After the removal of SWM Exar Khaland from this position I am now opening the position of Quaestor of House Ziost of Clan Exar Kun.
The QUA will be responsable not only of the maintainance of the House but also of a huge campaing of recruiting for the lack of member the Sith order is facing.
The other requirement are:
- Rank of GRD+
- fast mail reply time, 24h max.
- Been able to work in team with the other summits of the Clan for the better of us all.
- Been able to fulfill a wide range of duties when I see it needed.
- Held a command position before in a CMDR+ spot both in the EH or RS as long as I can verify.
- Been able to host multiplayer nights for the House competitions.
- Been tollerant with the change of moods of the CON (aka me).
- A resume of your previous position will be much appreciated.
The application will ends August, 26th and must be sent to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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