Taldryan PCON Report
Awards for the Taldryan Invitational have been posted on the main DJB.com site (whoever is in that, remember to get your matches done).
The KHP is back and brings "Holiday" competitions.
Kaiann is looking for mission makers. There's some big rewards up for grabs if you can do that.
Applications for Ekky AED closed today (Sunday the 11th). Expect Chaos to announce more about that soon...
Assorted Things
With all the leadership-y changes around here, I know there's a ton of stuff on the Tal site that needs to be updated. The Consuls history I can't do anything about until Shad finishes writing it, but there's probably something else I've missed. If you see anything incorrect, please send me a quick note.
Speaking of story histories, I think it's time to advertise again. Do you like to write stories about your character? Do you like to have your stories placed up on Tal.org? Do you like making more work for me? If you said yes to any of the above, then maybe you'd like to check out the Clan Taldryan Member Information Database (http://www.taldryan.org/tal_codex/member_history/history.php). I'd prefer stories in .html or .txt, but as long as I can open it I'll get it up there somehow.
It appears that house Ektrosis has somehow escaped the horror of a "MS Paint" report. Expect me to remedy that soon.
Ahh my lovely email filters. Colour-coding and folder sorting goodness.
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