Night Raptors Battleteam Report... I
-My Goals
-What's Happening?
-How goes it, Sarge?
I stole that from a certain movie. Name it for me, and I'll give ya a cookie. :-D. Well, I'm your new Sergeant, DJK Sagara "Hitokiri" Mifune. I'm pretty sure none of ya know me too well, but that's cool. It makes the experience better... kinda like a blind date with a supermodel. :-P. Anyways, on with the show!
My Goals:
I'm not gonna stick with the orders, because well... they all mean the same now. The biggest thing I wanna see is my Journeymen move up the ranks through compeititons and announcements I have on the reports. I'll do one every two weeks on Saturday, so ya know when to look. I might have a comp. out every month, granted I can think of one. I hope to see everyone getting active and pwndng much during the upcoming war.
What's Happening?:
Joseem Maruuch passed his ACC Initiates course! Excellent job man!
Jury Obsinity passed her Training Saber course! Well done, my apprentice!
Also, Shin'ichi and Malisane got Dark Mavens! Nice work, big bro!
After that, the battleteam hasn't been doing much. I'll have more to report later on.
Sadow Duelling Competiton:
8 Days Left...
ACCLive! Mayhem:
19 Days Left...
Pimp My Speeder:
One more day!
CNS: A New Banner for The CNS Website:
18 Days Left...
How Goes It, Sarge?:
I'll let you guys know right off the bat that I am a pessimistic person by nature. In other words, the glass is pretty much empty. However, things have started to come into play that's making me see things in a brighter perspective. Don't ask me why, I have no freakin' clue. All I know is things are pretty sweet. Also, I just finished my final trial to join the Keibatsu family. Sweetness! I'm hoping things go pretty well. Other than that, school sucks, I want a car, and college... HERE I COME!
Well, that's it from me. See ya in Margaritaville!!
Sergeant Sagara "Hitokiri" Mifune
Trooper Invictus Ulthwé
Trooper Kris Omega
Trooper Joseem Maruuch
Trooper Phantom Mandalore
Trooper Jury Obsinity
Trooper Oasis
Trooper Revantine
Trooper Sirus Fury
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