official report as Quaestor of HSK the format of this report will be a little different from the ones in the future. This report is going to cover a lot of the initial steps we need to take as a new era of fruitfulness and activity begins in Satal Keto. Ill say it now and Ill say it at the end; if you have ANY questions, comments or concerns about anything said in this report please feel free to email me or catch me on IRC.
New AED-
Ive discussed the new Aedile with many people that I trust throughout the DB and I believe I have made a good decision on who it will be. However, I cant announce it till Kir gives me the thumbs up, so just please be patient and Ill email you all as soon as I can.
M/S Program-
There are going to be some changes in how the M/S program works throughout the Clan and in this House. I cannot speak for the details as those are still being discussed by the Clan Summit. However, what I can tell you is that the level of interaction, training and responsibility for Masters is going to be greatly increased in HSK.
I will release more info about this when all the details are worked out, but Ill give you a preview now. Masters will be highly responsible members of the House. They will be expected to take on a Student and train them in the practical disciplines of the DB (writing and gaming). They will be expected to give the QUA and AED a bi-weekly report detailing what theyve done the past two weeks to help train their Student, what they plan on doing with the Student in the future, and any recommendations they may have concerning their Student.
As you can see, the role of a Master is going to be a demanding one. That is why I will be keeping a close eye on how things are going and assess the Masters on a regular basis. But know this, a Master who performs his/her tasks well will be rewarded for their effort. Innovation and dedication are going to be the hallmarks of HSK in the future, and the Masters in HSK will be the epitome of those standards.
As a start of the new era in the M/S program in HSK I need all current Masters to email me letting me know who their students are, what they are currently doing to train their students, and what their future plans are. I would like those emails as soon as possible, and any Masters who cannot find the time for this will be counseled.
I love medals and promotions. When I get an email from the database saying that I have earned a medal or received a promotion I get a little giddy. First, because I know that Ive worked hard to earn this medal/promotion, and secondly, because I know that my leaders are taking notice of my hard work and awarding me for it.
Medals and promotions are going to be a big part of the culture in HSK. The reason for this is because were going to be working our butts off in all the different activities the DB has to offer, from Gaming Nights to the ACC to the Krath Montly Topics to the Sith War to the Great Jedi War. However, the medals and promotions you will receive will only be achieved through hard work and dedication, and you will know why youve received these awards because they will be clearly detailed in every recommendation that is sent to the MAA from this House. You shouldnt expect medals and promotions for fluff and lackluster activity; if you do, you will be very disappointed.
I have already begun keeping activity records for all of you, but there are some things that I dont see that you do. To that end I would ask that you shoot me off an email for activities that arent easily noticed (ACC battles are the first thing that pops to mind). Also, please cc the AED and myself whenever you submit something to a competition. If you dont do this I am more than likely to miss that you participated, thus adding more time between your next medal/promotion.
Starting now I would like all members of this House to email me with any recommendations you may have for medals/promotions for any member of the House. This means Masters, Battle Teams Leaders and everyone else. Were trying to create a culture of excellence and recommendations are a part of that. So, if you feel someone is deserving email me with your recc detailing why they are deserving. If I agree with you I will add my bit and send it off to the MAA. Just to summarize, at this point I will be the only person in the House submitting recommendations to the MAA for approval. This will change in the future as I begin to learn the minds of other leaders in this House, but at this point I feel like this is a necessary step.
Battle Teams-
Battle Team Leaders are going to be getting a lot of authority to run their teams as they see fit. Competitions, member placement, mottos, websites will all be the responsibility of the BTLs. As this is the first line of leadership in the House they will be expected to be shining lights within the House. I will be emailing the Battle Team Leaders in the coming days with more details about their job descriptions and finding out what plans they have for their teams.
Woohoo! After medals and promotions I love competitions the most. About a month after joining the DB the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy started and I had a blast (got some pretty shineys for it too). I love creating them. I love running them. And I love participating in them. So, there are going to be a lot of competitions always available for members of HSK to participate in.
What I do want to avoid is having so many competitions here at the House/BT level that we dont get involved DB-wide. Coming from another clan I can tell you that one of the ideas people have about CP is that we are very insular and dont participate much in Brotherhood competitions. This is going to cease and were going to start being a force to be reckoned with throughout the Brotherhood.
Members who prove themselves in DB-wide competitions will be given more of an emphasis on the activity sheets that I have. So, go out there, compete, and give it your best shot. You never know, you might come back with some nice medals on your chest.
Right now all House competitions will need to be approved by the AED and myself. If you want to run a House competition all you need to do is write us with the details. If we think it would be a good idea for the House to do that kind of comp at that time well give you the thumbs up and the full backing of the House summit. We will also be asking certain members to run and assist with House competitions from time to time. So, have a competition idea? Email the Summit. BTLs are still free to run competitions for the Teams as they see fit.
AWOL Members-
I dont like AWOL checks. They seem kinda pointless to me. As leaders in this House were going to know whos active and whos not. When members show themselves to be merely a spot on the roster they will be transferred to the Rogues. Let me point out a few things that will not count towards activity keeping you in the House: Message Board posts, IRC presence, emails.
Now, all of these things are good IF you are doing other things that are beneficial to the clan (hint competitions hint). If all you want to do is talk on IRC and the MBs thats fine with me, but you can do it from the Rogues cause we need the space for new active APPs to fill. Sorry for sounding harsh, but were here to be active and kick some ass! :P (specifically Tal ass, but well take anything right now).
Vasily has decided to step down from the position of RM. As such, I will be needing someone to fill it. If you are interested please send me an application. Ive listed the job description for RM below.
While not a leader of the House, the Rollmaster is a valued member of the House Summit who is entrusted with keeping the historical record of the House for all to see and remember. The Rollmaster may also be called upon to perform special projects at the request of the QUA and AED.
Specific tasks of the Rollmaster are enumerated below:
·The RM will submit a report on the weekly activities of the House. This includes, but is not limited to, medals, promotions, competition results, and Gaming Night activity for members of the House.
·The RM will record and save a copy of every House report for their own records, acting as a backup to the DB database.
·The RM will record the completion dates and results of all House member ACC activity (the individual House members are responsible for emailing the RM this information).
·The RM will perform any special tasks given to him by the QUA or AED.
Phew! Its a lot I know, and I promise it wont always be like that. Im not always a sour-faced bastard and hardass, I promise, I just needed to let you all know my expectations and vision for this House. I know the caliber of member that is in this House and I know the kind of things we can accomplish in the future. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to get the job ahead of us accomplished and make Clan Plagueis a clan to be reckoned with for a long time to come.
As always, please come to me with questions, comments and concerns.
Dark Jedi Knight Jaysen (Sith)
Quaestor, House Satal Keto
GC / SC / (GNAg) / (SN) / Cr-2A / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / ECF / LSS / SI / S:-8C
{SA: U:TL - G:LS - G:IRC - G:AIC - S:CORE}
Gaming Nights Manager
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