Taldryan Consul Report - Report #1
Well, here we are with my very first CON Report. I'll be messing with the format some so bare with that. Lots of important information in here so I hope everyone checks it out. Enjoy!
-- Taldryan News --
House AWOL Checks
Both Dinaari and Ektrosis are running AWOL Checks that should be running for two weeks. After they end, both will send the lists to Ben and myself. If you don't reply and we don't see anything showing us you've been active recently or will be in the near future, you might find yourself removed from the Clan. This isn't something we want to do, but we can't have a roster full of inactive members. We want you all to stay and help in the pwnage that is Tal. So send in your responses to your leaders and start getting involved. There's lots of fun to be had in the DB and Tal!
Tal Times Returns!
The Tal Times is returning with a tentative scheduled date of February 24th. I'm looking for anything from anyone really. If you have some ideas for a funny article, some kind of artwork, or something that just works for this I'll take it. Make sure to check out all the previous additions of the Tal Times to get an idea of what we are going for here for those new to Taldryan. Email submissions to both PCON Benevolent and myself.
Previous Tal Times: http://www.taldryan.org/taltimes/
Dinaari AED Applications
Just a final reminder that today is the last day to get in applications for Aedile of Dinaari. QUA Kraval should be picking someone this week. Good luck to all that applied!
New Cohors Praetoria Taldryae
New members of the Consul's Honor Guard will be announced next week. Keep up the activity and you may be picked! We'll probably have a new Consul's Fist as well.
Taldryan Fictional Development Group
The forum we've been using has been dead for awhile now. I and the rest of the Summit will start getting into that ago starting this week. If you know the pass and want to continue to help us, join in. If you want in the group just let one of us know and we'll tell you the pass. Developing our fictional status is a very important thing and we'll actually be doing this off and on long term.
Member Histories Archive
We still have only a few members that submitted their back stories to the website. This is a good resource and does count as House and Clan activity. I'll be doing my own to go up there soon so feel free to write up your very own story as well.
Histories/Information: http://www.taldryan.org/tal_codex/member_history/history.php
Codex and Website Updates
This week I will be updating the Taldryan Codex as it is in need of many, MANY changes. I'll be working with Ben to make sure the Taldryan website is updated completely as well as making sure all the Summits have the appropriate access they need. I'll let everyone know what's been updated in my report next weekend.
The Santa Slayer Competition
The awards were given out for this, but I don't believe they were mentioned in a CON or PCON Report so I'll do that now. Congrats to GRD Baron Zarco for grabbing 1st place and PRT Wa'ash "Menace" Cruentus Jal'daan grabbed 2nd. Good work guys. Ektrosis showing off their dominance in the writing arena. =P
Brand New Competitions!
Yep, we have several new competitions starting up and possibly another one or two coming up this week. For the next month or so we are going to be running several House and Clan-wide events for you to enjoy. After that it may be time for the Sith War. If not we'll be looking at other competitions, possibly a big Clan project. Check out what we have running further down in this report.
-- DB News --
Clan Arcona Consul Resigned
Denath stepped down last week due to real life constraints I'm sure. GM Jac should be announcing a new Consul in the next few days. Good luck to whoever that may be and the Clan itself.
DGM Awarded
Our former Consul now DC whore, Kir has been awarded an Emerald Dagger. Jac cited his hard work in his first few months as Deputy Grand Master, final months work as Taldryan Consul, and his work as temporary Consul of Clan Plagueis which he stepped down from today. A big congrats from all of us to him on that. A special order of cookies will go to Kir too, that's better than some silly ED!
Linkage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:3518
DC Retirements
Three Dark Council members have resigned in the last few days. The Oracle Shan Long, Seneschal CyberGuy Quiritatio Entar, and Archon James Lucius Entar Arconae all stepping down due to real life demanding too much time. While this does leave a big gap on the Council, I'm sure the Brotherhood will move on. Thanks to all three guys for all the work and commitment over the years. They'll always be remembers as long as the Brotherhood lives on.
New SA Courses
HM Spears announced today the addition of three new courses to the Academy. The AIM Exam, Safe Computing Exam, and Leadership Fundamentals Exam are now up and running. Check them out on the SA website if you are interested in that.
Linkage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/
CM and HRLD Reports are out. Check these and other news posts at: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
-- Competitions and Such --
DB Wide Activities
Forced Alliance
Open to: Entire DJB
Platform Used: Antei Combat Center (ACC)
End Date: 01/31/2006
Linkage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1469
ACCLive! Ladder
Open to: Entire DJB
Platform Used: IRC and ACCLive! Hall
End Date: 02/28/2006
Linkage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1439
Make sure you let PCON Benevolent and myself know about you participating in activities that are ran outside of the Clan. Much of the time we won't hear from those running it and we can't give you credit for participating. The best thing to do would just email us about whatever you do in these competitions.
Clan-Wide Activities
The Amazing Squadron Naming Comp
Info: All our fighters are named except for our A-wings. We need a new squadron name so we have opened it up to you guys. Post your suggestions on the forum thread and we'll vote for the best!
