Aedile Report


Aedile Report

All About Crix

Sorry this is coming out a little later then usual, when I got home for spring break I had about 20 projects that needed to be taken care of around the house. Speaking of spring break and being home, I can actually be on IRC now. Yay! For those of you who don't remember, my school for some reason feels the need to block IRC, which is why I'm not on it at all. I'm hoping that when I get back to school the people running the network will stop being idiots and unblock IRC, but I'm not counting on it. You have me on IRC for a week, enjoy it while it lasts.

Ekky News

The Envoys from both Dinaari and Ektrosis have been appointed as their house's Rollmasters. This was done because as just Envoys they weren't getting important emails from the database, such as promotion and medal notices. Adding them as Rollmasteres in addition to Envoys gives them the ability to get these emails which will help them considerably.

Those of you who have been around for a few years might remember when Horsemen of the Apocalypse was a battle team in the house. It was closed a little bit after the split due to lack of membership in the house. Well the team has been reopened as part of an effort to help train new leadership for the house and promote activity on a more individual level.

With the opening of the HoA, Chaos and I are going to be reassigning everyone Novice and above to one of the three battle teams. The reassignment is going to be more or less random, but we will do our best to honor any requests that are made. If there is a specific battle team that you'd like to join then email Chaos AND myself to let us know. The TETs are going to be staying in their current positions, however. We are also adding one more requirment for the Novice promotion guidlines. It is that the person emails Chaos and myself asking to be placed in a battle team. The website will be updated shortly to reflect this.


ACO Sergeant: House Ektrosis to House Tridens

APP Greediall Koe: SA to House Ektrosis


JH Menace: CFx22, ECFx2

DJK Tiberius: C-Qx1


Guardian Baron Zarco to Jedi Hunter


PRT Aragorn Tara Dreamwalker vs. SBL Vessicant: SBL Vessicant

KAP Raistline Majere vs. DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae: DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae

PRT Anik Koran vs. GRD Bran Redmow: GRD Bran Redmow

OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor vs. JH Wa'ash "Menace" Cruentus Jal'daan: OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor

GRD Baron Zarco vs. JH Ceric Jin'ei Crimson: GRD Baron Zarco

GRD Elric Kyes vs. GRD Baron Zarco: GRD Baron Zarco

GRD Baron Zarco vs. PRT Revall: GRD Baron Zarco


JH Menace: Advanced Test of Wisdom

That's it for this week, remember to email Chaos and myself if you have a preferance for which battle team you're in. Expect the restructuring to happen sometime during the middle of the week.


Battlemaster Taku "Crix" Matsuki, Aedile of Ektrosis

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