Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


These past two weeks weren't as busy as we usually are, so to all the new members we have picked up we aren't lazy and inactive. The clan/house moving to the new system/planet should hopefully be over by January, and after that we will go right back to where we were before.

As for me these past few weeks, Christmas was enjoyable as always, and many of us went on vacation to visit our families. I also discovered Star Wars Galaxies this past week, and like Godo's wife is with World of Warcraft, I am addicted to it. If you've happened to catch me on IRC this past week, my nick has usually been Aabs|SWG, but don't worry about disturbing me. If you need to tell me something simply PM me because I will hear the ping.

What Recently Happened:

Many awards this report, which shows that even though we may not be doing as much we're still doing our best to stay active. The run-on rewards were also given out, and Gaidal apologizes for the long delay. Our house Aedile is very busy right now with his real life exams, so let's hope he can get back to the DJB soon.

Congratulations to Ashura, who received an amazing four awards this week. Keep it up!

Ashura: Dark Cross x1 - (T) Crescent x2 - Star of Antei x1

Scorpius: (E) Crescent x1 - (E) Crescent x1

Famosus: (E) Crescent x1

Jonaleth: (T) Crescent x1

Wil: (S) Crescent x1

Current Projects:

As of now, Exar's Shadow is on leave, so I am ordering you all to head to the bar and spend this time wisely, for when we settle into our new planet there will be no time to relax. I am, however, looking into setting up a quick and easy competition for you all, just so I know I haven't lost you.


There are currently no competitions for our battle team at this time, but I should be setting up a small task for you all to complete while we sort through the clan mess. It will most likely be a caption contest where you will each think of something funny to put for the pictures I give you.

Future Projects:

After we move into our new system, we will be going into full swing. Arania is going to set up a website for our battle team (which will show Famosus' wonderful logo at the top) and we will be working together to come up with battle team history, weapons, ship, artifacts, and more. All of us will have a part in this, and those that help will be awarded for their efforts.

Don't worry; the battle team war we have been talking about is still going to happen. Thran and I are working on a plot and events for it right now, so we hope to have to occur throughout the month of February.


That's it for my bi-weekly report, I wish you all a Happy New Year. Remember that you can always contact me through IRC or by email, so I am always there for my wonderful battle team members. As I said before, "Without the members there would be no battle team. I am but the torch that lights your way."

Actually, I just thought of that, but it sounds pretty good doesn't it? : - )

So long for now,

DJK Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith)/CMDR/Exar Kun of Plagueis

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