End Date: 01/27/2006
Taldryan Carnage
Info: This Competition involves playing team matches in JO and JA. Ask around on IRC on the Gaming Nights or ICTE and earn both CFs and possibly Crescents for this!
End Date: 01/31/2006
The CON Comp Strikes Back! (1-1)
Info: A brand new version of the now classic "Quick & Easy CON Comps" will begin this Wednesday! The first event will be a caption competitions on the forum. Check the link a bit farther down for more details. These competitions are exciting and simple activities for everyone to enjoy.
Start Date: 01/25/2006
End Date: 02/01/2006
Return of Tal Trivia
Info: QUA Kraval is running trivia for the Clan. He'll alternate between email and IRC. Look for some email trivia this coming weekend. IRC trivia will be random when enough people are on, usually on the weekends as well. LSS go out to the winners!
End Date: 12/31/2006
For more information: http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
House Dinaari Activities
(DFB) Challenge the Royal Guard
Info: A gaming competition for the Dark Fire Brigade members. Submit to BTL Michael Arkarso.
End Date: 01/27/2006
QUA Office
Info: A fiction writing competition about what Duga(me :P) left behind in his old QUA office. Submit to QUA Kraval.
End Date: 02/02/2006
Ye old english
Info: A report based competition that Kraval will have in every QUA Report he sends out. Check that out and send him a response for a nice Crescent.
End Date: 12/6/2006
For more information: http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
House Ektrosis Activities
Bounty Hunters
Info: A nice fiction competition for Ekky. An assassination attempt has been made on Clan Taldryan's P:CON, Benevolent, and you must fine the person responsible and eliminate them. Submit to PRT Wa'ash "Menace" Cruentus Jal'daan.
End Date: 02/04/2006
For more information: http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
-- Promotions and Transfers --
PRT Baron Zarco is now a Guardian (GRD)
ACO Aragorn Tara Dreamwalker is now a Protector (PRT)
APP James Revan is now a Protector (PRT)
APP tyfarius is now a Novice (NOV)
That's all the promotions I know of that happened this month, apologies if I missed any. Congrats to you all. I love to see new members of the Brotherhood and especially Taldryan move up the ranks. Keep it up!
I'll list all the transfers in my coming reports, I'm lacking several so won't do them this time. Welcome to everyone that joined us this month. I hope you enjoy your time here with us. If you need anything at all, let me know and I'll help you. Protectors and under should be looking out for an email from me in the next few days.
-- In Closing --
That's it for this report. As I already said, I'm not sure if this format will be the final one. I'm still getting things setup. I've been a bit slow on some things, but I want to make sure I cover everything and don't overwhelm myself. With all the communication I've been seeing in my inbox and on IRC, Taldryan surely isn't going to be slowing down anytime soon. We have a great Summit, tons of activities now and in the future, and lots of active members to push us forward.
I have a bit more information below which will be in all my reports for you that should be helpful at times. If you need me on IRC, I'm in #db, #taldryan, #gmrg, and others whenever I'm on with some form of "Duga" as a nick. My AIM is Duga16 for those that need to contact me there, I don't use it much though. The easiest way to contact me would be email.
Keep active, enjoy life!
_Regular Multiplayer Gaming Events -
Tuesday 1v1 Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held all day Tuesday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Tuesdays are "solo" nights; meaning 1 vs. 1 games will be played, but anything goes really. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.
Thursday Team Night
Multiplayer gaming night that will be all day Thursday in #gmrg. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Thursdays are "team" nights, meaning matches can be played with at least teams of 2 vs. 2, but anything goes really. Signup bots will not be used; you have to find matches by chatting in #gmrg or messaging people on IRC. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses.
Interclub Training Event
Multiplayer gaming night that will be held every Saturday evening in #outerrim. All DB-supported platforms will be used. Players come from DB and allied online gaming groups. Signup bots will be used, so use the !signup command on IRC to get matches in #outerrim. Clusters of Fire will be awarded as usual, 1 for each win or three losses. ICTE Website: http://www.icte.starwarsalliance.com/
Biweekly Sunday Tournament
Those people who participate in at least one match in the above listed weekly multiplayer competitions will be invited to play every other week in a Tournament on Sunday. There isn't any specific structure, you just play as many matches as you would like and the person with the most wins during the day wins the Tournament. Everyone gets points for any matches they play that they can use to buy personal possessions, and the total of all the points Taldryan members earn the Clan also earns as a whole to buy cool Clan stuff!
Important Links -
Dark Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Codex - http://codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/index.html
Dark Compendium - http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
House Dinaari - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/
House Ektrosis - http://www.taldryan.org/ektrosis/
Taldryan Codex - http://www.taldryan.org/tal_codex/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
IRC Guide - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/irc_guide.php
Summit Members -
CON Duga Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Benevolent Taldrya Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Kraval Novir ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED TBA
Ektrosis QUA Chaosrain ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Taku "Crix" Matsuki ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz_
~Obelisk Prelate Duga Arkarso
Consul of Clan Taldryan
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