**Taldryan Consul Report
Report #5 - March 2, 2006**
== Taldryan News ==
New Dinaari QUA
As I'm sure Dinaari members have heard from Werdna, Kraval stepped down as QUA last week after almost a month of some serious RL issues that are holding him back from the DB right now. We hope the best for him in whatever happens and hope to see him sometime.
In the meantime, I have requested a new Quaestor that is just waiting for approval right now which I'm sure he will get. So the person I have requested is OE freshjive taldrya. Jive has been a long-time member of Dinaari and been in numerous positions in the Clan before. I have great faith in Dinaari with jive, Werdna, and Pyralis leading.
Roll Master Positions
The Roll Master positions in Taldryan have been open for a long time. Today we have a use for them. Envoys Alanna Taldrya and Pyralis will be taking those spots. This way they get all the important information they currently don't get that will help them deal with new members much better. Besides that, they will be able to assist the QUA and AED if need be on things such as competitions or projects.
I'm planning to change the battle team setup around a bit. The BT leaders will be doing more and the teams will see much more member movement with new members going in as soon as they are promoted to Novice. We will still use some battle teams, when needed, for training of Jedi Hunters to become Dark Jedi Knights. Dinaari will most likely be reopening one of its battle teams. Right now I'm working out the details with the Summits. Look for that very soon.
Tal Times ETA
The Tal Times will be out at the beginning of next week. We'll have pieces from the entire Summit, Dark Sabre, Ziggy, Menace, and more.
Previous Tal Times Issues:
Taldryan Codex Updates
Added all the Ground Forces we got out of the Obelisk RoS last fall into Chapter 2. Thanks to Yacko for giving me the names of folks that named some of our Capital Ships, now they are all filled in. And lastly, added the Sword we won in the Obelisk RoS. If anyone knows who named all our starfighter squadrons, let me know and I'll add those.
On Chapter 3 you see a section "Actual History" that is filled by that crazy TBA character. I would like some of the long-time members to write what actually happened from House Ektrosis to the forming of Taldryan, and up to our current standing. This involves the writing about the people of Taldryan that have made it what it is today and all the improvements made along the way. I'd do it myself, but I have only been here for two and a half years and wouldn't be able to write something respectable enough to cover all our history. If anyone is willing and has been here long enough to know, let me know. Either one or two people to several, whatever is needed.
CON Comp 1-4 Results
The final event in The CON Comp Strikes Back ended this past weekend. Only 3 people from Dinaari and 2 from Ektrosis participated in this one. Here are the winners. Awards have been given out.
1st = freshjive taldrya with
1: (internal monologue) "Don't look at her boobs, don't look at her boobs!"
2nd = Werdna Elbee with
3rd = Tiberius with
Tal Landmarks Competition Reminder
Less than two weeks left for this. So far I haven't received anything. Your job is to create a graphic for the Clan Headquarters and/or Initiation Temple. If you are good with graphics this should be an easy way to show off your talent and earn you a medal. Winning graphics will be used on the website with the descriptions.
Taldryan Fictional Development
Odium is gathering up the information people have talked about on the TFDG forum into a document so we can go from there and decide on what we want to go with. There will be more discussion on the forum as soon as that is done. Odium will be helping out more as we go forward with fictional development of the Clan. So, once we are ready to jump back into this, I'll email the mailing list and let you know. It shouldn't be too long from now.
== DB News ==
New Lightsabers, Custom Saber Request Form
Following the announcement in my last report about the Training Sabers now open to ACO-JH, HRLD Muz and his team brings us updated lightsabers to pick for those DJK and above. The graphics are far superior to the old sabers to pick from and you have literally more than two hundred different saber combinations to pick now. This is something surely everyone will enjoy. Also for those able to hold custom sabers, you now have a request form available to use. Both of these options are under the Administration options once you login to the DB website. Check it out, amazing work.
Oh and one not on the Administration page while I'm on it, Jac updated the admin menu so it may look a bit different. The major difference is in the way it is coded which will help make it much easier to update in the future. If you notice any problems with using the menu, let GM Jac know about it.
