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Greetings Kunians!
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Merry Christmas! If you are by some chance reading this report than shame, shame and thrice shame on you! You should be err...chopping wood for the fire or hanging up stockings over the fire place. Or in the event your not living up to my own personal ideal Christmas then at the very least arguing with family members you only see once or twice a year.
At this time of the year we find the Brotherhood whinding down for Christmas, we've all had are high and low points this year and now is the time to kick of our blackened boots and enjoy ourselves. So Merry Christmas to you all and have a damn good Christmas!
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**Our home
planet of Elysian is no more**
</tr> </table>
So long Acarr, it was the end of a beautiful relationship. The system in which this Clan is fictionally based has gone up in smoke, or at the very least a lot of flashing lights. Still courtesy of the Deputy Grand Master we were led to safety and have now arrived in a new system. Already populated, it has limited military potential, fresh resources and even cities of some description. In the event any of you missed it, here is what Kir Katarn, our Deputy Grand Master said:
*Kir sat in his shuttle as it approached Byfrost, glad to be returning to Plagueis after a week on Antei attending to his duties as Deputy to the Grand Master. The power of the Deputy position was envied by many, but a large part of Kir longed for the intimate involvement of a Consul. His prior years in that position had left a deep impression upon the Dark Adept. *
*The pilot turned and said, "Thirty minutes until we reach Castle Frost, sire." Kir nodded to the man, Cassis was his name. A rogue Dark Jedi, Cassis had become Kir's private advisor and bodyguard many years ago, working in the darkness, his identity a secret. Kir was glad to have the trusted and loyal servant with him during these difficult times. *
*Just as the Deputy was returning to his Datapad, the holo unit buzzed. Making his way to the console, Kir keyed in to the signal, "This is Deputy Katarn." *
*A short blue figure wearing the uniform of a Captain and surveyor of the Brotherhood appeared on the holo platform, "Sir, I have news from recent readings taken in the Acarr system, they require your immediate attention." *
*"Has your team returned to Byfrost Captain?" Kir asked, noticing the urgent tone in the mans voice. The man nodded, "Yes sir, we are awaiting your arrival." *
*"Excellent," Kir said, "We will touch down in twenty minutes, be prepared to deliver your report upon my arrival." The man's image bowed and the holo unit turned off. Kir turned to Cassis, "Are the sensors picking up anything unusual?" *
*The shuttle was equipped with an enhanced sensor package, and then the servant turned it on, it lit up the entire cabin. Cassis turned to Kir, "Sire, these readings are consistent with " *
*"I know," Kir cut him off, his face turning to stone, "get us to the Castle with all due haste." *
*Proconsul Sarin stood stoically upon the landing platform as Kir exited the shuttle past the Royal Guardsmen. As they approached, the Proconsul gave the Adept a short bow, and fell in stride with his Consul. "I assumed the surveyors contacted you as well?" asked Kir. *
*Sarin nodded, "I was told to bring you to the situation room, they've set up inside." The Consul kept his gaze straight and continued on towards the briefing. The force was more tangible than Kir had felt in quite some time. Only in the massive battles of the Great Jedi War had the Deputy felt such turmoil in the Dark Side, only now it was different it was as if the force was battling itself. Shaking the odd thoughts from his head, Kir entered the situation room with the Proconsul. As they took their seats, Sarin keyed in at the comm console, "I believe Quaestor Nurok and Jaysen should be present as well." The Consul nodded, and moments later holographic images of both Quaestors appeared at the end of the table. *
*Kir turned to the officer, "Begin." *
*The chief surveyor stepped forward, "As you are aware, we routinely scan the Brotherhood's territory for a wide variety of occurrences or deposits. We usually discover nothing out of the ordinary, and occasionally we uncover a mineral rich planet to take advantage of, but our readings indicated something far more severe throughout the Acarr system." *
*Kir's gaze darkened as he recalled the readings from his shuttles sensors, "Get to the point, Captain." *
*Slightly shaken by the powerful man's gaze, the officer continued, "We have long been aware of the random ionic blasts from the Acarr star, and it has been accepted that the star has been transitioning into a Red-Giant. However our newest readings show that the stars core has been cooling at a radically abnormal rate and the internal pressure is beginning to fall " *
*Quaestor Jaysen interrupted, "Are you trying to tell us that this star is about to " *
