Howdy You'all,
As some of you have noticed there's a bit of controversy over the BTL competition, I for one would like to add that to my understanding it was a melee among ourselves withy in our squads, I do not recall a mention until today about a 1 on 1 challenge. I for one suck at the ACC and feel that if anyone would like to challenge any BT leader they should join the squad and get active.
No one and I mean no one should be allowed to just remove somebody from their position just because they founded a Squad, they have seniority, they are of a higher rank or whatever. I feel that if your doing a poor job as a BTL it is up to the QUA and/or AED to remove you and replace you.
The BLT competition is in my opinion a great idea because we should lead by example, but, to just have someone challenge another for the possition should be up to the person being challenged to accept the terms of the challenge.
Well being that I put in my two shillings, lets get down to business.
Medal Requested: Scroll of Indoctrination (SI)
Requested for: PRT Maol Nor Lexu (Sith)
Quantity: 1
The request was made by: DA Spears Tarentae (Sith)
Reason given for request:
For recruiting Uchiha Arshad
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: DJK Sagara "Hitokiri" Mifune (Sith)
Quantity: 2
The request was made by: DA Korras (Obelisk)
Reason given for request:
backlogged CF's from the gaming nights
"Why does this not surprise me?
These were all awesome examples of the powers, and although I did feel
like after a while Shinichi was coming pretty close to his limit with a
14 WIS, I think the writing in this case makes up for it. I would
recommend bumping your WIS up if you hope to go any further than what you
did in this battle. Mifune, while your first few posts were good, they
just didnt have the extra spark that Shinichis had. That more than
anything is what made my final decision.
I award this match to KAP Shin'Ichi Endymiron Keibatsu. Congratulations!
Shadow Academy Courses:
PRT Maol Nor Lexu(Sith)
Was awarded a training saber!
"Dont hurt yourself with that thing!"
BLT Comp
Here's one I did about six months ago but this one looks FUN!!!!
CNS Trivia! an Awesome comp!!!!
In closing I would like to thank all of our members for their dedication and activity
At the will of Sadow,
SBM Maximus Raidoner Mandalore (Sith)/CMDR-T:SWG/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [PA: DL] [ACC: CL:3]
AK / SB / GC / SC-SoP / StA-LS / DC-LC-R-C / (SNB) / (BN) / Cr-2A-1S-6E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF / SI-SoW / S:-12M-3R-7Al-6C
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:LA - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:LS - G:TS - G:AL}
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