Greetings Exar Kun,
I am pleased to see a Clan that seemed set to fall into the history books now beginning to gather itself together and move forward. It's had a troubling month with the loss of leaders and our own Consul, Lucien tied down to RL to the point that nothing was being achieved. Now, slowly but surely things are beginning to move in a very positive direction. We are on the verge of having House Satal Keto appointed with leaders, many members are beginning to return to Plagueis and we now have ourselves a new Proconsul.
However despite numerous appointments, medals and even promotions being cast around it's also tinged with sadness at the death of one our own members. I hate to see any of members go, but when one dies it is a terrible blow. I think in circumstances like this we should remember them for all those good times and not dwell on the bad. My best wishes go out to Langis and her family and friends, a wonderful tribute was written up for her by my Aedile, Gaidal Dupar. You can view that here:
Now then, on to the report!
Since Virulence stepped down we have been without a real leadership, thankfully we have had Kir Katarn stepping in to help out till we have people in place. The first of a series of appointments have been made starting with the position of PCON or Proconsul, a very important position who is effectively second in command of the entire Clan. The new replacement is one of our own Khameir Sarin. Our congratulations go out to him and we wish him the very best of luck.
He has already issued a statement where he makes the following comments:
_-Bow- _
_Greetings Clan Plagueis, _
'We have no history, but we have a Rendezvous with Destiny'
The above statement sums up our Clan perfectly. Clan Plagueis is in a position unlike any clan has seen in several years. We have the ability to write and create the history of our Clan. Plagueis does not have the luxury of relying on the ghosts of our past to carry us forward, we must create our own Legend. Yes, I know that we are the sum of two past Clans, however, we are not those Clans. We are something new and thus new changes are going to happen
_Last night Deputy Grand Master Kir Taldrya Katarn selected me as the new PCON of Clan Plagueis. The DGM and I have discussed and agree on the changes that need to be made in Plagueis. Over the course of the next several weeks there will be major changes in Clan Plagueis. The DGM has already outlined several of the changes he plans to undertake and we will begin working on them immediately. _
_However, that is an email for another time. This email is to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me. I am Dark Jedi Master Khameir Sarin. I have served in the Dark Brotherhood for roughly five and a half years. During my time in the Brotherhood I have served as AED and QUA of House Oriens Obscurum, PCON of Arcona, Sith High Warrior, and Commander of the Guard, and most recently AED of House Satal Keto. Many of you may recognize me from that "other club" where I held positions as Avenger Elite Squadron Commander, Commodore of the Grey Wolf, Combat Operations Officer, and last but not least Executive Officer. My career has been spent flying way to much XVT and XWA and I have even achieved a small level of skill in the games :p _
_I have a strong belief that people join the Dark Brotherhood to have fun and that it is the DB leadership's responsibility to provide this fun to its members. I will do everything I can to help entertain and motivate the people in Clan Plagueis. I am a very big fan of running competitions, awarding people, and promoting members at the rate they deserve (and often faster than they deserve). _
_In real life, I am a US Army Captain in the 101st Airborne. I am married to my College Sweetheart and have an evil puppy named Lord Tyranus. I am a very easy person to get along with and have only had one major dispute (with one person from the EH :p) in the last 7 or so years of online game play. _
_I look forward to doing all that I can to improve Clan Plagueis and working with all of you. If you have any questions of me, please feel free to ask. _
_DJM Sarin
PCON of Clan Plagueis!!_
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Issue 2 has now been released and again I thank all the contributors, I am very impressed with how it's caught on and become a regular fixture. When Esca first thought up the concept I was really taken with the idea, former leadership elements were sceptical about it but I am pleased to say how wrong they have proven. I salute Esca and I salute you the membership for making it the success it is.
To read the latest issue go here:
Already my thoughts turn to Issue 3 of the Plagueis and this will be our first Christmas edition of the publication, I want it to be our biggest and best yet! And being we have a new PCON who is keen to unlead medals I'll see if we can't squeeze a couple out to mark the event! I could do with your articles and other contributions by no later than **December 18th **with its release being December 24th!
