Aedile Report


Aedile Report

es Report

House Setal Keto

Sith Warrior Daniel Stephens

Week ending April 7th, 2006

Sitting at his desk the Sith Warrior streched his legs, it had been a long time since he had been in any command position and he wasnt used to the perks. Extra space being one of them. Reclining back in his chair, he heard his chrono beeping. "Damn reports, always hated doing these." he thought to himself. Turning his chair around and getting up, he walked to his filing cabnet to retrieve the exploits of House Setal Keto for the week.....


I got appointed to Aedile of HSK, Im gonna spare you background on myself, but I will say I love being in this club, and I hope my time in HSK enriches everyones experience.

Jesus I forgot how many emails you can accumilate in a week. :P Its been busy, keep up the good work,



Silent transfered to House Exar Kun.


Ragnarok from SA

Novros from SA

Medals (Ahh shineys):

Vexer got CR-2E

Tolter got CR-1Q

Ky Terrak got CR-1E and 23 CFs!!!

Count Inferno got CR-1A

Kromtal Stormfyld got CR-1S

Vessicant got CR-1A

Jaysun Adumaari got a CR-1S and StA

Hadus got CR-1E

SA Courses:

Suul passed U:TW

Vasily Ziatsev passed G:SC

Talon passed G:L

Jaysun Adumaari passed G:L, G:HTML1

Hadus passed passed O:CORE, G:MED, K:GS and K:POET

Ragnorak passed G:AIC

Silent passed G:CM

Vexer passed G:SB

Hadius passed Krath Grammer and Krath Poetry


Talon: Promoted from PRT to GRD

Ky Terrak: Promoted from PRT to GRD

ACC Battles:

Notath Gyn fought with SWL Vessicant, battle was timed out.


Other than the above records, Tolter participated in KS's Path of Darkness Competition.

And thats about it for this week, keep up the good work people, and participate in more competitions, just look over the Comps page and youll find several that are DJB, and clan wide.

And remember Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Im out!


SW Daniel Stephens (Sith)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis [PA:MD][ACC:INI]



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