Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Ok meatheads, listen comes a quickie....

First off, I'm the new AED of HMR...Yippie. For those of you who don't know me, that sucks for you. For those of you who do, well that sucks for you too. The short of it is I've been in this clan the entire time I've been in the DB. That's about 5 years or so for you lazy twits who don't feel like checking out my dossier. And right now I will put an end to any and all rumors you have heard about me: it's true, I am an asshole. Not as bad as some people (coughtrevcough), but I have no problem with destroying someone who manages to bug me. Trust me, you'll know if you fall into this category.

A little DB history about me. HMR was the first house I was ever in. I was TET of the Night Death phyle there, became AED when I got DJK, became QUA when the current QUA ended up going AWOL due to numerous reasons. After that I took a month or so off and then came back, became an Obelisk, and took over as QUA of House Primus Goluud. Had a fun run there bringing that dying house back to life for a brief bit and then took over as PCON of the clan (for a week or so) then was made CON. After several months of that fun, and being named a Son of Sadow, I retired for another month, came back as QUA of HLK. Yes, I am the clan whore. I've been everywhere in this clan. My biggest position as of late is as the clan Librarian (more on that later). if you want to know anything else, take a look at my signature, it tells the tale the best

There's my little history lesson for you freaks. Now onto house crap:

First off, stuff happened. I'm still trying to get on top of everything so bare with me kiddies.

ACO Sky was awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star for the monthly topics, nicely done

JH Raven was awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star for the happy b-day to jac comp, very nice

let's see...what else happened...oh yeah, our very own Quaestor was awarded an SoL, yay!

oh, and raid got an SoL too...kinky

As for promotions....

ACO Sky was promoted to PRT...yay, good job! keep it up and all that other stuff...

Library Stuff:

Well, I'm going to just open the job of fiction updater person to everyone in the clan. primarily you'll be required to update the library page and upload fiction submissions. it's not difficult, a braindead monkey with one working hand could handle it, so that basically means that malik can't get the job. send me an application with your name, ID #, and ID line. IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ALL OF THESE, I WILL IGNORE YOUR APPLICATION B/C YOU ARE A RETARD AND CANNOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS.

That's about it from me...

In Service to Sadow,


~J`Rai Sadow

Aedile of House Marka Ragnos

Pontifex of the Krath Order

Son of Sadow

Chronicler of Naga Sadow

Master to Acara Rayden

Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

Master of the Blood Rage

Consul Emeritus

Quaestor Emeritus (HMR/HPG/HLK)

KPN J`Rai Sadow (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow [ACC: CL:3]

SB / GC-S / SC-SoP / StA-QL / DC-LC-R-C / (SN) / Cr-2R-6A-3S-3E-2T-1Q / CF-BlF / LSAu / DSS-QK-QL / SI / SoL / S:-1M-2Al-1C

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