Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Circle Daemoni Report

By Valheru Ylith Romanae


Alrighty folks, another report from your friendly neighborhood Valheru!

This time I would like to say: welcome back Ice Wolf! Now stay! :P

Another thing is that we are going to crush some Tridey Skull

Say What?

Yeah! We’re gonna crush em!


Because I said so! Hah!

Now seriously,

We are going to fight Circle Gi in an open Vendetta, you all got your

descriptions, I know because I sent them out.

Our Fearless Quaestor and my Brother Frosty will join us in some

blood flowin’, skull crushin’, ‘eavy metal action!

So I ask of you Daemons! Kick some Tridey ass! And wipe them off with their faces! MUHAHAHA!!!


Ylith Romanae

Courses Passed at the Academy

Ice Wolf passed test of Endurance! (Welcome back brother!)

Medals Awarded

Tyren Got: Crescent with Topaz Star (Topaz is pretty)

Ylith Got: 19 CF’s, 3 ECF’s, Crescent with Sapphire Star, 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination, 1 Steel Cross (Whose tha man! Uhuh! Uhuh!)

Dox Got: nuthin (NUTHIN?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU BOY! Nah its alright, just don’t do that to me again!)

CannabiS Got: Crescent with Quartz Star (a Quartz in ¼ of a whole! Get the other 4! ;) )

Ice Wolf Got: Nuthin (well at least ya did a course…)

Fenn Got: 15 CF’s and 2 ECF, 2 Crescent with Emerald Star (Nice going Argus!)

Promotions! Always Nice!

This time you are all promoted to my pit stop shoe shine team! Yay!


Here’s the Roster as it is Today:

Obelisk Sergeant Ylith Romanae

Obelisk Trooper Ice Wolf Romanae

Sith Flight Member Tyren Zin

Obelisk Trooper Dox Romanae

Obelisk Trooper CannabiS

(2nd cmnd) Obelisk Trooper Fenn Ashune


Daemoni motto comp! NEW! Check it out its so damn easy!


Windos’ puzzle comp…Numbers are your friends!! :P


Vendetta coming up tomorrow! Kick some Tridey Ass! Yeah!

well that’s it then…I think…Yep that’s it! :D

Note From the Valheru

A fairly good 2 weeks of the Daemoni time I’d say. Could always be better though but I am not disappointed. As you know I removed Dark Prince and Luke from the Roster. Why Dark prince? Simple: he was doing squat.

Why Luke: Same reason, I know he is on LOA and I mailed him about is and I had no response yet whatsoever. When he decides to return to us he can have his place in Daemoni back.

This will also mean Fenn will do some recruiting, I have my eyes set one someone but I will discuss it with Fenn some more.

Anywho, about the Argus thingy. Fenn will be in charge when I’m on LOA or AWOL, the last one is likely, but it could be I am away for the weekend (RL stuff…). In which case the Argus of Daemoni AkA Fenn will wipe your asses clean and get you ICTE’ing.

Now have a fine weekend and flood my E-mail with Awards! I dare ya!

Well, that’s about it I guess,

Just be active and be proud of the title Daemon!

Valheru Ylith Romanae

JH Ylith 'Valheru' Romanae (Obelisk)/SGT-EP/Gladius of Tarentum [GMRG: INI] [KSOE: AENV] [ACC: SKR]

GC / SC-SoP / StA / Cr-1A-3S-7E / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / ECF / LSB / DSS-QK-QL-QW / SI / S:-5C

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - U:TE - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:Photo - G:AIC - G:MED - O:CORE}

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