I would like to open my report with an apology for my lack of activity. I had been a bit discouraged from the lack of a team and the royally mixed up schedule the past couple of weeks.
Next order of business, I would like to welcome ACO Noktar Jameki and PRT Kris Omega. It's nice to see the batleteam halls becoming active again.
ACO Noktar Jameki - Joined
PRT Kris Omega - Joined
APP Tyranix - Joined then transferred out
PRT Kris Omega has been keeping himself busy by spamming my inbox with completed exams. Go Kris!
Krath Core - PRT Kris Omega
Krath Grammar - PRT Kris Omega
Obelisk Core - PRT Kris Omega
Sith Core - PRT Kris Omega
Leadership Studies - PRT Kris Omega
Nice to see a bunch of activity taking place again.
Current Competitions
Currently, there is a huge BT feud taking place with plenty of different activities to participate in. If you need the information, send me a request and I will forward all information needed.
Closing Thoughts
As I said before, it's nice to see the Night Raptors hallways becoming active once again I hope to see more members join and become active as some of you have been.
OT Phantom Goura Mandalore/SGT/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
DC-KC-O-CS-D / Cr-1E-2Q / CF-BlF / S:-2R
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