Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hey guys,

So, this week has been an interesting week of turmoil, strife, etc, but one thing that hasn't changed is the activity pattern of House Tridens. We are constantly getting new members up in the ranks and steadily producing improving activity. There still needs to be more "across the board" activity, but the point of activity we have are phenomenal. SO, let's get to it.


Ok, so the clan comp is still going on. I believe the Krathy portions are due today for this round, and the current round of gaming lasts until a week from now. For details, go to the competitions page and look for Yridian Revolt run by our very own CON, Anshar. These are really great opportunities to show your face to the clan and let everyone know you're active and here for a reason. IRC is a great staging ground for these comps, so be sure to come into #Tarentum and ask around for some matches.


I am very happy about the amount of Shadow Academy exams this house has completed. We are really kicking it with our educational activities, and I hope that's at least in part to my encouragement last week, citing our deep connections with the Academy here in Tarentum. Here's this past week's activity in the Academy:

PRT Janus Lee passed: Sith ISET, Sith ESET, IRC Basics, Sith Core, Safe Computing, Test of Wisdom, Obelisk Core, and Sith tactics. Absolutely amazing, Janus. Keep up the hard work.

PRT Melkor passed: AIM Basics, Safe Computing, Leadership Fundamentals, Sith Alchemy, and Lightsaber Basics. Very nice.

PRT Askimiss passed: Test of Wisdom. Awesome!

DJK JKast passed: Lightsaber Basics, Test of Endurance

There are new SA courses out that have been opened just in the past week. Check them out! They're fresh and new and fun to take. Look for Spears' posts on the news page. Good job, everyone.

Medals, Rewards, and New Members

A share of medals and promotions also went out this week. Remember that the clan competition is a superb way to get more.

Janus Lee was awarded a Dark Cross (DC) for his absolutely outstanding activity in the SA, not only passing tons of tests, but passing them with very high scores.

Galaphile was promoted to JH. Congrats!

Drodik, an OT transfered in with his apprentice Galaphile. We welcome them with open arms and are pleased to see their continuous activity on IRC and for the betterment of the House.

Gekido and Gothic both passed the Test of Lore to be admitted into House Tridens. Congratulations on your first step, and I hope we see good things from you both. Welcome.

JKast was awarded a Legion of the Scholar for winning 2nd place in last weeks trivia, a Cluster of Fire for participation in gaming weekday events, and a Crescent with an Amethyst Star for winning 1st place in the previous round of gaming in the Clan Competition.

Great job everyone! Congrats!

ACC Activity

While I haven't had the opportunity or the time to get involved personally in the ACC, I do enjoy reading the matches and watching people's writing. It's an excellent source of entertainment on either end. I am very proud of the members of the House who are participating in the ACC, and I hope more will follow along. It's a great experience that is very rewarding and also self improving.

OT Drodik won two matches by timeout. Way to hang in there, Drodik!

GRD Elric won a match by timeout. Again, way to hang in there!

NOV Katalam completed a match as well! Good job finishing what you start, Katalam.

I'm happy that the ACC emails I've gotten have been either wins by timeout for our clan or a battle completion email. I will not let this house slip into a place where it's ok just to let ACC battles sit and gather dust, only to give a default win to the opponent. There is so much you can gain out of the ACC, and I hope you all will consider it.


So that's basically it as far as an activity report. As far as everything else goes, I will only say very little. I love my position, and I love the position of my position. I applied for this job so enthusiastically because I knew I would get to work with an old friend, Demos, and it's turned out to be that and much more. Everyone in Tarentum is a strong personality, and we can always learn from those. I think one thing we all have in common is the desire for the betterment of the clan. Each member needs to perform their role in that grand scheme for it to work, and I think we are getting closer to that.

All I know is, I'm not taking sides about anything. I want everyone to be happy with me because I'm generally happy (or can at least see good points) with everyone in this Clan. No one has said anything personally negative to me about my job, and I hope that's not because people are afraid to say something. If I can do anything else, let me know. If I can help in any way with anything, anyONE from Clan Summit to Elders to House Summits, Members, to the new Apprentices, let me know please. I feel like I'm not doing enough right now, and I want to do more. Let me know. Just say anything.

I hope everyone is well, and I wish you a fantastic week.

In Darkness,

DJK JKast (Sith)/AED/Tridens of Tarentum

StA / DC-KC / (BN) / Cr-2A-1S-2E / CF / LSB  

{SA: U:TL - U:TE - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:IRC - G:ICQ - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:Photo - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:LS}

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