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Greetings Kunians!
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Let me begin by saying Merry Christmas all! Exar Kun has moved through a lot of changes under one Leadership or another, it started as a Clan name and became a House but despite the changes this place continues to go from strength to strength and despite my efforts to see this place dead and burried you continue to ignore me. Infact I liken you all to the terminator, you simply will not stop, no matter what. Ah well, guess I have the new year to try it again.
Been a busy ol' week for me, whilst my boss decides to clean leaves off his garden lawn I have been busy selling cars to over paid punks in suits. The joys of work! And just so you know, the spirit of Scrooge is alive and well as our boss plans on us working all through Christmas. I am of course holding out for the three spirits of Christmas to visit him. We can but hope.
The news that one of our former members. Cyris was knocked down by a truck has caused a large degree of concern amongst some of our number, I am happy to say he will be fine but will be a while before we get to endure his questionable jokes. Needless to say we all wish him a speedy recovery.
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Each issue of the Plagueis Chronicle I ask a variety of members including the Summit to highlight the two issues they enjoyed the most. From these responces I am able to determine which people thought was their overall best article. The launch issue earnt the respect of Arania and the previous issue won your admiration of Jonaleth Isradia. Congratulations go out to Isradia who earns himself a Dark Cross for his achievements.
I have spoken to the Deputy Grand Master, and as well the existing awards for the favorite article we will also be awarding a Star of Antei for every three issues contributed by a member. I suspect that after Christmas we will be seeing one or two of these medals awarded so watch this space.
One more day left till you can send your submissions to me, I have recieved an impressive responce already but there is still time for more. Sunday 18th of December is the last day to send in your work.
The Xmas editon will be released the same day as my report, Christmas Eve - 24th December. So look out for that!
To read the latest issue go here: http://www.hampsonholdings.co.uk/chronicle/
All submissions and feedback can be sent to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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**<font size="1">The
all evil ESCA!</font>**
</tr> </table>
Clan Plagueis is oh so close to achieving a fully operation command chain. We have all waited very patiently and at last there is light...err...darkness at the end of the tunnel. House Satal Keto, bless its black cloaked souls now have a full summit.
Supporting Jay is Esca, long time serving member of Plagueis and indeed Exar Kun. We wish him the best of luck in his new role. Also, as I am sure he will curse me for it, wish him luck with his lucky new lady ;) And Ashura? Hands off!
So Christmas is all but here, no doubt you did what I call a 'wife' and ran out and shopped in advance or did a 'Godo' where you have yet to buy a single present. I know, I know, disgraceful! Anyway I felt what with it reaching the end of the year we ought to have a House 'evaluation'.
This is your chance to air your views, there is a poll you can take part in along with a feedback board. Simply follow the link below to take part. You may be as honest and brutal as you like, call me perhaps a little insane but I value all your opinions including Ash's believe it or not :P Have fun!
Competitions are always being created and to get an up to date view of all competitions running through the Brotherhood feel free to visit the competitions page on the Dark Brotherhood web site. Here's the link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp
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I suggest you all read the descriptions very carefully before entering. As well as fiction, graphical competitions there also gaming contests that you can take part in. They support a wide range of different platforms, anything from Xwings Alliance to Jedi Acadamy. Your all free to take part and its an excellent opportunity earn something called a Cluster of Fire, a special medal for MP (multiplayer events) I believe you earn one if you get either three losses or one win. For more information take a look at the ICTE web site: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
Finally there is something called the ACC, the Antei Combat Centre. In short it's a form of combat where each player takes it in turn to write what happens next in the fight between you and your opponent. A judge determines who wins based on the writing and on your character sheet. You can create a character sheet through the Dark Brotherhood web site, but full information can be viewed here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
*Title: The KHP's holiday bash! *
Requested By:
As the High Priestess reflects on the significant Dark Jedi triumphs she has decided to share some of her personal ways of remembering history past. So she got a list of some things she enjoys and sent everyone in the DB a little gift bag. Everyone opened the bag with caution and saw five items. A cookie, a popular game, a quill, a piece of paper, and instructions. The instructions read:
Happy Holidays Dark Follower!
This is the month we all remember great exterminations of Light Jedi. Celebrate! In the spirit of things I have but a few simple tasks to complete for fun. You may do one or you may do all. The more you do the better your presents might be and the more favor you will gain from me. In this bag you will find a cookie. It is most delightful to the pallet so enjoy every crumb. Inside the cookie you will find a small object. I do not remember what this object is as every cookie was as different as the object placed inside. Don't break a tooth now! Once you have enjoyed your cookie and taken a look at the object please do send me a message telling me what cookie you got, what was inside, and what you think the object does.
You may keep this small object as my gift to you but only if you contact me first. You will also find a popular game in the bag. It is actually a collection of the best Jedi killing, rebel blasting games to date. Pick out your favorite game and try to grab a screenshot of a funny opponent death. If you are not quick enough to take one you may send me an explanation of the events leading up to and through the death. I hope you have fun getting these screenshots! Next you will find a fine quill. I hope you have ink. Use this quill to explain what you do during this holiday month. How do you best remember our fine ancestors accomplishments? Fill a page or more but please don't go into so much detail as to create over five pages. Last you will find a piece of paper. Do not use this paper for your other task.
