AED sought for for Ektrosis of Taldryan


AED sought for for Ektrosis of Taldryan

With the reccent promotion of KP Octavian to Quaestor, Ektrosis is in need of a new Aedile. Applications are now being accepted. Requirements to apply:

-Been a member for no less than 4 months
-Hold the rank of at least GRD
-Be able to respond to emails within 48 hours max
-Have some good ideas for the house

Of course if you don't fit all of the qualifications you can still apply if you explain how you will make up for it. Applications are to be sent to QUA Octavian ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and CON Kir Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Applications are due by Friday, July 18th.

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