Report time!
DB News
The latest list for the Sunday Tournament qualifiers has been posted, so if your name is on that get out there and game!
A new EP (SA course grader) for grammar studies has been selected
Kir is in need of artists! If you have some decent graphics skills sent him a sample and he'll take it from there
Tal News
Shad has decided to retire as CON and leave the DB to focus on RL things, so we only wish him the best of luck and hopefully one day he'll return to us
Since Ben decided to op out of taking the CON spot, our former QUA Duga has been chosen to take command of the clan. Send Duga your congrats and a cookie or two :P
Dinaari News
Some of you may be wondering "OMG w4ht r we g0na do?!?!111 We h4ve n0 QUA!!!!!!!!!" Well fear not my leet speaking children, for I will be running the house until more positions get filled. That may not be comforting to some of you and I can see why :P The powers that be are debating on who should fill what so we'll all know the score soon enogh.
The Slayer and Ye Old english comps are still running
I'll be doing Tal trivia every saturday in our clan chan after the meeting and the trivia they run there, I usually mix in some star wars questions in with just plain random stuff
Michael has a challenge the royal guard comp running for you DFB kids, here's the link for details.
Well it seems that the leadership just keeps changing for Tal, and that's not a bad thing. It may seem like unstable leadership but that's just not the case. Don't look at all the changes as bad, but instead view them as a good thing. It means new people with new ideas to help make the clan better.
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