Instead, sit down and think of ten people you like and the gifts you'd give them. These may be gag gifts or real gifts. Remember that if you give gag gifts you will be equally rewarded by the receiver. If I really like your list Ill buy all those gifts! Now remember, if you contact me on any one of these four tasks you must remember to tell me your name. I cant be expected to remember everyone. A dossier number would be great as well but not necessary. Ill send you a reply as fast as I can! Now enjoy this holiday month of great Dark Jedi moments.
Krath High Priestess Telona Murrage
PS Remember to send to my new office address! [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Start Date: 12/10/2005
End Date: 12/31/2005
Unit in Competition:
Entire DJB
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1422
*Title: [CP Trivia] *
Requested By:
Specifics: The PCON of Clan Plagueis will run a three part trivia competition over the next three weeks. Each week he will place 10 trivia questions in his report. The member who replies with the 10 correct answers the fastest will win a LS. At the end of the three week period the PCON will select a monthly triviachampion talied from the previous trivia results, this person will be awarded a LS.
Start Date: 12/10/2005
End Date: 12/31/2005
Unit in Competition:
Clan Plagueis
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1425
*Title: [CP]FunnyFiction *
Requested By:
A 2 Page Fiction, Minimum (I will read all of it even if it is huge), on one of the proceeding pictures. I really enjoy Humerous or Funny submitions so, to please me in more ways is great. The winning Story and the next 2 Runner ups will be posted in the Winners Circle. There are 3 different Sections of Photo's. You may choose any one picture, there will be a small phrase underneith each picture. This phrase must be in the writing. If it isnt many a mark will be docked. In each Submition you should have the Number of the photo you chose (also Crutial) and your ID Line Complete with Dossier Number.
Images Posted: http://www.freewebs.com/imagecompetition/
Start Date: 12/6/2005
End Date: 12/25/2005
Unit in Competition:
Clan Plagueis
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1411
*Title: Realities *
Requested By:
Cooperative epic fiction with a twist. 2-3 people are writing together. It involves members not acting in their usual position. The details about the story cannot be told before the competition starts as that would seriously take some of the fun away (we need a hidden competition info box). Stories can be serious or fun, but if fun, not overly silly please.
Start Date: 11/5/2005
End Date: 1/5/2006
Unit in Competition:
Entire DJB
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1303
Promoted to Novice.
Promoted to Protector.
Promoted to Novice.
Awarded Legion of the Scholar.
Dark Jedi Knight Aabsdu al'Tor
Awarded Crescent with Ruby Star.
Krath Priest Braecen Isradia Kunar
Awarded 2 Dark Side Scrolls, Awarded Crescent with Ruby Star, Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star.
Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star.
Awarded Crescent with Quartz Star.
Templar Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
Awarded Dark Cross.
Dark Side Adept Jonaleth Isradia
Awarded Dark Cross.
If any of you feel that a fellow member deserves recognition or even undertaking a project for the Dark Brotherhood I want to hear from you. Contact me at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Here are some good links for you to visit. If there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.
ICTE web site (multi player gaming): [
Dark Brotherhood - our organisation's web site
Clan Plagueis - our clan web site
mIRC - for all our meetings and general chit chat
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Forum
Photo Gallery - you upload a picture of yourself or see other member pictures
Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">
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With Christmas here all our thoughts turn to one of two things, what to give and what we will recieve. I am not the most amiable at Christmas and I try my best to sneak away with a good bottle of red if at all possible. However the inlaws and their charming daughter have a some what bizzare custom. Come the big day, in my childhood we would wonder to down to the living room and spend a brief but bloody 15 minutes opening all our present in an orgy of destruction, after this great battle you would see wrapping paper everywhere, all that is left of the carnage. I would then disappear upstairs and hide upstairs like some proverbial hermit. However my wifes family do things very differently. If you are lucky you may open one present. Confused? Well, they spend the entire strategically positioning presents all over the house. So for instance, last Christmas I was keen to use the toilet after ahem...drinking a little too much, to be presented with a present on the toilet. Odd as this custom is and of course is deprives me of my escape it does surprisingly work.
Of course getting the presents to start with is a challange all itself. My wife loves the whole process, shopping like a loon and dropping her 'hints'. Now by hints I mean something cryptic like a crossword. Each year I fail to spot 90% of her hints and even now, not half way through my shopping I have thus far managed to spot one of her hints. I swear she should be a puzzle setter on Mastermind or something. Speaking of my blessed one, her addiction in World of Warcraft continues to grow. Even as I type this she playing the game, admiring her new outfits she just bought from the Auction House. She tried to go from a human city called Stormwind to the Dwarfen city of Ironforge. There are two ways for a new, low level character to make the journey. There is of course the fast, completely free underground tram system. But there is also another route.
You can travel over land, through the likes of Searing Gorge and Blackmountain, as the names suggest these places are not family friendly. Indeed not even a lunatic would tackle this hazzardous route which promises certain death. My wife, not to be daunted by the high level monsters and comments of bemused wonder from level 60 players made the epic journey across the 'killing fields'. Admittedly she died 50 times, fled every battle and even snuck around a huge fire breathing dragon, she actually made it. Needless to say when she learnt there was a free, safe tram system she cried. Ah well, some people learn the hard way.
My apologies for the delay in this report, I have been awaiting some interesting news which will have to wait a bit longer. Expect this interesting development in a few days from now. Meantime, get your submissions to me for the Chronicle, finish your Christmas shopping and for those that dont celebrate Christmas or hate it, I will join you for a drink the local pub. A bah humbug to you all, and to all good night!
Your Servant,
Godo Nurok
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