Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

General News:

1.Battle Teams and there names: Well if your interested in joining a writing battle team, please contact me and CC Devani as well. I will make sure to add you, and then let Devani know your there. As for the names, it’s a close call…so one last round of a poll will be added tonight and then you will have till Friday morning at 7am CST to make your vote. As for a gaming battle team, yes I would love to see one; however I need more interest in it before I can open one up. So you ask what a battleteam can do for you. Well its simple this is a way for you to shine amongst your peers and be known, we are a small house, but it’s slowly growing. From past experience, you get more competitions that will come your way, so that just means more medals, it’s also a good way to get to know people on a closer level. I will top out the battle teams at 6 people maximum.

2.Activity: Well you all are doing a really awesome job with the work I see each day in my inbox, this is great and I hope you all continue this trend, we are going into the half way mark of the month and I see a few extra medals to recommend for your activity. So on behalf of myself and the Clan summit, keep up the awesome job your continued success is looking really good for the house and clan.

3.Run-On: Well I was impressed by the posting on the last one by Halcyon, so I will be gathering ideas for the next Run-On. This will be a competition and I will award medals for the top three posters, based upon several things. How many, you’re writing in general, and flow of the story as well. So if you have any ideas for a run-on please send them my way at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

4.Forums Board: Well everyone that knows where this is, please keep using it, and please don’t spam the topics, keep to the subject. We are always having things there of importance so keep a regular eye on the forums board, as with the DB stuff too.

5.Clan Website: Well as some of you have seen Thorin is working on a template for us, if you have any ideas please let me know so I can pass them along, I’ve asked several questions already, so any more from you is greatly appreciated.

6.Master Student Program: Well for those of you that are under DJK, you may ask for a master, Please email Halc and or Strat for more information. Currently I have two apprentices, and when they are done and at DJK I will be more than happy to take two more. But I’m guessing around this summer I will be cleared up. So See what Halc and Strat can do for now, and we can go from there.

7.Aedile of House of Oriens Obscurum: Well you have till tomorrow morning at 7am to get me your application if you want a chance to be selected as AED, I will make a decision sometime Monday early afternoon, what Id like to see in a application: PRT and Higher, What goals and ideas you have for the House, and any or all leadership positions you hold currently or previously. Also I will also require you to have mIRC, and be active there as well….

8.Competition Ideas: I’m a firm believer of having input on what competitions we run in the house, as it’s your activity that is what makes them such a success of failure. So if you have any ideas for a competition, or would like to run your idea feel free to email me a draft of your idea, and we can bang out the finer details and a set date.

9.Trivia Questions: Well just as the Competition Ideas, Id like for as many trivia questions. This way we keep the trivia going, also this is another way for you to earn a LSS, but keep the Answers till the end, that way I can’t see them. When the end comes, I will email you for the answers and pass along the top 2 people to get LSS along with your name for the creator.


[House Oriens Obscurum]

•HOO Poetry: ENDS: 2/23/2006 http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1562

•HOO Battle Ship: ENDS: 2/23/2006 http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1561

•HOO Motto: ENDS: 2/16/2006 http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1563

•HOO Trivia: WEEKLY EVENT (Look on MB, in HOO) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1560 And go here for the Questions: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2207

•HOO Song Parody: ENDS: 2/23/2006 http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1564

[Clan Arcona]

•AMT: “Eldar” writing: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1551

•AMT: Poem of Arcona: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1552

•AMT: Military Emblem: GFX: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1553

SA Exams:

•Advanced Test of Wisdom Passed: Ceric Jin'ei Crimson

•Test of Wisdom Passed: Ceric Jin'ei Crimson


•Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to DJK Somnus "Lucius" Vect (x12)

•Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (x37)

•Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir

•Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (x54)

•Crescent with Ruby Star (R) awarded to DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae

•Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae

•Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae

•Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to JH Devani Te'Arianu (Sith)

New Memebers to HOO:

•Apprentice Himura Omega

•Sith Battle Lord Vally Tamalar

•Dark Jedi Knight Vardar Fen’Amar Ordo

Welcome to the House, it’s a pleasure to see you join our ranks. If you happen to need anything feel free to ask it of me?

Once again, welcome to the House of Oriens Obscurum.

Final Thoughts:

Well what can I say, this house is starting to really come alive, we have acquired some good people inside the House now, plus with all the outstanding people here already, this is a good sign for the future of House of Oriens Obscurum, and Clan Arcona. You should all be proud of your hard work, and kick butt activity. I can only say “Thanks”

So what’s next? Well we will be seeing the one battle team start some comps soon, and Devani is always looking for people to fill the roster, if you can devote even one competition submission a month, this is a good way to be seen amongst your peers. In the future if we have interest I will open up another battle team for gaming as we are starting to get some gamers aboard, I know there is already a few in the House already and this is a good sign for the House, so keep a eye on your emails and the forums for the newest news.

Thanks to those that are really making this house a success, and keep up the good work.


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