**_House Caliburnus Aedile/Acting-QUA Report
Report ID: WH001
Aedile: SBM Warhunter Arawn Entar_**
An Aedile's Address
Dark Greetings,
Welcome to my first Aedile (and my first Acting-QUA) Report. As all of you should know by now, I am SBM Warhunter Arawn Entar (Your Aedile :P). Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season, I know I have been. Its been a relaxing week for me, lots of family and friends came this year and bought lots of booze with them so I have been enjoying the week greatly. It seems the same can be said of each of you as well as we near the end of what we the summits call the "dead" period. Dead because there is no activity, dead because there is no one around, and dead because thats what we the summit wish we were. :P
However, with the new year approaching it is a reminder of reflection for all of us. And I know myself and Brujah have been active in this respect. As many of you know from when I first took this position, I informed the house (with Brujah's approval) that there would be a lot of changes to the structure of Caliburnus and that we would be seeing a new development from the House. This is already being evident in the House Feud as I think it is safe to say that in the New Year we will be welcoming the Obbies to our house. However, this is not the only change that is going to happen in Caliburnus. While I would love to lay it out for you now, at the time we the summit are not ready to announce our new plans and policies(we are waiting for the it to be safe to say that HC is sticking around). So, heres your first heads up for the new year: Upon the Conclusion of the House Feud, the Caliburnus summit will be releasing a "State of the House" address which will be full of the current status of HC, the plans and goals the summits has for the house, and the path we are going to take to reach these goals. Once again, please look for this to come upon the conclusion of the House Feud.
Anyways, I have much more to say but ive broken them down into my nice little sections. As always, just a reminder that I am always available to each of you so please if you have questions, concerns, comments or problems about anything then come to myself or Brujah (just myself until Jan 2).
_Signed and Sealed,
SBM Warhunter Arawn Entar_
DB News
Grand Master Back: GM Jac is back from his Christmas LoA. He will be working first on catching up on his email, then a few to-do's before being fully back. :P Now behave yourselves when you see his name poke in on IRC.
__ OHC has gone Nutz__: As stated in his news post, from now until the new year people can play MP full time and be rewarded for it! CFs and other medals available to all! Top Three clans get a special treat afterwards, go play for your clan in #gmrg
_KHP Holiday Bash Almost Over: _ If you haven't competed in it yet, then go to the competitions page and look for the KHP Holiday Bash. It is low on submissions, so its a great chance to earn some medals during the Holiday down time.
ACCLive Ladder Signups End Tomorrow: For those of you interested in the ACCLive, there is a ladder open for ya to wins some awesome medals (or just give you the chance to fight myself and Brujah in the ACCLive). SIgnups End Tomorrow! Name Brujah as your recruiter!
Clan News:
Clan Site Done: As it says, the clan site is done. I promised it would be done by christmas (and it was) now im just waiting on our beloved Consul and Proconsul to upload it to the server. Expect an announcement on this in a few days.
Exodius Returns: KP Exodius has returned, if you haven't welcomed him back then send him a PM or email welcoming him.
House News:
House Feud Ends Sunday: For those of you that haven't read it on the IRC channel; The House Feud Ends Sunday at Midnight EST. This is a great chance to earn some medals, and also make sure that HC stays open. In Fact, heres a challenge to you all: Anyone that beats myself for overall points (HCers only) earns themselves a Steel Cross. Go Get 'em!
Battleteams Reorganized: Just to start preparing for the merge, I have reorganized the BTs. Everyone currently in Nightmare are safe from being AWOLed, everyone else...ya better get some activity under that belt of yours or at least email me so i know whats going on. NOTE: Nightshade might come back after the merge, have to talk that out with Brujah and see if we are keeping it as our Training BT.
Imperian has advanced to Acolyte, Congrats!
Daniel Stephans has advanced to Sith Warrior, Congrats!
Kayelsha has advanced to Dark Jedi Knight, Congrats!
Warhunter Arawn Entar has advanced to Sith Battlemaster, Congrats!
Xen'Culo Apophis Entar has advanced to Sith Warrior, Congrats!
Horus Blackheart has received a Dark Cross and a CF, Congrats!
Kayelsha Blackheart has received a Cr/E, Congrats!
Warhunter Arawn Entar has received a Cr/E and a Legion of Scholar, Congrats!
Xen'Culo Apophis Entar has received a Cr/E, Congrats!
Dark Education
JKast has completed:
-Leadership Studies
-Sith Core
-Sith Tactics
-Krath Grammar
ACC Tracker
Combat Centre:
-DJK Brujah Tamalar vs. KAP Timbal Palpatine
-SBM Warhunter Arawn Entar vs. SBL Talon Jade
-JH Diablos Ferocitas vs. PRT Animus AniKor Saxcian
Activity All-Star:
Yes im stealing Brujah's comp, personally I don't like taking over other people's competitions but I couldn't resist this time. Over the past several weeks there has been one guy spaming my inbox with everything. So as payment/punishment, I am hereby awarding this week's Activity All-Star to ** DJK JKast**. Expect your Cr/E when Brujah is back!
Conclusion And here I am, at the end of my report. I know it might seem like a lot here, but this is just a AED and QUA report put together. Expect when Brujah is back for my reports to be quite shorter with its focus mostly on competitions.
As always, send me your questions, comments, concerns, or new year's resolutions. Take care all!
House Roster: 29 Members
205 Battlelord Desio Predator
1399 Battlelord Talon Jade
3612 Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine
3403 Battlemaster Sykes Rokir Jade
4024 Battlemaster Warhunter Arawn Entar
146 Warrior Daniel Stephens
3783 Warrior Xen'Culo Apophis Entar
4207 Warrior Horus Blackheart
3168 Dark Jedi Knight JKast
3438 Dark Jedi Knight Kaylesha Blackheart
4297 Dark Jedi Knight Desdemonea
5058 Dark Jedi Knight Brujah Tamalar
5525 Dark Jedi Knight Panzerus Korodin
4901 Protector Súrion
4951 Protector Animus AniKor Saxcian
5003 Protector Sakeriel
5635 Protector Riunta Pistola
6188 Acolyte Lucian
6587 Acolyte Lelal Mekha
6668 Acolyte Set
6967 Acolyte Imperian
6558 Novice Atlan Sundown
6646 Novice Bladerunner
6742 Novice Jelan Ragous
6960 Novice Skorm
6710 Apprentice Vigoratus
6750 Apprentice Darik Helix
6945 Apprentice smithversusneo
6998 Apprentice Dark_Maul
SBM Warhunter Arawn Entar (Sith)/AED-EP-SWGN/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: WAR]
SC-SoP / StA-LS / DC-KC-O / (BNB) / Cr-1R-1A-4S-6E-5T / CF-BlF-RF-GF / LSB / SI-SoW / SoL-TC / S:-20M-4R-13Al-4C
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