Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Greetings members of House Exar Kun - First, I would like to apologize for not reporting last week... It was the conclusion of my Spring Break and I was...uh... incapable (intoxicated) of reporting in a professional manner. That won't happen again during this term of service, I promise. Alright, now that we have cleared that up - lets move forward with our QUA Report for this week!


Recently we have had a rampant string of promotions into the Equite class! I have worked with a great many of you since my induction as Aedile of Byss and Proconsul of Exar Kun... and it truly made me happy to nominate each of you for elevation within this club. So lets recap, one last time, those whom were elevated:

Sith Warrior Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor

Krath Priest Virulence Bezatyne Isradia

Obelisk Templar Venquis Arcanum

Sith Warrior Gaidal Dupar al'Tor

Krath Priest Scorpius

Sith Warrior Aerick Executus Harbringer

Again, Congratulations to each of you - I look forward to your future elevations and the day you each attain the rank of Dark Adept (or GM :-p )

Shadow Academy

As always, I would like to encourage every member of House Exar Kun to further themselves by completing courses at the Shadow Academy or through efforts as an Envoy or Envoy Assistant. I will continue to ensure members whom complete 10 or more courses in a given month receive a Dark Cross (those of you whom do 25 will get a Star of Antei). But there are several changes you should be aware of...

The new Head Master of the Shadow Academy is Anshar Kahn Tarentae

The new Knight Commander of the Brotherhood is Siyavash Kaida

The new Praetor to the Head Master is Kromtal Stormfyld

In addition, they have implemented a new policy that if one cuts and pastes answers directly from the Course material, they will be docked .5 or 1/2 a point for that question. As always, you need a 70% or greater to pass a course, so avoid failure by taking an extra moment to make an answer personal!


IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat - and is a highly valuable commodity that I request each and every member of the House to use (when you have time). IRC is completely free, easy to use... and often is necessary (or, rather, will give an advantage) to future leadership position and your overall speed in which you advance through the ranks (though not stopping members who choose not to use it).

In short... you can meet the members of Our House and Clan, make lasting friendships and get real time answers to your real time questions. How do you get IRC? Follow these simple steps:

-You can download IRC absolutely free (http://www.mIRC.com)

-Install the file (follow the instructions)

-It will ask for your information, fill in the blanks

-Our server is Undernet (choose whichever location you are closest too)

-Our channel is #plagueis

Follow those easy steps and Thran (your Aedile) and I will be there to greet you!

BT War!

The Epic between the Blades of Kun and Exar's Shadow is still in full swing. The two teams are still on the trail of the escaped convict, Alonzo Bodelle. But they are nearing their prey, overcoming the obstacles before them in heroic fashion. It is not too late to jump in the action, e-mail your local House summit to be placed in a Battle Team today!

For more information concerning events and story line, you can access the information here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2696

Our House

As I have stated before... this is not my House (even though I am psuedo-leader type guy), this is Our House. And together we succeed and fail. Currently, we are above water - but treading water is simply not enough to endure in the Brotherhood. If you have Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast or Battlefront 1 (or 2)... go game on Tuesday or Thursday, join in the madness known as Inter-Club Training Event (ICTE) on Saturdays OR best yet, participate in the Sunday Tourney to ensure Clan Plagueis can purchase new equipment!

Also, I am looking for writer's to help improve the current Aerun descriptions - if you currently lack things to do, contact me for a project! But don't be surprised if I send you towards the Clan Newspaper! hehe In short, we get what we put in - so lets find the strength to give just a little bit more.


Alright... I am generally available to all membership - I do this on priniciple. If you have any ideas/suggestions, talk to me on IRC or send me an e-mail - I WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! That is the only way things change or improve within the Brotherhood.

Keep your eyes peeled for future developments in the Clan Planetary Systems... Watch for a new Super Competitions from Clan Summit... As always, join the Grand Master's Royal Guard - several new developments and tons of exciting competitions will be available to you!

If you have any questions or concerns, contact me directly via e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Otherwise, I'll see you next week!

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kunar

Krath Archpriest of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Quaestor of House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis

Antei Combat Center: Duelist (CN:3)

Grand Master's Royal Guard: Sentinel 1 (Gladiator)

Captain of the Grand Master's Royal Guard

SB / GC / SC-SoP / StA-LS / DC-LC-R / Cr-1D-8R-14A-18S-7E-5T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / ECF / LSAg / DSS-QK / SI-SoW-SoL / SoL / S:-2R-18Al

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS}

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