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:: Clan Plagueis PCON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis PCON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->8<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->26 March<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From PCON/SBM Wil Striker** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: gray; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">
<!-- #BeginEditable "news" -->
**If you see anything missing, let me know.**
Another awesome week of promotions, awards and general activity! And as we continue to achieve our greater goals, we should always be mindful that there is much more that can be done to make things even better.
The DB-wide Se7en Day War has officially started! Lots of luck and success to DJM Corran Force, DJK Kromtal Stormfyld, DJK Traggisk Dith, and PRT Ky Terrak, all of whom will be representing Plagueis, as well as themselves, in this glorious war! Leave no survivors boys!!!
An epic Clan Run-on is coming soon. The final details are being worked out, and as soon as its ready for release the CON will make the official announcement. Get your writing utensils ready because this is going to be one whopper of a Run-on!
A reminder to all House Summits and Envoys, your reports are due out at specified times each week, please make sure to get them out by that time, unless you have been OK'd to release it late.
Congratulations to DJK Siyavash Kaida on her recent selection and appointment as the new Knight Commander of the Dark Brotherhood!
Congratulations equally to our own DJK Kromtal Stormfyld on his recent selection as the new Praetor to the Headmaster! The Headmaster reports that now that the SA Staff situation has been resolved he is now once again accepting new course proposals. Go get 'em guys!! hehehe
I FINALLY scored a copy of Jedi Academy on Saturday, so I've been working on learning the games tricks and abilities. My thanks to Schisca for his guidance and help in learning how to play the game, and in assisting with the MP side of it as well. His instruction has proven most useful. Once I'm comfortable with the games characteristics be on the lookout for the PCON to join the ranks of the JA warriors in Clan Plagueis! :)
Once again a reminder about using your DB ID Line in all official emails and communications. Somehow this keeps being told, but not adhered to. Make life easy on yourself, go add a signature to your Outlook or other preferred mail program. You can select to auto-insert it, or add it manually if you prefer. But it keeps you from having to worry about copy/pasting it into your emails directly.
Speaking of copy/pasting, a new SA-wide policy went into effect this week that everyone needs to remmeber for the future. The Headmaster has decreed that EPs may now begin deducting points for copy/pasting answers directly from the course notes. I agree with this policy, since no one learns anything just by searching the notes for the answer and then copying the answer into the block on the answer sheet. Putting the answer into your own words, and adding any additional thoughts you may have, is the surest way to ensure you know the subject material. What's the point of taking the courses if your not striving to learn something. :P
The announcement who will be the new HSK Envoy should be made some time today! Once the Clan Summit and Envoy have had the opportunity to review and approve the HSK Summits' selection then the official announcement will be made.
The end of the month will soon arrive, and that means that the monthly awards for the most active members at the Shadow Academy and the ACC will be handed out! Its not to late to get busy and increase your chances for winning a new award! And remember, these competitions start over at the beginning of each new month, so there will be many more exciting chances to win!!!
A new HSK Competition is underway! If you missed the announcement from the House Summit, then check out Competition #3 in the "Competitions" section further down in this report!
Week 5 of the Plagueis Caption Competition is underway! Congrats to the winners in Week 4. I am however still disappointed that only a handful of people are participating. Its an easy competition, and you never know, you may have one of the best entries! Go check out the new image each week on the Clan MB and send in your phrase/caption for that image. Can't ask for it to be much easier than that. ;)
It is apparent from some recent comments I've heard that there are people, not just new Apprentices, that are NOT reading the reports and emails that are sent out each week. Sadly that's to their own detriment, but its even more sad when a member comes into the Clan channel and asks about something that was just sent out in an email a day before. Don't be so hasty in deleting those emails folks, there is often useful and needy information in those emails and reports. :P
There are presently 22 Apprentices in this Clan, some of whom have been at that intro rank for quite a while now. Envoys and House Summits are encouraged to increase their communication with these folks. Apprentices are encouraged to begin doing the activities needed to be promoted to Novice (NOV). The requirements are simple, just complete ONE of the four tasks listed. One of those tasks can be completed in just minutes, the others will take just a wee bit longer, but are equally simple. The promotion requirements can be found at (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotion.php?rank=preDJK), so go check them out. There is really no reason for us to have so many Apprentice rank members on our roster. Joining a club means you want to be a part of that club, likewise joining a Clan and House. Your leaders and fellow members are here to guide you, but you have to make the effort to do what is necessary to accomplish the goals.
If your a PRT, GRD or JH and have not yet joined the Clan Master/Student Program; what are you waiting for?!? Contact your House Envoy today about joining and paired with one of our highly trained and knowledgeable Masters! Your progression, training and knowledge of the Dark Side and the Dark Brotherhood will increase greatly, as will your opportunities for future advancement, in both rank and position! Again, contact your House Envoy for more information!