*" go supernova, yes" finished the Captain. Everyone in the room froze for a moment, until Proconsul Sarin finally asked, "How long do we have?" *
*The Captain grimaced, "When we compared the information we have in our records on nova readings with the data we collected from the Acarr star the projected time for supernova is seven standard days." *
*Silence again fell over the leaders. After a moment Consul Katarn rose and turned to face the other leaders present, "We have no choice, we must begin an emergency evacuation of the Acarr system." Turning to the Captain, he asked, "What excavating gear does your team carry?" *
*The officer turned to his Datapad and then replied, "We have enough heavy lifters, laser cutters, and excavation droids for a thirty man team." *
*Kir nodded, "Equip them and assign ten to each house and ten to Castle Frost. We aren't going to have time to take things apart, I want all the important weaponry cut from the bases and loaded whole onto the Gallofree transports along with all the computer equipment and other crucial materials. Godo, the Dark Paladin and the Malice will be assigned to your house to protect the transports. Jaysen, your house will receive the Scylla and the Penitence. The Malevolent will remain here to protect the Byfrost transports." *
*As Kir gave his orders, Proconsul Sarin stood at the comm console relaying them to the fleet's officers. Claxons blared throughout the entire fleet of Clan Plagueis as naval officers snapped orders and powerful capital ships shot into hyperspace. "Quaestors, raise a general alarm for your houses and inform them of the dire situation we face. I entrust each house to you. You must evacuate the system within a six standard days, I will provide a rendezvous point as soon as possible. May the Dark Side grant you power." *
*The images bowed and quickly disappeared as the Consul turned to Sarin, "We must act quickly if Plagueis is to survive." *
*As the days went by, no one thought of sleep. Across the system the mighty Dark Jedi of Clan Plagueis used their power and resources to save what they had worked so hard to build. Those long with the Clan looked to the sky with vengeance burning in their eyes. Yet they did not waver in their duty, nor shrink in fear at the terrible events in motion. Massive transports set down in fields, weapons batteries cut were from the ground and loaded whole into gigantic bays, shuttles carried soldiers and servants to the orbiting fleet. With blazing anger in their hearts at the infernal star, each and every Plaguian used every power at their disposal to save their beloved Clan. *
*Back on Byfrost, the Consul stood as sentinel in the situation room as the final hours ticked by. The Castle was abuzz as laser cutters bore through the ice walls to more easily remove the final precious cargo inside. *
*With two hours remaining the Proconsul rushed into the situation room, "Sir, Antei Defense Group IV has just exited hyperspace." *
*Kir turned and nodded, "Excellent, instruct the fleets escort carriers to deploy all of their shuttles and transports to the surface immediately. The rest of the fleet should deploy in a protective formation around the orbiting transports." Sarin nodded and relayed the orders to the Defense Fleet commanders. *
*While the Proconsul busily finished the evacuation of Byfrost, Kir began to focus on a different problem. Plagueis had to evacuate to a new system, but in their precarious position they would make an easy target for the stronger Clans. The Adept had put a communications blackout in effect, and had brought in the Antei Defense Group via a private order to its commander. Determined not to be discovered, Kir had been working with the Brotherhood surveyors to find a suitable new home. While the Acarr system was not the most hospitable of homes, the Captain had yet to find a more suitable alternative. *
*The Captain was becoming frustrated, "Sir, I believe you should bring the Clan to Antei and consult with the Council on this issue. As Deputy Grand Master you know how destabilizing a move like this could be to the relations between the Clans. None will take having a new and aggressive neighbor lightly!" *
*Kir turned his gaze on the man and he instantly grew quiet, his hands reaching for his throat. Slowly his feet began to lift off the ground, his fruitless gasps for air attracting the attention of the other personnel in the room. The Consul merely locked his gaze on the man, finally saying, "I grow weary of your pessimism, Captain, you are relieved." As the final word passed through Kir's lips, the choking captain was violently thrown across the room, his body slamming into the cold wall with a crushing noise before falling lifelessly to the ground. *
Kir turned to the lieutenant behind him, "What is your opinion?" The officer was about to speak when Cassis entered the room and made his way to Kir, whispering something to him and handing over a datapad. The Consul read it over and a smirk slowly spread across his face. He handed the datapad to the lieutenant, "Forward these coordinates as the rendezvous point, warn the fleet commanders to come out of hyperspace battle-ready."
