House Galeres Aedile report for October 6/1/06
Archeans News from the frontline
Hello Galeres!!! I hope you all have had an awesome holiday and New Year! So now were back and ready to kick more ass!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the OHC gaming. Arcona got a juggernaut for our second place. Great work!!
In other news...
House Oriens Obscurum are looking for an Aedile, send applications to Halc.
Congrats to Halc for becoming Quaestor of HOO
Go to the message boards and vote on the poll of the Battleteams! This is your chance to chose what YOU want!
Were all getting ready for the upcoming Sith War, make sure we all are trained up and ready!
Welcome to our new arrivals, hope you all have an enjoyable and fun experience!
Archean: CFs
Karel: CFs
Quejo: CFss, CRS
Odin: CFs
Vassan: CFs
Oran: CFs, CSS
Archean: Dark Jedi Knight
Oran: Protector
Akhara: Novice
Kale: Protector
No comps at this time
SA Exams:
Plaugious: Test of Wisdom
Kale: ICQ Studies
Akhara: Test of Wisdom
Lets all get ready for the Sith War, we know that Arcona will be a mighty force! Have a good weekend, be safe, above all else, have fun!
Archean BruthKothae
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