If your an APP, NOV or ACO and believe you have completed the required tasks for a promotion and have somehow not yet been promoted, please contact your House Envoy or House Summit to inform them of this oversight. They will happily and quickly remedy the situation. We have no wish to see anyone left behind. Our gual is to fill this Clan with as many Knights and Equites as we can. Eventually who knows, we may have a Clan full of Elders as well. The goal to achieving that is to ensure that the members AND the House Summits keep on top of elevating people as soon as they are eligible. ;)
A reminder that the editors of the Plagueis Chronicle are seeking submissions for the March edition. Please submit your entries by March 30th to ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])!
<font color="darkred">****</font>
Medal Awards
PRT Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Dark Cross (DC)
OP Silent (Obelisk) - Steel Cross (SC)
SBM Salth Khan (Sith) - Steel Cross (SC)
DJK Famosus Aspicio (Krath) - Steel Cross (SC)
SW Schisca Archaon Azytzeen (Sith) - Dark Cross (DC)
KAP Vithril Isradia Kunar (Krath) - Steel Cross (SC)
DJK Ashura "Megos" Isradia (Sith) - Dark Cross (DC)
SW Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith) - Steel Cross (SC)
KP Cipher K'oranian Isradia (Krath) - Dark Cross (DC)
KP Virulence Bezatyne Isradia (Krath) - Dark Cross (DC)
OT Venquis Arcanum (Obelisk) - Star of Antei (StA)
KAP Braecen Kunar (Krath) - Sapphire Blade (SB)
PRT Viktor Pacescoras (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x2
DJM Sarin (Sith) - Star of Antei (StA)
JH Galaphile Elesendil (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF)
SW Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF)
KAP Braecen Kunar (Krath) - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) x2
PRT Vexer (Sith) - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
SW Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith) - Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
DJM Sarin (Sith) - Crescent with Quartz Star (Q)
KAP Braecen Kunar (Krath) - Crescent with Diamond Star (D)
Novice (NOV) Nyxos Basura (Sith)
Protector (PRT) Count Inferno (Sith)
Protector (PRT) Sakh nhem (Krath)
Dark Jedi Knight (DJK) Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath)
Priest (KP) Scorpius (Krath)
DJK Vasily Zaitsev (Sith) - Kirleta's Way BTL (Congrats Vasily!)
Novice (NOV) Hadus (Sith)
Protector (PRT) Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (Sith)
Completed Courses
Salth Khan (Sith) - Leadership Fundamentals
Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath) - Krath Core
Count Inferno (Sith) - Sith ISET
Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (Sith) - Conflict Mediation
Hadus (Sith) - ACC Initiates Course
Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Sith ISET
Hadus (Sith) - Sith Core
Count Inferno (Sith) - Safe Computing
Count Inferno (Sith) - Krath Grammar
Count Inferno (Sith) - AOL Instant Messenger
Hadus (Sith) - Sith ISET
Talon (Obelisk) - HTML Basics
Count Inferno (Sith) - Obelisk Core
Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath) - Dark Jedi Meditation
Count Inferno (Sith) - IRC Basics
Count Inferno (Sith) - HTML Basics
Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (Sith) - Leadership Studies
Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - HTML Basics
Vasily Zaitsev (Sith) - Training Saber Course
Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - Sith Core
Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - ASP Programming
Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - Safe Computing
Viktor Pacescoras (Sith) - Training Saber Course
Hadus (Sith) - Sith ESET
Name Changes
KAP Braecen Isradia Kunar (Krath) - Braecen Kunar
Email Address Changes
Order Changes
Transfers In/Out
DJK Doku (Obelisk) - House Ludo Kressh
APP Daemon (Sith) - House Exar Kun
APP Slave (Obelisk) - House Satal Keto
DJK Orzon (Krath) - House Satal Keto (Welcome back Orz!)
APP Hadus (Sith) - House Satal Keto
APP Luai Yashky (Sith) - House Exar Kun
APP Suul (Krath) - House Satal Keto
Each month the Top 3 Clan members that obtain the most victories at the
ACC will be awarded a Crescent for their accomplishment. This will be an
evolving competition through the end of 2006, with Third Level Crescents
awarded monthly to the Top 3 Clan ACC Champions!
Start Date: 3/18/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Third Level Crescents:
1st Place Crescent with Amethyst Star Cr-1A
2nd Place Crescent with Sapphire Star Cr-1S
3rd Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E
May the best ACC warriors win!!!
A monthly competition where we reward the three most active members of the
Clan for their efforts in continuing their training at the Shadow Academy.
The members who successfully complete the most courses will be awarded
Third Level Crescent awards.
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
1st Place - Crescent with Amethyst Star
2nd Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star
3rd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star
Plagueis Pronconsul will oversee the tracking and recording of all
completed courses each month, and will submit reward requests at the end
of each monthly period. Due to the late start date of this competition,
results will be back dated to 03/01/06 to ensure a full months record for
This is going to be a writing competition for House Satal Keto. The story
will involve the writer encountering a lone Jedi on a barren and desolate
planet. It's up to the writer to determine the outcome of the meeting,
whether the Jedi sees the truth and joins us on the Dark path, or is
stubborn and is slain outright.
Submissions will be graded on quality, both of the story itself and
spelling/grammar usage. A minimum of 3 pages in 12 pt is required. All
entries are to be in RTF or DOC format, no TXT or funky formats Word won't
open without conversion.