*Consul Katarn stood beside Proconsul Sarin aboard the Malevolent as the ship entered hyperspace. The last ship to leave, they had received confirmation that both houses had successfully evacuated their planets; they had even had time to relieve the locals of some possessions, knowing they soon would have no use for them. *
*A junior officer approached Kir, "Sir, our sensor buoys indicate the Acarr star has gone supernova. The energy readings indicate the strength of the blast would be more than enough to scorch and destroy all of the systems planets." The Consul nodded and dismissed the officer. *
*Sarin turned to Kir, "Even considering our special information, I'm not certain we'll be able to take the system without incurring quite a few casualties, which would leave us vulnerable to attack from the neighboring Clans." *
*"Don't worry Sarin, the situation is under control" said Kir as he stared out the bridge viewports. *
*The Proconsul kept his gaze on the Adept for a moment, and then turned to the ships captain. "Time to arrival?" *
*"Five minutes, sir" replied the officer. *
*"Sound general quarters, be ready for action upon reversion" ordered Sarin. Claxons blared and officers rushed to get everyone in position as the fleet reverted back to subspace. *
*"Welcome to the Jusadih System" said Kir as he walked over to the communications console and handed a datapad to the comm. officer, "Send out two bursts on this frequency, aimed at the forth and fifth planet in the system" The officer obeyed as the Consul made his way back to the viewport and waited. *
*A moment later the comm console lit up, and the officer on duty shot out of his seat, "Sir! We have intercepted several transmissions coming from the forth planet. Apparently the shield protecting several parts of the forth and fifth planets have been deactivated, and several large explosions have torn through defensive installations." *
*Kir smirked, "Order assault shuttles to the capitols of the two planets as marked. I believe we should be receiving a transmission from the planets very soon." The Consul turned to look at Sarin. *
*"We came here to negotiate trade contracts with these governments," Sarin said, "Apparently the contacts we established worked out better than I thought." *
*Kir nodded, "I've kept in contact with some of the military leaders, and they've been waiting for an opportunity to remove the civilian governments. They'll hand over power to us in exchange for keeping positions of influence. They apparently were impressed by a Dark Jedi Masters power." *
*Sarin laughed, "Well then the show I put on for them worked, I'm glad. This will also provide a pretty good boost to our armed forces." *
*"Indeed." said Kir, walking over to the comm console once again. Keying in the code to transmit to the entire fleet, the Consul gave his instructions, "Members of Clan Plagueis, welcome to our new home. Through cunning and your courage, the Jusadih System and all of its resources are now ours. The Proconsul and I will proceed to the first planet, Kapsina, and establish our headquarters there. The second planet is given to House Exar Kun, for them to do as they see fit. The third planet is to be the domain of House Satal Keto, to rule over as they will. The fourth planet is Nintura. It contains the Alazhi plant, the key ingredient in Bacta that will be our key export and source of wealth. The fifth planet is Shintera, a major trade center in the sector. The force has deemed us worthy of new territory, and we take it gladly. May Clan Plagueis forever grow more powerful in the Jusadih System, and may the Darkness grant us power." *
*As you have read, Clan Plagueis has been forced to evacuate the Acarr System and we have made our new home in the Jusadih System. The leaders of the Clan came to the decision to make this move after careful deliberation and consultation. We believe that the only true way Plagueis can truely be free to create its own history is if we move beyond what the Clan has clung to in the past. Now I do not mean to say that we will forget Clan Exar Kun or Clan Satal Keto, their history and merger is a part of Clan Plagueis' history as well - which is why the Houses of our Clan bare their names. But in order for the Clan to move forward, Plagueis needs a place to establish its own identity. *
*After talking with the Quaestors, we have decided that you, the members of the Houses, will create the descriptions of your home worlds. That was the reason they were not named in the story. Each Quaestor has decided how they are going to work out the situation, so be sure to read everything they send you so you can take part in writing what will become the perminant description of your House's planet! *
Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn
Proconsul Sarin **
So, what can you do to help out? I want each of you to come up with your very own planet, use the discussion forum to discuss your ideas you have with the membership or read other peoples thoughts and create a planet. The more detail you can provide the better! So maps, descriptions and information on any cities that might exist, settlements, natural landmarks and even species are all welcomed. Once we have your entries I shall create a poll to let us decide which will be our new home planet.
Also its worth baring in mind that our planet is not the only one in the system and therefore we may well use your planet ideas to add another to our new home system. All entries can be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Good luck!
