Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

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  :: Clan Plagueis PCON Report :: </td>

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        <font size="5">Clan Plagueis PCON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->1<!-- #EndEditable --></font>  

        <!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->30 January<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006  

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        ::  **From PCON/SBM Wil Striker**  :: </td>
      <td style="background-color: gray; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">  

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Clan Plagueis




First let me start by thanking the Consul, as well as the various member of the DC that were involved in the decision making process, for their trust and confidence in my proven leadership abilities. DJM Sarin and I have worked together, and alongside each other, through positions over the last few years, and each time we have achieved great success. It is my intention to assist DJM Sarin and Clan Plagueis to be the best of my abilities, and them some, to ensure that the goals of Clan Plagueis are fulfilled in every capacity. For those of you who have already provided your "congrats" by email and online, my thanks as well, I and look forward to working with everyone in Clan Plagueis. :)

I'm both deeply saddened and embarrased by the recent actions of two members in Clan Plagueis. They decided to leave the Clan, as they claim, due to the decision made on the appointment of the PCON. According to these individuals their displeasure isn't based on a personal basis or reason, but solely because a former EH person was appointed. Apparently they forgot that the DJB was founded by former EH people, and that the entire DJB is a combined mix of former EH, as well as those that joined the DJB after its founding with no past ties to the EH. In the end we're all Dark Jedi Brothers, and that's all that matters. This false perception that just because someone once served in the EH should be penalized for that is in my opinion ridiculous. As PCON I'm not going to base my decisions or advise to appoint someone to a House Summit or Battleteam Commander position on anything other than what is their command experience, training and abilities to hold the position. Obviously loyalty and dedication to the House, and the Clan, will play some major part. Afterall, loyalty to Clan Plagueis and its Houses should always be the important factor, everything else is just material and only weighs in as needed.

With that said, I only ask that everyone give me the opportunity to serve as PCON BEFORE making any snap judgements about whether or not I should have been appointed. I'm still new to some of you and I realize that full well, so there's going to be a period of getting to know one another. But there are others that I've had the opportunity to get to know pretty well, and those that I have I'm sure have garnered some respect for my abilities and activity in the past four months that I've been in the Clan. The friendship and guidance given to me by SBM Godo Nurok have helped me a long way towards fitting into the Clan, especially in the past two months. Others, like DA Jonaleth Isradia, have also greatly contributed to my better understanding of those around me, and the Clan's history and purpose. I don't take this position lightly, and I don't come into it assuming I know everything. Every day is a learning experience, but I also feel that my past experiences and command appointments in the EH DB, that included the position of Consul, are benefits and rewards for the Clan as a whole. All I ask is that you grant me the time to get settled and begin to show what I'm capable of as your PCON. If after that you feel that I'm not worthy, then you may feel free to transfer or bitch at me at your leisure. But at least afford me that opportunity, I think we can all agree that I am at least due that. ;)

Ok, enough on that. The CON has some projects and plans that he wants to see completed in the near future. I'm nothing if not a stickler for getting projects completed, so I'm really looking forward to working with him, and other members that volunteer to join in, and expand our already rapidly growing Clan database and website with more knowledge and material to help shape our future, and eventually our history. There will be more on this as things come along, and as the CON fills me in on all the details. :P

In my next report I will begin adding in new awards, promotions, competition announcements, etc. Suffice it to say that I am catching up on a great many things today, and most of what I am aware of is from HEK as House Envoy. In any event, I want to extend my congratulations to those that have recently received CFs and other awards, and to those that have completed various courses. The activity is great, and I look forward to receiving tons of email notices from the entire Clan demonstrating an ever increasing level of activity! Again, congrats to everyone, Clan Plagueis is indeed the best of the Clans, and it is because of everyone in it! :)

Super Bowl Pick: I'm with the CON, GO STEELERS!!!

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        :: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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              <!-- #BeginEditable "idline" --> 

I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.


<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Proconsul Sith Battlemaster Wil Striker *</font>

<font color="darkred">""Death is the only thing that separates us from our enemies... their death!""


                 ::Life and Death through Darkness ::  


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 ** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>

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