All submissions and feedback can be sent to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I am pleased to say for once no competitions from me, I now have a very talented and motivated Aedile who does this. Here's a link to his report for full details:
However competitions are always being created and to get an up to date view of all competitions running through the Brotherhood feel free to visit the competitions page on the Dark Brotherhood web site. Here's the link:
I suggest you all read the descriptions very carefully before entering. As well as fiction, graphical competitions there also gaming contests that you can take part in. They support a wide range of different platforms, anything from Xwings Alliance to Jedi Acadamy. Your all free to take part and its an excellent opportunity earn something called a Cluster of Fire, a special medal for MP (multiplayer events) I believe you earn one if you get either three losses or one win. For more information take a look at the ICTE web site:
Finally there is something called the ACC, the Antei Combat Centre. In short it's a form of combat where each player takes it in turn to write what happens next in the fight between you and your opponent. A judge determines who wins based on the writing and on your character sheet. You can create a character sheet through the Dark Brotherhood web site, but full information can be viewed here:
Gaidal has been keeping a good account of our sucesses, however I will just summarise all the awards that have been earnt by people in just this week alone, last week was good. This week was something entirely different. A very, very good job all!
Awarded Crescent with Ruby Star.
Dark Jedi Knight Aabsdu al'Tor
Awarded Crescent with Ruby Star, Awarded 8 Cluster of Fires, Promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, Awarded an Elite Cluster of Fire.
Dark Jedi Knight Schisca Archaon Azyteen
Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star, Awarded a Cluster of Fire.
Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star.
Awarded a Cluster of Fire, Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star, Awarded a Dark Cross.
Jedi Hunter Ashura Megos Isradia
Awarded 3 Cluster of Fires.
Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star, IRC Basics Passed (100% Bah! Lucky devil!), MSN Messenger Passed.
Promoted to Acolyte.
Obelisk Templar Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
Promoted to Obelisk Templar.
Promoted to Novice.
Promoted to Novice.
Promoted to Sith Battlemaster.
ACC Initiates Course Passed.
Test of Wisdom Passed, IRC Basics Pased (100% Working too damn hard! Love it!), Sith CORE Passed (another 100% !? Incredible!).
Excellent job all, again you put me all to shame :P Keep it up.
Incidently, if any of you feel that a fellow member deserves recognition or even undertaking a project for the Dark Brotherhood I want to hear from you. Contact me at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Here are some good links for you to visit. If there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.
Dark Brotherhood - our organisation's web site
Clan Plagueis - our clan web site
mIRC - for all our meetings and general chit chat
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Forum
Photo Gallery - you upload a picture of yourself or see other member pictures
Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">
I have had a GREAT week, no really. Absolutely fantastic. If anyone had told how great a week this was going to be I would have laughed them out of the country. What a load of rubbish! I have spent a less than enjoyable week, absolute nightmare! I have been stuck the entire week in bed with only my Xbox as company. I have been coughing up green, blowing out yellow, had a sore throat, aches, runny nose, loss of hearing and a loss of my voice which some might argue be a good thing.
So I took this opportunity to become reacquainted with the dissapointing Knight of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, alas I could not make others suffer with my horrible illness but I could make the illusionary characters in this game suffer. And how I made them suffer, for instance I made a droid hand over key components from itself thus killing it and I even made two thugs leap to their deaths! Though the game its own back, by crashing itself! Damn game.
I also redoubled my efforts with the game World of Warcraft, fantastic little game which you no doubt will have read about from Ashura's article in Clan Plagueis. Presently I have an Undead Mage of awesome power wondering through the wilds. Okay, maybe not. Whilst wondering around a Horde outpost I encountered a huge stone giant, realising one of my quests was to slay this beast I unleashed a huge ball of fire onto it. By beaming smile turned an expression of horror as I saw a none too pleased stone giant sprinting towards me. And in the event you had any doubts about my battle, he squashed me flat. I died in seconds.
Also I have a seveare cash crisis at the moment, you see once you reach level 40 (a challange in itself) you can buy yourself a mount. In my case I get a rotting, undead horse carcas (delightful). I need to spend 72 gold pieces to buy it, but to use it I need to train which costs 18 gold. So in order to run around like the lone ranger you need a total of 90 gold. I am almost at level 40 and have managed to save a grand total of 53 gold pieces. As you can see, I have quite a drastic short fall in hard cash!
A very successful week for House Exar Kun, despite my best efforts to drive this place into the ground and demoralise the lot of you, you keep turning around and making this place a success. Clearly my evil influence isn't strong enough around here. I shall leave you all with something a good friend of mine from House Satal Keto sent me, many thanks Sunflash it is pure gold!
Here's the link:
Your Servant,
Godo Nurok
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