Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

OK this report is long overdue, and I have some explaining to do: Due to some personal problems I was unable to report last week, so this report will be a double report. Due to the amount of time this report will take me, I will make it quick, so it may seem rushed.


Seal of Loyalty (SoL) awarded to SW Xen'Culo Apophis Entar (Sith)

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to DJK Impetus (Krath)

Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine


Crescent with Ruby Star (R) awarded to GRD Kate Cantor Flyer (Krath)

Crescent with Topaz Star (T) awarded to ACO Octavian_SLS (Krath)

Crescent with Quartz Star (Q) awarded to OT Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen


Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to GRD Kate Cantor Flyer (Krath)

Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SW Horus Blackheart (Sith)

Cluster of Fire (CF)(X6) awarded to DJK Wolvie "the jackal" (Obelisk)

Cluster of Fire (CF)(X2) awarded to DJK Impetus (Krath)

Cluster of Fire (CF)(X4) awarded to DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine (Krath)

Cluster of Fire (CF)(X17) awarded to OT Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen (Obelisk)

Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to DJK Kaylesha Blackheart (Sith)


Cal Tecontic (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Novice (NOV)

New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

Phantom Blade (Sith)

Old Rank: Apprentice (APP)

New Rank: Novice (NOV)

dark chaos (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Apprentice (APP)

New Rank: Novice (NOV)

Aranas (Krath)

Old Rank: Apprentice (APP)

New Rank: Novice (NOV)

Kamikaze (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Novice (NOV)

New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

Bryn Mawr (Sith)

Old Rank: Novice (NOV)

New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

Wolvie "the jackal" (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)

New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)

Well done Wolvie!

Well done to all of you, especially Wolvie

Transfers and new members:

APP Sileri Verlex, APP Dykarus, APP jax tomar, APP lord darth, and APP

Phantom Blade have joined the db and been placed with us - welcome.

Shadow academy:

Alchemy Basics Passed: Cal Tecontic (Obelisk)

ACC Initiates Course Passed: Cal Tecontic (Obelisk)

IRC Basics Passed: Cal Tecontic (Obelisk)

ACC Initiates Course Passed: Dykarus (Krath)

Krath Advanced Poetry Passed: Kate Cantor Flyer (Krath)

Krath Core Passed: Kate Cantor Flyer (Krath)

Well done to all of you.

Member of the last 2 weeks:

You can't get promoted to DJK without getting this.

Member of 1st April - 15th April is DJK Wolvie "the Jackal"

That's it from me. That took a long time.


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