Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Phoenix Phyle Report 4

Well, it’s that time again. Just a few quick things: do competitions; my comp for the house is going to end on Wednesday. I only have one submission for it, so it will be an easy award for someone. Also, Chaos’ run-on comp, which is going on in the message forum, is still going on. Again, this is a good opportunity for easy medals. Okay, on with the report.

DB News

Spears has stepped down as Headmaster, and his Praetor, Anshar is taking the reigns.

Muz has been crowned the newest champion of the ACC. Congrats!

Reports are in from the Grandmaster, Herald, Commander of the Guard, and the Headmaster. The GM report can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=8503 the HRLD report can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=8502 the CoG report can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:3659 and the HM report can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=8483

Muz has uploaded the new rendered robes for the Equite class down to Guardian.

Taldryan News

We should be getting some Tal trivia soonish (not sure yet if it will be on IRC or through email).

Ektrosis News

Chaos put out the QUA report. Read it if you haven’t already.

Tiberius has stepped down as the Tetrarch of Hex. Unfortunately, we have no Jedi Hunters other than me and Zarco. If you want this position, you need the rank of JH. Get working! =P

Phoenix News

We have a new member! Everyone welcome Lokasena to Phoenix, Ekky and Tal!

Phoenix-only comp coming soon (seriously this time).


ACCLive! Feburary Mayhem

Play ACCLive! on non-gaming nights for CFs


Character Gallery Graphics Design

Create a picture of you character.


Return of Tal Trivia

Trivia held either on IRC or email


One Hard Night

Run-on held in the message forum



On The Hunt

2-5 pg. fiction


Like I said before, I’m looking at putting out a BT run-on for you all to participate in. I’ll give you all a teaser and tell me what you think so far. This is a bit of the intro for the run-on:

“On the small tropical planet of Arbra, a relatively small, unmarked vessel touched down in a clearing. The trees surrounding the clearing were very tall and lush. A mist hung in the humid air, making navigation difficult for any being. However, the six black cloaked figures exiting the vessel were no ordinary humans. Their leader, a tall and thin Kel Dor led them out into the clearing. He looked them all over, smirking underneath the mask that was necessary for his continued life. After a few moments of silence, the Kel Dor spoke out to the member of his team.”

I’m currently working with Chaos on the idea, I’d also like your input, since you’ll be doing it =P

Remember, I’m always open to your comments, questions, concerns, and ideas, just send me an email. That’s it for this week, have a good one!

JH Wa’ash “Menace” Cruentus Jal’daan (Obelisk)/SGT-EP/Ektrosis of Taldryan [ACC: CL:1]

DC / Cr-1A-3S-2E-4T / FC-BlF-RF-GF-PF / ECF / LSS

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - U:TE - G:L - G:CM - G:IRC - G:MSN - G:AIC - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - G:SB - G:TS - G:AL - G:AS}

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