CoG and Guilds


CoG and Guilds

Hello again everyone,

There is a big change that has been put through in the brotherhood revolving around our elite socities and multiplayer games in general. This has been talked through with the DC and Consuls and has Lord Firefox's approval.

The basics of it are as follows: The CoG will be in charge of all external multiplayer aspects of the DB. The CoG will also be in charge of a multi-order elite GMRG that will replace the obelisk-only GMRG. A structure of Guilds will be created as a loose band of members who are committed to playing non-standard platforms (modded games, WC3, etc.). These guilds are additional to clan membership and will report directly to the CoG.

Full details on this can be found on this message board thread. I strongly reccomend you go read it.

Applications are open for CoG. Please email Friefox and me with an application. We are looking for someone who is stable and takes initiative.

There will be a Q&A session after the meeting Saturday, run by Mav, for questions regarding this change.

His Eminence, Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Deputy Grand Master to the Brotherhood
Grand Master Emeritus, ex-Fleet Admiral

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