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So, today is the day the Plagueis Chronicle Christmas edition is released, though I would have preffered a little more time I have uploaded it to our NEW domain name. Over time you will be able to view the current issue as well as previous issues. Alas, being the Christmas holidays seeking approval for the issue has been difficult. Or to put it another way impossible. So I am taking a leap of faith and publishing it anyway. Fingers crossed I wont get into too much trouble and if I do, Blame Ashura!
I hope you enjoy the third issue of the Plagueis Chronicle.
To read the previous issue go here: http://www.hampsonholdings.co.uk/chronicle/
All submissions and feedback can be sent to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Let me thank you for all your feedback and in many cases words of support, I shall leave the poll running indefinately to allow you all to add your feelings and suggestions whenever the need takes you. I was expecting some more negative feedback as there is always room for improvement one thing was clear is the need for more competitions and specifically Run-ons! I have had some great competition ideas donated by your goodselves and I have spoken to Gaidal about it. Expect a host of new and hopefully exciting competitions for the new year.
In the event you havent taken part in our poll please feel free to follow this link:
Competitions are always being created and to get an up to date view of all competitions running through the Brotherhood feel free to visit the competitions page on the Dark Brotherhood web site. Here's the link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp
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I suggest you all read the descriptions very carefully before entering. As well as fiction, graphical competitions there also gaming contests that you can take part in. They support a wide range of different platforms, anything from Xwings Alliance to Jedi Acadamy. Your all free to take part and its an excellent opportunity earn something called a Cluster of Fire, a special medal for MP (multiplayer events) I believe you earn one if you get either three losses or one win. For more information take a look at the ICTE web site: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
Finally there is something called the ACC, the Antei Combat Centre. In short it's a form of combat where each player takes it in turn to write what happens next in the fight between you and your opponent. A judge determines who wins based on the writing and on your character sheet. You can create a character sheet through the Dark Brotherhood web site, but full information can be viewed here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
*Title: The KHP's holiday bash! *
Requested By:
As the High Priestess reflects on the significant Dark Jedi triumphs she has decided to share some of her personal ways of remembering history past. So she got a list of some things she enjoys and sent everyone in the DB a little gift bag. Everyone opened the bag with caution and saw five items. A cookie, a popular game, a quill, a piece of paper, and instructions. The instructions read:
Happy Holidays Dark Follower!
This is the month we all remember great exterminations of Light Jedi. Celebrate! In the spirit of things I have but a few simple tasks to complete for fun. You may do one or you may do all. The more you do the better your presents might be and the more favor you will gain from me. In this bag you will find a cookie. It is most delightful to the pallet so enjoy every crumb. Inside the cookie you will find a small object. I do not remember what this object is as every cookie was as different as the object placed inside. Don't break a tooth now! Once you have enjoyed your cookie and taken a look at the object please do send me a message telling me what cookie you got, what was inside, and what you think the object does.
You may keep this small object as my gift to you but only if you contact me first. You will also find a popular game in the bag. It is actually a collection of the best Jedi killing, rebel blasting games to date. Pick out your favorite game and try to grab a screenshot of a funny opponent death. If you are not quick enough to take one you may send me an explanation of the events leading up to and through the death. I hope you have fun getting these screenshots! Next you will find a fine quill. I hope you have ink. Use this quill to explain what you do during this holiday month. How do you best remember our fine ancestors accomplishments? Fill a page or more but please don't go into so much detail as to create over five pages. Last you will find a piece of paper. Do not use this paper for your other task.
Instead, sit down and think of ten people you like and the gifts you'd give them. These may be gag gifts or real gifts. Remember that if you give gag gifts you will be equally rewarded by the receiver. If I really like your list Ill buy all those gifts! Now remember, if you contact me on any one of these four tasks you must remember to tell me your name. I cant be expected to remember everyone. A dossier number would be great as well but not necessary. Ill send you a reply as fast as I can! Now enjoy this holiday month of great Dark Jedi moments.
Krath High Priestess Telona Murrage
PS Remember to send to my new office address! [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Start Date: 12/10/2005
End Date: 12/31/2005
Unit in Competition:
Entire DJB
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1422
*Title: [CP Trivia] *
Requested By:
Specifics: The PCON of Clan Plagueis will run a three part trivia competition over the next three weeks. Each week he will place 10 trivia questions in his report. The member who replies with the 10 correct answers the fastest will win a LS. At the end of the three week period the PCON will select a monthly triviachampion talied from the previous trivia results, this person will be awarded a LS.
