Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


First let me say 'Thank you' to Gaidal Dupar al'Tor ::raises a saber in salute:: for his tremendous activity, leadership and overall concern and care for each of our members in this House. Secondly, allow me to thank everyone that helped me return to where I am... once again, I am here to serve the hearts, minds and desires of Exar Kun. With that said, lets move forward with this report.

New Aedile!

With me being moved up the ladder it left a vacancy at the position of AED - while I did toy with the notion of opening it to applications, I knew exactly what I wanted - and I appointed DJK Thran Occasus as my Right Hand. If you feel the process was unjust or not well thought out, please voice your concerns directly to me via private e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Failure to do so will only irritate the hell out of me... and then ill be forced to use my whoopin stick ::swings Sarin around like a baseball bat:: LoL ! :-p

New Battle Team Leader!

With Thran's move to AED, the postion of BTL for the Blades of Kun was vacant... I spent no time deciding on this person either. It is... Thran. Until the conclusion of the BT War! hosted by jointly by House Leadership, Thran will continue to guide his BT. Once the BT War! is over... the position will be opened to applications and it is my hope one of you will take up the legacy at that time.

House Reporting!

Leaders will be getting an e-mail from me shortly about their expected duties (mainly reports). With that said, I would like to hear from membership about what we can do to make this House more enjoyable and increase activity level overall! "Help me, help you!"

Grand Master's Royal Guard

Lets face it... HEK is awesome... we have tons of low level Equites and DJKs - perhaps the most in the DJB - but we lack one thing. Ways to get you all promoted higher! The easiest way to get promoted is to hold a position and do it extremely well! The second is to be uber active and get recognized by your leaders or the Dark Council.

So I present to you all an opportunity for increased activity. Join the Grand Master's Royal Guard... they provide incentives to enrolling, staying active and... if you do well there and here (clan and house) I can promote you or give you better awards!

So login to the DJB site today, fill out the application form and join!


Ok, last thing I am going to hark about today... Tuesday/Thursday Gaming Nights happen every week. It is a good way to earn Clusters of Fire (CFs) and accrue points for promotions (regardless of what rank you are). ICTE is hosted in #outerrim every Saturday at 12:00 pm EST... I'd like to see renewed interest there as well.

And... here is the big one... use the previous mentioned to get qualified for the Sunday Tourney. My new goal... is to build up our numbers in these gaming events so we can purchase additional items/forces for the Clan. So here is the deal... get qualified for the Sunday Tourneys, participate, and accrue a hundred points. For THAT! I will move the world for you... getting you a merit medal or promotion (depending on circumstances).


Alright... I've said it a million times. This is a club, it is our escape. Do not pass up your real lifes to dwell upon the surface of Aerun (that is our homeworld). But on the opposite side of the coin, we only get what we put into this club. If we do nothing, we get nothing. If we focus on upcoming events (BT War! and/or GJWs) we will rule the day and be prosperous. So think about that... otherwise, I'll see you all on IRC!

expect reports to have order and similiar topics next week!

Braecen Isradia Kunar

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