Start Date: 3/24/2006
End Date: 3/31/2006
Unit in Competition: House Satal Keto
Third Level Crescents
Judging will be done entirely by myself, the AED of HSK, though I may
enlist help from non entrants if I require a tie to be broken.
Just before the Clone Wars, a cloning facility not affiliated with Kamino
also received a call requesting mass production of clones from Jango Fett.
The clones did not do as well, with only about 50% making it out of the
test tubes and half of the survivors being fit for combat. The other half
had problems, either mentally or physically (too weak, mentally inept,
etc.). A very small number were too intelligent, and a handful of them
managed to escape from the cloning facility. They came back a few years
later and took control of the facility. However, one of the facility's
original managers flooded the facility with a process similar to what Hanv Solo was carbonized in. All of the clones, the defects, the normal
clones, and the super-intelligent ones, along with a small number of the
management's faculty, were trapped in space and time.
The facility, located on a remote moon in and out-of-the-way solar system,
was discovered by a Sith on the way back from an assignment, and Keto's
Vengeance has been given the honor of securing the facility. It willv serve as a good testing ground, to root out the weak, and will also add a
small base to CP/HSK. At the very least, the power generators (and other
valuable items) from the facility can be removed to the HSK capital
The run-on will start 10 days from now, will end in one months, and will
be in the HSK forums, untill I get the team forums set up.
Start Date: 3/19/2006
End Date: 4/19/2006
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Keto's Vengeance
HSK Message board
Salth has agreed to award 3rd Level Crescents to the top three writers.
Thanks to PRT David Locke for the idea, and thanks to Salth Khan for
agreeing to award the medals.
Standard weekly QUA pick. Every week in my report I will award the
Quaestor's Choice award to the most active and outstanding member. Merit
will be decided on MP games, ACClive/ACC participation, SA courses, IRC
activity, email response, any and all fiction writing, and any other forms
of activity related to these. Only members between the ranks of APP-JH qualify.
Start Date: 3/13/2006
End Date: 6/13/2006
Unit in Competition: House Satal Keto
Any and all platforms supported by the DB
Cr-E for weekly winner
I've posted the first post of the new house run-on here:
I look forward to seeing the creativity that you guys have and where
you take this story. Kromtal and I will be making sure that things
basically stay on track, but monitor yourself and make sure you stay
on course with what everyone else is writing.
I plan on letting this run until it comes to an end, so it's up to you
guys how long this lasts. At the end I will be awarding the top three
members who overall make the best contributions to the run-on. They
will receive Crescents for their hard work. Also, we're gonna pick
out the best individual post overall. This person will receive
something, but I'm not quite sure yet what that will be.
I hope this is fun and if you have questions let me know. Oh, the
first few posts might be a little short until we see who's all on
board and then I'll give my orders, which will speed things up. Just
thought you guys should know that.
-- Dark Jedi Knight Jaysen (Sith)
Quaestor, House Satal Keto
In honour of the MMLs the KHP used to host, I am hosting a clan MML for
CLan Plagueis. For exactly a week and a half the members of CP will have
time to form a team of 2-5 members and write up a murder mystery story.
After the week and a half, I will go through the submitted stories and
insure that they fit. After this review time, teams will be given one of
the other stories and will have a week to solve it, afterwards switching
for the next story until each team as gone through the others (and 1
provided by myself).
Teams will have a week to solve each story, will only be able to view 1 at
a time, and only have 1 guess per story.
Teams will be awarded 1 point for a correct answer, and 1 point for each
team their story stumps.
At the end of the competition teams will nominate an MVP from their team.
Top 3 teams get 3rd level cresecents, each team MVP earns a LSS.
Start Date: 2/28/2006
End Date: 3/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd Level Crescents for top 3 teams
LSS for team MVPs
-1 Guess per team per story
-each team only views 1 story at a time to solve
-teams get 1 week per story
-teams are not allowed to discuss stories with other teams,
disqualification will be the result for any that do
-Consul has agreed to award the medals
Clan Plagueis will hold a monthly fiction competition based on a new topic
each month. Fiction submissions should be 1-3 pages of times new roman
type, 11 font. All submissions will be sent to the Plagueis CON and PCON
with the subject of the Email reading "CP Monthly Fiction"
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 3/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd level crescents
Competition run by DJM Sarin and SBM Salth Khan
Clan Plagueis will hold a monthly poetry competition based on a new topic
each month. Poetry submissions will be in the form and style set that
month. All submissions will be sent to the Plagueis CON and PCON with the
subject of the Email reading "CP Monthly Poetry"
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 3/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd level crescents
Judged by DJM Sarin and SBM Salth Khan
Clan Plagueis will hold a monthly poetry competition based on a new topic
each month. Poetry submissions will be in the form and style set that
month. All submissions will be sent to the Plagueis CON and PCON with the
subject of the Email reading "CP Monthly Poetry"
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 3/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd level crescents
Judged by DJM Sarin and SBM Salth Khan
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.
<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Proconsul Sith Battlemaster Wil Striker *</font>
<font color="darkred">""Death is the only thing that separates us from our enemies... their death!""
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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