Start Date: 12/10/2005
End Date: 12/31/2005
Unit in Competition:
Clan Plagueis
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1425
*Title: [CP]FunnyFiction *
Requested By:
A 2 Page Fiction, Minimum (I will read all of it even if it is huge), on one of the proceeding pictures. I really enjoy Humerous or Funny submitions so, to please me in more ways is great. The winning Story and the next 2 Runner ups will be posted in the Winners Circle. There are 3 different Sections of Photo's. You may choose any one picture, there will be a small phrase underneith each picture. This phrase must be in the writing. If it isnt many a mark will be docked. In each Submition you should have the Number of the photo you chose (also Crutial) and your ID Line Complete with Dossier Number.
Images Posted: http://www.freewebs.com/imagecompetition/
Start Date: 12/6/2005
End Date: 12/25/2005
Unit in Competition:
Clan Plagueis
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1411
*Title: Realities *
Requested By:
Cooperative epic fiction with a twist. 2-3 people are writing together. It involves members not acting in their usual position. The details about the story cannot be told before the competition starts as that would seriously take some of the fun away (we need a hidden competition info box). Stories can be serious or fun, but if fun, not overly silly please.
Start Date: 11/5/2005
End Date: 1/5/2006
Unit in Competition:
Entire DJB
More information: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1303
HTML Basics Passed.
Krath Priest Braecen Isradia Kunar
Awarded 2 Legion of the Scholars, Awarded Crescent with Ruby Star, Awarded 35 Cluster of Fires!!
Dark Jedi Knight Thran Occasus
Awarded 3 Cluster of Fires.
Dark Jedi Knight Aabsdu al'Tor
Awarded 19 Cluster of Fires.
*Archpriest Esca Teiko Isradia *
Awarded 2 Cluster of Fires.
Krath Grammer Studies Passed.
Dark Jedi Knight Gaidal Dupar al'Tor
Awarded Scroll of Indoctrination.
Dark Jedi Knight Ashura "Megos" Isradia
Awarded Dark Cross
If any of you feel that a fellow member deserves recognition or even undertaking a project for the Dark Brotherhood I want to hear from you. Contact me at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Here are some good links for you to visit. If there's anything you'd like to see included let me know.
ICTE web site (multi player gaming): [
Dark Brotherhood - our organisation's web site
Clan Plagueis - our clan web site
mIRC - for all our meetings and general chit chat
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Forum
Photo Gallery - you upload a picture of yourself or see other member pictures
Shadow Academy - take courses and further your understanding [<font color="#cccccc">
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Absolute chaos describes my week, utter and complete! I have on the one hand a mad dash to decipher my wifes cryptic clues and on the other deal with a Boss born straight from the depths of hell. Thankfully my shopping 'trials' have ended in success and come tomorrow I get to the fruits of my labours, fingers crossed she loves what I have bought for her. But whilst shopping for the so-called perfect gift I struck upon a comparison that I didn't expect. Who's seen Saving Private Ryan? The horrific opening 30 minutes where we see the most famous of war scenes the beech landing. As the hapless Americans (always is for some strange reason) pile out of their little motorised landing crafting to into the German machine gun fire.
The slaughter is absolute and I knew how they felt. How? I went Christmas shopping close to Christmas in which I witnessed what can only be described as armageddon! People shoving each other, old ladies standing in the middle of isles and little johnny balling his eyes out because mummy wont buy him an actionman toy with multiple accessories. Once you manage fight through that you then have the sales staff who MUST be operating at 100% commission. Had I owned a lightsaber in RL I would be more than pleased to cut them all down with extreme prejudice.
Work on the other hand presented me with an Emperor Palapatine type boss with the added scrooge personality. He gave us a total of one day off extra at Christmas and he whinged about giving that. Our Christmas party was cancelled because he didn't want to pay for it and our Christmas bonus didn't materialise. Needless to say the entire staff morale hit rock bottom and when he suggested that we go down to the pub with the words "I wont be paying", he didn't have many takers. Me included. And just so you know he truely is THEE scrooge he wont even turn up the heating because it costs too much. Considering how small a business we are and with the huge turnovers we have, this is hardly what we can consider a generous boss. Merry bloody Christmas to him!
If I find you have been reading this report instead of enjoying a wholesome happy Christmas with your family I shall have you struck down! Now off we you all, have a damn good time and drink plenty of fine red wines! :P
Your Servant,
Godo Nurok
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