Sunflash al'Tor sat inside his new spacious quarters admiring himself in the mirror. If Sunflash had one bane, it was his vanity. A chuckle left his lips as he unclipped his lightsaber and with a snap-hiss activated the devastating weapon. With a few swift strokes and acrobatic feats, the Draethos brought his mind back into focus towards the task at hand. He picked up his datapad and started his proposal directed towards House Satal Keto.
Tidings my fellow Dark Jedi, today is a day for rejoice. House Satal Keto is finally coming back to gain its glory back once again. As such there have been several changes both in the Clan and in the House. One of these such changes is the creation of one unified Battle Team in which I have been placed caretaker and leader. New opportunities have been created due to this recent development. I am taking this job seriously and have devised a plan to not only bring glory to Plagueis and Satal Keto, but to the individuals who reside in Satal Keto's new Battle Team, Satal's Requiem.
Starting now I am taking applications to join this elite Battle Team. Unlike Battle Teams I have seen in the past, this will not be a passive group. I plan on restoring what Battle Teams are supposed to be, the elite and active members of a House. As for my requirements to join Satal's Requiem. In truth there are none. I do not care as of what rank you are or what past you have had, this is your chance to prove that you are ready to truly join the Dark Brotherhood.
I am going to be dividing the Battle Team into two parts. One will be for more of the fictional writing type of people and another side will be for the people who enjoy gaming more. However, this is not set into stone so if I see the Battle Team all prefers gaming then I will convert it to mostly gaming and vice versa. However, this is going to be a well rounded Battle Team and will not purely focus on one subject. This Battle Team will train you for leadership positions and improve you on your weak areas.
On to what I require in my application:
1.) Your full ID line.
2.) Why you think yourself worthy of joining a prestigious Battle Team.
3.) What you enjoy most about the Dark Brotherhood.
4.) Do you aspire to one day be a leader and why?
5.) Anything else you would like to add.
I do not want quick answers to these questions. I want them well thought out. Remember, I can tell your work ethic by how you do this. I would like to receive all applications by a standard week from today, meaning January 23. I will be looking at our past history and your applications to try and place my Flight Leaders. However, these Flight Leaders are not set into stone and if I see a member improving and putting all of his effort into his Battle Team he may replace another Flight Leader. Or better yet, I like to richly reward people, so joining me is always a good idea. ;-)
Thanks and looking forward to seeing what all of you have,
KP Sunflash al'Tor (Krath)/TET/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: WAR]
SC-SoA / StA / DC-KC / Cr-1E-1T-1Q / S:-2R-2Al-1C
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