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:: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->5<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->27 February<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
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:: **From CON/DJM Sarin** :: </td>
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**_Life and Death through Darkness_**
_**A look into the future....
The vast semisphere of the view wall bloomed with battle. Sophisticated sensor algorithms compressed the combat that sprawled throughout Clan Plagueis territories to a view that the naked eye could enjoy; cruisers hundreds of kilometers apart, exchanging fire at near lightspeed, appeared to be practically hull-to-hull, joined by pulsing cables of flame. Turbolaser blasts became swift shafts of light that shattered into prismatic splinters against shields, or bloomed into miniature supernovae that swallowed ships whole. The invisible gnat-clouds of starfighter dogfights became a gleaming dance of shadowmoths at the end of spring.
Within the immense curve of computer-filtered carnage, the only furnishing was one lone chair, centered in an expanse of empty floor. This was the chair of a Dark Jedi Master. A chair of an Elder of the Dark Side.
With his back to the chair, hands folded behind him beneath his cloak of silken armor-weave stood Dark Jedi Master Khameir Sarin. He looked upon the Fleet's status, and it was good. It was more than good, it was magnificent.
Behind him sounded the initiating hum of the intraship holocomm, which crackled into the voice of Battlemaster Salth Khan.
"Master, an urgent message from Archpriest Braecen Isradia Kunar has arrived. It appears that the Dominitaii have initiated hostilities at Sigil 2. He believes that they are defending the planet more aggressively than the others. There is a possiblity that Loremaster Isradia is planetside. He has asked if you would personally like to direct the Plagueis counter attack. "
Sarin turned. From his commanding height, he stared down at the blue-scanned holoimage of the Proconsul.
"Inform Braecen that I will be arriving on his flagship within the the hour. Have The Blades of Kun standing by for escort."
Sarin turned the holoimage off with a flick of the wrist, and strode grandly into the half-dark lit lobby of his chambers. Resting upon a pillow of Hapan Silk laid his two precious lightsabers. With eyes half closed, he called upon the Force, gathering it to himself and wrapping himself within it. He breathed it in and held it whirling inside his heart, clenching down upon it until he could feel the galaxy around him. Until he became the axis of the Universe. This was the real power of the Darkside, and soon, very soon, some very unfortunate beings called the Dominataii would find out how deeply the dark waters of the force ran.**_
**Run-On: **An epic run-on is in the Clan's future. Mystery, betrayel, and Death await! The Clan and House Summits are working in coordination with the Clan Loremaster Jonaleth Isradia on a run-on that we want to reach 100 posts. The run-on will have very specific rules (Protectors won't be waging war with lightsabers, since our members do not receive them until DJK :p) and it will be led by "trigger" posts sumbitted by Summits and Jonaleth. We hope to have a complete plot outline ready to go by the 15th of March.
HSK QUA: The position of House Satal Keto Quaestor is now open for applications. The real life bug has bit DJK Jaysen and he is going to move to a position within Satal Keto until he can take care of it. I appreciate the hard work and dedication that Jaysen put into HSK and he will be missed.
Applicants for the position are open to all members in Clan Plagueis that hold the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and above. Prerequisites for the position are successful completion of the Shadow Academy Courses Conflict Mediation and Leadership Fundamentals, excellent mIRC activity, fast email response time, and an ability to work as a cohesive team with the CON and PCON. Applicants should state short term and long term goals for HSK, any previous leadership experience, and one recommendation. Applications are due by 5 March. They should be sent to CON/DJM Sarin and PCON/SBM Khan. Good luck!
CON Competitions:I am running two competitions based off of the activity our members have at the ACC and in Multiplayer Gaming. These competitions will reward those members who win the most matches in the ACC and earn the most CFs in Multiplayer gaming (yes ACC Live counts too). You can read the details of these competitions at:
<li>CP ACC War</li> <li>MP Legend</li>
Upcoming Competitions:Starting in March I will begin a Monthly Clan Fiction and Poetry Competition. At the start of each month I will offer a topic for the Fiction Competition and a different topic for the Poetry Competition. Style and length of the competitions will vary from month to month. The first competition will be released on 1 March.
**Chronicle: **The editors of the Plagueis Cronicle have been putting out the word that they are accepting submissions for this months exciting edition! You have until the 27th to get your entries in if you want to see it published in the February edition. Send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
New Face: Long range sensor scans have identified the Legendary Pilot Dax Corrin flying in the Jusadih system. Dax has flown more XVT, XWA, and TIE than the rest of this Clan combined (really). He will be defecting from some other organization ot the DB some time this week. Be sure to welcome Dax "Older than everyone but Wil" Corrin.
Envoys Rock: I would like to call everyone's attention to the work that is being done by our Clan and House Envoys. Vithril, Drodik, and Arawn ( Warhunter) are doing great things for the Clan and are busting their ass to improve our new member efficiency. All you PRT and below need to use these Envoys to help you in your attempt to earn promotions.
General non-specific guidance: If you ever receive poor guidance (no deadline, no expectations of productivity, no clear defined objectives) then you should tell your leaders. Nothing is worse than receiving a task that has no guidance or direction. /end Rant!
**Website: **I'd like to remind everyone to visit the new Clan website http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/news.php, and the Clan MB forums, on a daily basis to be sure that you're up on the latest news and information. We are actively using the News section on the Clan site, so you will always find the latest info there as it is released! Besides, there is a lot of great information on the Clan site. ;)
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.
<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Consul Dark Jedi Master Sarin *</font>
<font color="darkred">"Wrath is more effective when anger ministers at her side"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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