Battle Team Qel-Droma
Ok firstly I would like to welcome you all to this battle team, thanks for joining, I hope that during my time as leader of this team we can work together to create a Battle Team that we can be proud of.
House News:
I hope you have all received the information from our illustrious leader Quejo, I support everything said in that email even though I cant get IRC at the moment.
I have sent a competition to start this team on the road to success, at the moment I am awaiting confirmation of it, but the basics of it is to create a suitable motto for this team.
I have a few more competitions lined up for when i come back so get ready for some fun.
Not many awards this week, congratulations to Akhara Kiddo for achieving a Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
Other news:
Unfortunately I will be going back on LOA for a couple of weeks; I actually came back earlier than expected from my work placement so I was able to catch up on DB stuff. Arrangements has been made to allow the team to keep running, if u have any questions email them to either the house summit or to Kandos as I am leaving him in charge while i am away.
JH Shadow Stalker (Krath)/TET/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]
DC-LC / Cr-1S-1E-1Q / CF / DSS / S:-4M-1R-2Al
{SA: U:TL - U:TS - G:LS - G:LA - G:MSN - G:AIC - K:CORE - K:GS - K:RO - O:CORE - G:TS - G:AS}
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