Consul Report


Consul Report

Consul Report #3

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o As I’ve already mentioned, I am not fully back from my extended LoA. It wasn’t a “fun” leave by any stretch of the imagination, but that situation as been dealt with, so I’ll be around just as often as I was prior to my leave. I would just like to thank Strategos, Smoke, Quejo, Ylith and Archean for their work while I was away and to everyone else for their continued activity. From the flood of mail I had to go through when I returned, I can see that this Clan has really turned things around. This is because of all of you who have stepped up and really shown the drive to succeed. Thank you again!

o Although the news itself will only encompass the last week, all of the medals, promotions and the other “lists” below are compiled from the last three weeks, hence their length. In these last three weeks, twenty different members received at least one award…that’s about a third of the Clan itself. Not a bad haul

o We’ve had a number of members grace our Clan very recently, both current members and those brand new to the Dark Brotherhood. Just recently, we have welcomed PRT Xaviar and DJK Jeax Zirv while DJK Valnir returns to us from his absence. Welcome everyone!

o Currently, there are TWO members looking for a Master. If you’re interested in becoming a master, read over the Guidelines ( and send a mail to both myself and Strategos

o Some Battleteam news in Arcona. In Galeres, there are now two Battleteams having opened up. Ethran has been tasked with leading Soulfire and Shadow Stalker shall lead Qel-Droma. In Oriens Obscurum, Devani command Bas-Tyra. For those not currently in a Battleteam, I suggest you join one in your respective House. They are the best way of both helping the Clan and letting yourselves be seen by the Leaders of the Clan. Contact the respective Battleteam Leader to join

o There has been a number of competitions released recently. You can find each and everyone of them up at including Three Arcona-wide competitions (A Run-On, Poem and Graphics)

o If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

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o There has been a slew of announcements from the Office of the Herald. First, there are now new lightsabers from which to choose from. So, for those of you DJK and above, go and have a look at the new designs. Also, a new set of robes have been released and can be found on your dossier. These however are just temporary, while more detailed and highly customized set of robes are designed. Lastly, a Custom Lightsaber request form can now be found when you log into the DB site.

o Radek Iceclaw has been appointed the new Seneschal (ie. Codemonkey Prime)

o The MAA will be going on a brief, emergence LoA

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Arcona Website) (Competition Listing) (Promotional Guide) (Master/Student Program) (IRC Guide) (Arcona Messageboard) (Leadership Guidelines)

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-GRD dark vodo (Obelisk) has transferred to Galeres

-APP mocap (Krath) has transferred to Galeres

-GRD Storm (Krath) has transferred to Oriens Obscurum

-APP Arius Soulthief (Krath) has transferred to Galeres

-APP Drowen (Sith) has transferred to Oriens Obscurum

-APP alas de ángel (Krath) has transferred to Oriens Obscurum

-APP Nexus (Sith) has transferred to Galeres

-APP Makos Dranik (Obelisk) has transferred to Galeres

-PRT Xaviar Atjail (Sith) has transferred to Oriens Obscurum

-DJK Jeax Zirv (Krath) has transferred to Galeres

-DJK Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian (Krath) has transferred to Galeres

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-mocap (Krath) has been promoted to Acolyte

-Himura omega (Krath) has been promoted to Novice

-st0rmgh0st Galathnea (Krath) has been promoted to Guardian

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has been promoted to Protector

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-DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (Obelisk) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x10

-DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star x2

-DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star x3

-DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star x2

-DJK Ylith 'Valheru' Vasarius Romanae (Obelisk) has been awarded an Elite Cluster of Fire

-SBM Quejo Bandon Xyler (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x5

-DJK Archean Vasarius Bruth'Kothae (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x32

-DJK Archean Vasarius Bruth'Kothae (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

-DJK Archean Vasarius Bruth'Kothae (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

-DJK Archean Vasarius Bruth'Kothae (Sith) has been awarded an Elite Cluster of Fire

-DJK Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x4

-GRD Storm (Krath) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x9

-GRD Odin Vaaj (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x2

-OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (Obelisk) has been awarded a Dark Cross

-OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star x2

-OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star

-OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star

-OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

-OT Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

-OT Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x4

-GRD Selene Stormghost 'Valheru' Galathnea (Krath) has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

-KP Kandos Katarn (Krath) has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star

-JH Ceric Jin'ei Crimson (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

-JH Ceric Jin'ei Crimson (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star

-JH Devani Te'Arianu (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

-JH Devani Te'Arianu (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

-JH Devani Te'Arianu (Sith) has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar x2

-PRT Dhet Rikkr (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

-PRT Dhet Rikkr (Sith) has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar

-SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star x2

-SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

-SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x130

-SBM Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (Sith) has been awarded an Elite Cluster of Fire

-GRD Akhara Kiddo (Sith) has been awarded a Star of Antei

-GRD Akhara Kiddo (Sith) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

-DJK Xerxes Lucius Vect (Obelisk) has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

-DJK Xerxes Lucius Vect (Obelisk) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x34

-JH Ark Dowell (Krath) has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

-ACO mocap (Krath) has been awarded a Scroll of Indoctrination

-KE Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Krath) has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar

-DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (Sith) has been awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side

-DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (Sith) has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x2

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-Odin Vaaj (Sith) has passed the Safe Computing Course

-Odin Vaaj (Sith) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-Odin Vaaj (Sith) has passed the Sith Tactics Course

-Odin Vaaj (Sith) has passed the Test of Agility

-Xaviar Yaroslav 'Guadalupe' Atjail (Sith) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-st0rmgh0st Galathnea (Krath) has passed the Safe Computing Course

-st0rmgh0st Galathnea (Krath) has passed the Lightsaber Basics Course

-Kale (Obelisk) has passed the Sith Core

-Akhara Kiddo (Sith) has passed the Krath Core

-Shadow Stalker (Krath) has passed the Krath Run-On Course

-Shadow Stalker (Krath) has passed the Leadership Applications Course

-Shadow Stalker (Krath) has passed the MSN Messenger Course

-Shadow Stalker (Krath) has passed the ACC Initiates Course

-Shadow Stalker (Krath) has passed the Leadership Studies Course

-mocap (Krath) has passed the Test of Wisdom

-mocap (Krath) has passed the ACC Initiates Course

-mocap (Krath) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-dark vodo (Obelisk) has passed the Alchemy Basics Course

-dark vodo (Obelisk) has passed the ACC Initiates Course

-dark vodo (Obelisk) has passed the Leadership Applications Course

-Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has passed the Test of Endurance

-Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has passed the IRC Basics Course

-Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has passed the HTML Basics Course

-Magus "Tsurugi" Lionheart (Obelisk) has passed the Safe Computing Course

-Kandos Katarn (Krath) has passed the Lightsaber Basics Course

-Kandos Katarn (Krath) has passed the ACC Initiates Course

-WasTheOne (Sith) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-alas de ángel (Krath) has passed the IRC Basics Course

-alas de ángel (Krath) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

-alas de ángel (Krath) has passed the MSN Messenger Course

-Vladeck Ragnos (Sith) has passed the Krath Poetry Course

-Devani Te'Arianu (Sith) has passed the Leadership Fundamentals Course

-Ma`ar-Tyrius Bruth'Kothae Ga-Tir (Sith) has passed the Advanced Test of Wisdom

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the Lightsaber Basics Course

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the Alchemy Basics Course

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the MSN Messenger Course

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the Test of Endurance

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the Krath Grammar Course

-Trepidus (Obelisk) has passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

In Darkness,

DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (Sith)/ DCM-CON-EP-RHoJ/Clan Arcona [ACC: DCM]

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