Aedile Report


Aedile Report

**Aedile Report

House Satal Keto

JH Kromtal Stormfyld

March 18, 2006**

Alright, simmer down folks! Here we go with another mind-boggling edition of the HSK Aedile's Report! As always, gonna keep this short and simple and right to the point.

We have 2 major anouncments that effect HSK this week. First is that the position of Envoy is still open to applications. Arawn sent out the requirements we're looking for, and then I replied and expanded upon them. I'm not going to repeat them here, if you're too lazy to sort through your email for the requirements the job isn't for you.

The second major announcement is that a person or persons have been submitting official things to our esteemed Proconsul without their ID lines attached, thus putting a bug up his rear. From now on you're to add your ID line to all official communiques. This includes, but isn't limited to, applications for positions, emails sent directly to your House/Clan summit regarding matters within the House/Clan, and submissions or results from an official competition.


Outbound: 0(cuz we rule)


APP Nemesis

OP Arso Slyth

APP Donovan Solaris

APP Nyxos Basura


APP Count Inferno > NOV Count Inferno


JH Kromtal Stormfyld > SI

KAP Vithril Isradia Kunar > CR-1E

PRT Vexer > CR-1T

GRD Reshiand Tolter > CR-1T

Shadow Academy

JH Kromtal Stormfyld > Advanced HTML, Leadership Proposals, Dark Maven

GRD Reshiand Tolter > ICQ Studies

PRT Ky Terrak > Training Saber

APP Nyxos Basura > ACC Initiates Course

NOV Count Inferno > Photoshop, Sith ESET, Training Saber

The rest of the crap

Sarin is on leave for the next few days, any business should be sent to our PCON Salth Khan(cc Sarin). Arawn is also on leave, so any QUA business should be sent to me(cc Arawn). Finally, Tolter is also on leave, so any business related to Keto's Vengeance also comes to me(cc Tolter). Looks like your friendly neighboor Aedile is the only part of the HSK summit that's working this week, this only serves to prove that I rock your faces harder than anyone else around!

Well, I guess that's it for this week.....Uh, why are you still reading this? The report is over, go away already! Go read a book or play a game or walk the dog or something!

JH Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath)/M:HM-AED-EP/Satal Keto of Plagueis


{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:L - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:SC - G:AIC - K:GS - O:CORE - S:CORE - G:TS - G:AS}

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