Greeting's Galeres,
Ok, this will probably be a long report so if you intend on reading it I suggest getting some coffee or maybe a cigarette first :P
To kick it off I would like to say a few thing's. Where Arcona currently stands is on a somewhat rocky foundation, we have good times and we have bad. There is alot potential in this Clan/House and I feel that if we all pulled together we can do thing's that no other House has done in the past. Right now I see a division in Arcona. House Oriens Obscurum and House Galeres arent working together to form a strong Clan instead we are seperating ourselves from each other which brings me to this point. A Clan is supposed to be like a family unit and when we seperate ourselves from each other it will only hurt us in the long run so in the next couple of days I will be talking to the Summit of House Oriens Obscurum and I will try to bring some competitions in which we will be working WITH the opposing house instead of constantly fighting against them. If they do so decide to work with us then you can be expecting some comps in the very near future maybe even some ACC coop :P I'm gonna have to get some stuff planned so sit tight and we'll see what develops.
Secondly I find us at a stand still meaning we as a House arent really progressing as much as I'd like but this is mainly my fault and I apologize. I havent been doing near enough and in way's it seems as if I've been failing you guy's. Expect some changes shortly. Like I said above I just need to get some thing's planned so that we can continue to make changes for the best. Also do NOT hesitate to email me with suggestions, comments, ideas. Even comp ideas if you guys want to run a comp then let me know and I'll look through it and approve/decline as I see fit. I'm here for you guys. My job is simple it's to keep thing's organized and to make sure you guy's are having a good time. How can I see to it that you're having fun if I never hear from you? How can I award you accordingly if you dont email me telling me what you've done? I cant personally sit here and look through all of your Dossiers especially if you do comps. I have NO way of knowing whether you did a comp or not unless you email me or talk to me on IRC telling me what you've done.
Next I would like to discuss BT management. Right now I realize the teams arent filled but that's because I'm only putting ACTIVE members in teams. If you come to me and ask me to place you I'll first look at your activity level. Why? because a BT is supposed to be filled with the Elite members of a House. If you just sit there doing nothing then you'll either be removed or you wont be placed.
This brings me to the Dragon Fist Battle Team Leader spot. If you want the position send applications to Archean and Myself but please make sure you know what a BTL does before applying.
The AWOL check is over and those who didnt reply were placed in Rogues. I most likely wont have any public ones going for awhile because if I dont see activity from someone over a two week period from a member who isnt on an LoA then you will be removed. That goes for anyone, not just Apprentices. People who replied to my AWOL check did so to remain active if you replied for a different reason then I have no use for you and you'll be removed if you dont take part in anything related to the DB.
I could keep going with ideas and thing's but I'm going to keep it as short as I can without losing my temper. Now it's onto Member accomplishments and the Quaestor's Disciples choice. That's right I'll be kicking off the program I had planned to start in December. If you dont know what it is the details can be viewed here -
Note: the points system is set at 0 for everyone, let's change that shall we?
None this week.
None this week.
SA Exams:
Tritherus has passed the HTML Basics Exam!
Trepidus has passed the Test of Agility!
Akhara Kiddo has passed the Krath Grammar Studies!
Akhara Kiddo has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Tritherus has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Exam!
Rin Khana has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Tritherus has passed the ACC Initiates Course!
Psyko has joined Rogues
Blowback has joined Galeres!
CyberGuy has joined Galeres!
Jam3z has joined Galeres!
Kroggin has joined Galeres!
Lord Bane has joined Galeres!
Welcome to Galeres may your stay here be a fun one
Quaestors Disciples: Akhara Kiddo, Tritherus
Fight to remain a Disciple.
SBM Quejo Bandon, Quaestor of House Galeres.
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