Well, I had hoped this report would be a normal report, but I suppose that we can't always get what we want. Nevertheless, I have some serious issues that I want to address. Everything here is inter-related.
First and foremost, though I have mentioned this before, I want to stress that you can talk to me about anything you want, especially related to the clan. From the newest apprentice to the most seasoned veteran, everyone is welcomed and encouraged to talk to me. Tell me what you want to see happen in the clan, toss out ideas for competitions, and, most importantly, let me know of any problems you are having, or any problems with the clan that you perceive, so that I can do my very best to address them. I am only one person, so I don't know everything. However, if you tell me things, then I will have a better understanding of things as a whole and this is especially important given not just normal differences in perception, but also our positions will cause a difference. As Consul, my outlook on things will be different from the PCON, the QUAs, the AEDs, the circle leaders, and the regular members. I see Tarentum as "my" clan and I will continue to do so. In the same light, you should see it as "your" clan as well, even if you're not in charge. As Consul, I am charged with the operation of the clan and my authority in the clan is virtually absolute, with a Grandmaster's veto and a full, outright revolution being the only thing that can stop me (not that encourage the latter and I don't forsee the former being used).
If anyone, and I mean anyone, causes you unjustified trouble, then come talk to me and let me know if the situation cannot be resolved between the two of you (logs and e-mails as proof, if needed, would be a good idea). Please make note of the use of "unjustified." I take no responsibility if you started the fight. But, I want us all to get along and to have fun. That's what we're here for and it should be the only reason. Having to deal with stuff like this report is not fun for me and I don't think its fun for you to read it.
Next, as some of you have heard already, or may have seen in IRC, Smoke (Ma'ar) has left the clan. The easiest way to describe things is that he and I had some disagreements over some big issues (see next paragraph). No, I won't use this space to slander him as I have no reason or need to do such things. I will say that Ma'ar chose to make some comments in public that he should have brought to me privately and I chose to respond to him. We all make choices and every choice has a consequence, so what's done is done. The Tridens quaestor spot is not open for applications at this time.
Third, I want to lay to rest some of the apparent lingering issues that I thought had been dealt with a long time ago. I don't know if these issues are in the heads of just a few, or something more widespread (which is why I need to get feedback). I want the record clear:
The Tarentae run the clan- Quite honestly, they don't. Most of the Tarentae are on a semi-active status due to real life or simply having advanced to the point where they don't need to run a clan (or they have no desire).
The Consul is a stooge/puppet to the Tarentae and won't stand up to them- I'm not. In fact, as I said before, the only thing the Tarentae have control over are the titles and land grants given to members of the clan. For fictional purposes, and in the actual running of the clan, the Tarentae are long serving, upstanding members of the clan who function as advisors, should the Consul desire their advice. To be honest, and you can ask any member of the Tarentae, I haven't talked to them about many clan things. I did get their feedback on role playing idea, just to see what they thought. But, I was going to do it regardless because I know there are members interested, I think it would be a great addition for the clan, and, if I may admit to some hubris, it gives me a chance to leave a lasting program in the clan.
When it comes to "standing up" to the Tarentae, this isn't an issue because I don't have to stand up to them. I have full authority in the clan and if I disagree with Sith, Rekio, Oberst, Ciara, Welshman, or any of the other Tarentae, then we disagree. Now, I do take what they say into account when making a big decision, if I chose to involve them in the first place.
The final issue, related to what is above, is the exact status of some of these members who make up the Tarentae. As with any organization, you should give some respect to the elders. Along these lines, it was the decision back when Sith was Consul to give the Tarentae ops power in #tarentum. Also, when Sith was Consul, many Tarentae were given fictional (see below) roles, most of which do not constitute authority over the clan. But, unless that person is in a position of authority over you, you don't have to follow their orders. Here are some examples to cover the various situations:
Spears is the Headmaster, a Dark Council member. This is a position of authority, though it very rarely applies to the clan.
Sith is not in a position anymore. Thus, while you should give him the respect a Dark Jedi Master would receive, but an order from him is not very pressing (unless you happen to meet him while he's trying to save your life as an EMT).
Oberst is the Marshall of Tarentum's armies, and during times of war (Rites of Supremacy, Clan wide competitions, clan feuds, and Great Jedi Wars) he has the authority of the clan summit. He makes military decisions (such as in the ORoS, he was calling which sectors to attack on the map), can encourage activity, he can offer awards for activity (and I will do my damn best to get them if he can't recommend them himself), and other such things.
Now, fictionally speaking, I do want to make certain you have the right grounding. If you are writing a story, and choose to tangle (verbally or physically) with, say, Sith, then remember you're going against a Dark Jedi Master. Take that in to account. Also, in things like the run-on, Oberst is acting as a battlefield commander, so that's a good example of the fictional aspects of the positions. Also, take into account personality and characterization of the person. Fictionally, for example, Oberst would not be someone you'd want to piss off because that is how he characterizes himself (tough, mean, deadly, sadistic, and whatever other adjectives you can add). But, fictionally, you might not want to piss someone like Sith off because, as I said, he's a Master and there's no telling what he could do to you. (Sorry for using these two guys as examples so much, but it works).
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year.
DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Consul of Clan Tarentum
Praetor to the Headmaster
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood
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