New Seneschal (SCL) Appointed
GM Jac appointed DJK Radek Iceclaw to the SCL position today. He's already been working with Jac on many projects on the DB website and will be doing much more in the future. Check it out. Congrats to him.
M:MAA Open for Applications
MAA Kaek is looking for someone to help him out with a website. It's a temporary position, but you will be rewarded!
_Sunday Invitational Tournament (SIT) _
New list of items to buy is out and linked below. If you are interested in buying yourself something with your points, go right ahead. Let me know what you get if you can, I'd like to keep track of it as well. We should be buying some stuff for the Clan soon. It'll probably be more fighter ships that we buy since we are behind most of the other Clans in that department.
Items List:
Individual & Clan Point Totals:
This Sunday is a SIT event so if you are around come on IRC into #GMRG and play for Taldryan and earn Clusters and points for both you and the Clan. I'll be around some of the day playing so I hope to see many of you there.
New submission guidelines for the Writer's Corner
LH Kaiann Yetaru Entar has new information up about the Writer's Corner for you to check out.
Check out the GM, CoG, and HRLD Reports plus other DB news at the DB website:
== Competitions and Such ==
Make sure you let you House leaders know about you participating in any kind of activity, DB-wide or in the Clan. Most of the time we won't hear from those running stuff unless you win and we can't give you credit for participating. The best thing to do would just email both your House QUA and AED when you do anything outside or inside of the Clan. If you are unsure your House leaders got your message, you can email PCON Benevolent or myself.
We haven't seen much participation in the Sir Capturelot or Tal Landmarks competitions; please get involved if you can. The House Run-ons are going at a slow pace, if you haven't looked at those take a few minutes and read up. Dinaari AED Werdna started three gaming ladders, that's cool. Get involved with whatever interests you. If you have ideas for something we don't have running, let me know and I'll see that we do!
DB Wide Activities
End Date: 03/13/2006
Clan-Wide Activities
End Date: 03/06/2006
End Date: 03/13/2006
End Date: 04/01/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
House Dinaari Activities
End Date: 03/14/2006
House Ektrosis Activities
End Date: 03/12/2006 (Extended)
End Date: 03/20/2006
End Date: 03/22/2006
For much more details on all these competitions check the Tal website (http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php) and the DB website (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp). Our weekly gaming events that are open to all Dark Brotherhood members are also on the Tal website linked above and towards the end of this report. Remember, make sure your leaders know about anything you do!
== Promotions and Transfers ==
I'd like to welcome warick desali, Zax Skyrunner, Luke_Maul, and Greediall Koe to Clan Taldryan! I hope you all enjoy your time here and became an active part of the Clan. As you are new to the Clan, your House Envoy as well as your other leaders should be emailing you all the information you need to start with. If you ever need anything and can't think of whom to go to, contact me and I'll be glad to help you.
== In Closing ==
Crazy week for me right now. Work is really something this week and last. Hope everyone else is doing okay school or work wise. If you have anything interesting happening, let me and/or the Clan know if you wish. If real life gets to be too busy for you and you need to step back from the Brotherhood for a bit, let me know that as well.
In Review: Right now we have many competitions running for you to join in plus the usual gaming events. The Summit and others are nearing the Tal Times release. Taldryan Fictional Development should start back up again soon. We have a new QUA that is going to be getting involved with us more. Lastly, we are working on stuff for you and I hope you all enjoy you time here in Taldryan and get involved in whatever is open.
Keep active, enjoy life!
_Important Links
Dark Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Codex - http://codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/index.html
Dark Compendium - http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
House Dinaari - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/
House Ektrosis - http://www.taldryan.org/ektrosis/
Taldryan Codex - http://www.taldryan.org/tal_codex/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.org/competitions.php
IRC Guide - http://www.taldryan.org/dinaari/irc_guide.php
Summit Members -
CON Duga Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Benevolent Taldrya Whiner ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA TBA ()
Dinaari AED Kraval Werdna Elbee ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Chaosrain ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Taku "Crix" Matsuki ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
These email addresses send messages to everyone in the Clan or House they are addressed to.
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz_
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan - Menace and James Revan
~Obelisk Prelate Duga Arkarso
Consul of Clan Taldryan
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