Combat Master Report #2


Combat Master Report #2

Report for my 1st week as acting Combat Master and Xizor's 2nd week as Combat Master

With both Xizor and ^Cyberguy^ on holiday, I will be dealing with all issues pertaining the Antei Combat Centre. At the moment, there's one really important issue, which I hope to have solved as soon as possible: The Character Sheet creator does not work good with all browsers, so if you are using Mozilla, Netscape, Firebird or similar, try firing up IE for an instance (yes, I'm terribly sorry). I hope to have it solved as soon as possible. (Check the SCL report for more information)

I would recommend everyone to subscribe to the ACC. It's really fun, it will improve your writing style, and it also gives you some shiny things when you enter a ladder. Already a number of great battles are going on, for example the battle of Arcturus vs. Leara. Go and take a look!

I've set up a ladder for everyone to subscribe to, to celebrate the opening of the centre. More details can be found here. This ladder is available for every ACC fighter who has passed his/her initiation fight and has been promoted to Learner. It will start when enough people have subscribed by clicking the 'Ladders' option in the ACC menu when logged in, but not before next week.

Further I want to announce the ACC's IRC channel, #acc (what else), where important and less important issues about the ACC can be discussed, but it's also just a place to idle and have fun. Come and join. Free beer and twi'lek dancers for everyone :)

And last (but not least) I want to especially thank the full ACC staff for the work they have done, and the work they have to do. Alanna, Dalthid, Lorad Desmos, Mejas, Sith Bloodfyre, Timeros, Trev and Xander Torrent, you guys are doing a great job!

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