Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Hey everyone

It's been a couple of weeks since most of you have heard from me and for that I apologise. The past month has been crappy, first poor internet access and lots of work to now being ill and having lots of work. Anyways, After the mid-module exams in a couple of weeks I should be back to normal activity until then you can grab ahold of me on E-mail, be patient however it might take me a day or two to reply.

Onto the more meaningful stuff. Activity has been good over the past few weeks from the tonnes of medal requests that are passing through my inbox, so good work guys :)

If you wish to help with a project regarding the development of the Clan History then if you could please get in contact with Oberst who'll furnish you with all the relevant goodies.

Clan competition has entered it's final phase and still has a bit of time left for submissions, so get writing/gaming and earn yourself some medals! :D

That's all for this semi-report I think, time to go back to bed with my hot drink. One final thing however, thanks for the cake Zilly :P


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