Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings Warriors of Galeres,

I know I know, I've been slacking in the report department. It's been awhile since I've written a report or even thought about writing one. Some thing's have come up in RL and I dont know if I'll be going on an LoA in the next few days or not. For those of you who dont already know, my grandmother passed away yesterday. Save your sympathy, she was old and ready to go. She demanded to be taken off life support herself so it's what she wanted.

But enough with my personal stuff. Let me get down to what's going on and will be going on in Galeres.

I recently sent out an email with a little piece of fiction attatched. It will be the beginning of Project: Foundation, a project that I feel will bring more life to the structure of Galeres. I cant reveal everything now so be patient. A new piece of the fiction will be added probably tomorrow.

As far as Galeres competition goes. I have alot of thing's planned but most of it has been put on hold until the Run On is closed. Hopefully you'll see some big comps coming in about 2 weeks or so. For right now though, some little comps will be made to keep you busy.

I would also like to take the time to thank everyone for their activity. You all are doing a tremendous job and I must say Galeres has expanded greatly since it's reopening. Keep up the good work.

The new website has been created, though a new layout is being made. Therefore it will not only look better but it'll work better. I'll keep ya posted on it.

One new thing I will be bringing to Galeres is an Advisory Council. It's already in the works and I feel that it will make a nice addition to the Galeres re-structuring plans.

For the next few weeks I will be setting goals for the house, goals I hope to see achieved.

Focus: I would like everyone to focus on the Galeres "Rebuild" give me ideas, feedback, suggestions. I'm not in this house alone and I'm sure the leaders would like to hear from the members more.

Loyalty: I want Galeres to become a family. I want us all to become unified through the foundation process that has started to take effect. We need to come together if we decide to take Galeres further then any house has ever gone.

Determination: I want us to strive for excellence. I want everyone to do 110% on whatever they do. If we show the new members that we are determined to become the best then they too will be stoked and determined to help, loyalty will also be strengthened through this process.

Communication: I would like to see everyone who can get IRC using it. Without communication we WILL fail. We need to keep in constant contact with each other. This shouldnt need to be explained.

Vision: I want people to visualize the future of Galeres and Arcona. In my vision I see Arcona going far, how? by standing firm on the rock that is Galeres. For awhile we have been the most dominant house in Arcona, though HOO is close behind us. We need to maintain our dominance and be the foundation for Arcona. Through each other Arcona will strengthen. We need to be the support Arcona can fall back on.

I feel that if we can accomplish some of the thing's above, we will go very far as a house. I feel that we will bring a strong base of activity and solid history for future members and leaders to look back on. We need to get our names out there. If you win a match in JA. It's for Galeres and Arcona. If you beat someone in the ACC. The Warrior is from Galeres of Arcona. We need to let people know we're in the fight for good.

I wont put every medal request and promotion in here because the list is WAY to long to add. But I appreciate everything you all have done.

Oh and for those of you who have sent submissions for my comps, I apologize for not awarding the winners yet due to my short term memory. I completely forgot about them. The winners will be announced shortly and the medals will be on their way.

Take heed to my message in this report.

Training Camps - I will be opening training camps for gaming, ACC and ACCLive, Leadership Studies, and fictional character development. If you feel you can handle being a trainer send me a little application telling me what you want to teach. (Two Teachers will probably be assigned to the more demanding platforms)

This report is sloppy and for that I apologize. It's 4:30 am and I'm ready for bed. I'll cut off my rambling here because I know I could go longer :P

If you have questions just send me an email and I'll get back to you whenever I can.

Quejo Bandon Xyler

Quaestor of House Galeres

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