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:: Clan Plagueis PCON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis PCON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->11<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->17 April<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From PCON/SBL Wil Striker** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: gray; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">
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**If you see anything missing, let me know.**
Greets, and welcome to another informative PCON Report! I hope everyone had a safe Easter, and/or Passover, whichever the case may be for you. ;) Me personally, I awoke around 1 AM this morning to an unhappy stomach, the result of which has had me down sick the entire day. Right now I'm dealing with stomach cramps, and the inability to hold anything down, as I write this. Either I've got that new viral bug that's going around, or I ate something really bad yesterday. So far I'm leaning on the former since I've had food poisoning before, and this doesn't feel anything like that. So maybe my wife's aunts potato salad wasn't the culprit after all. :P Anyway, because I feel like complete doodoo here comes an abridged report...
Congratulations to Krath Priest Scorpius on his appointment as the new Quaestor of House Exar Kun! Scorps is widely known for his activity and leadership abilities. Sarin and I are pleased to see him rise to this position, and we look forward to working with him in the future. Scorpius will be selecting his new Aedile in short order, and will announce whether or not he's accepting applications. Some names for consideration are being passed along, so expect some announcements from KP Scorpius soon! Congrats again, Scorps! :)
I was promoted this past week to Sith Battlelord! Drinks are... (hehe, bet you thought I was gonna say "on me" didn't you? :P), are on the PCON's tab! FYI, the MOSH pit is now open! Let the party begin!!! :)
We've had some new members join our ranks this week, as we often do every week. A most noteable one is the arrival of SW BubbaX! Bubba is well known by many people, not the least of which would be those that have been assaulted by his SPAMming abilities on MB forums. LOL Bubba is a great addition to the Clan, and on behalf of Clan Plagueis I welcome him! Good to see you around again Bubba! :)
I'm working on some Clan-level competition ideas to help assist the Apprentice to Acolyte ranks. I'm going to discuss some ideas and get feedback from the Envoys this week, so hopefully by the end of the month we'll be ready to kick-off some exciting new competitions!
Remember that the Clan ACC Duel and Shadow Academy Monthly competitions are running! Whoever has the most ACC wins, and the most completed SA courses, will win! There is also rewards for 2nd and 3rd place as well! Just another opportunity to beef up your Dossier and ID Line with more stuff. ;)
Speaking of competitions. The turnout in competitions across the Clan is pretty low compared to the total number of members that we have within the Clan, and each House. You can't win anything if you don't at least participate. And remember that participation can also be listed as activity, for which you can also be rewarded for each month, as well as promoted. So even if you don't always win a competition medal, you can still gain from simply participating. And lets face it, many of the competitions running within the Clan and our Houses are pretty simple and don't take much, if any, time at all to participate in. Join in on the fun and reap the rewards from joining in! :)
A new editor for the Plagueis Chronicle will be chosen soon. In the meantime go ahead and prepare your submissions for this months exciting addition. We're going to make sure that the Chronicle gets back to its root foundations of fun for all of our members. :)
<font color="darkred">****</font>
Medal Awards
JH Galaphile Elesendil (Sith) - Legion of the Scholar (LS)
JH Galaphile Elesendil (Sith) - Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
SW Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF)
DJK Famosus Aspicio (Krath) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x2
SW Thran Occasus (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x2
OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor (Obelisk) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x4
JH Galaphile Elesendil (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF)
OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor (Obelisk) - Crescent with Ruby Star (R)
PRT Hadus (Sith) - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
DA Jonaleth Isradia (Krath) - Seal of Loyalty (SoL) (Major KUDOS!!!)
Seal of Loyalty (SoL) - Seal of Loyalty (SoL) (Major KUDOS!!!)
DJK Famosus Aspicio (Krath) - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A)
KAP Braecen Kunar (Krath) - Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)
KP Scorpius (Krath) - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
SW Tek Cicero Selkirk (Sith) - Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
GRD Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Crescent with Quartz Star (Q)
DJK Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x2
GRD Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)
GRD Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x2
GRD Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x5
SW BubbaX (Sith) - Cluster of Fire (CF) x5
SW Schisca Archaon Azytzeen (Sith) - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
GRD Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr (Obelisk) - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
KAP Vithril Isradia Kunar (Krath) - Star of Antei (StA)
OT Jaysun Adumarii (Obelisk) - Star of Antei (StA)
DJK Orzon (Krath) - Star of Antei (StA)
Novice (NOV) Ragnorak (Sith)
Novice (NOV) Bardak Tu (Krath)
Battlelord (SBL) Salth Khan (Sith)
Priest (KP) Famosus Aspicio (Krath)
Priest (KP) Scorpius appointed as QUA of HEK! (Congrats Scorps!!!)
Completed Courses
Corran Force (Obelisk) - AOL Instant Messenger
Corran Force (Obelisk) - Leadership Applications
Sakh nhem (Krath) - Conflict Mediation
Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Lightsaber Basics
Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - Test of Wisdom (Krath)
Kromtal Stormfyld (Krath) - IRC Basics
Ky Terrak (Obelisk) - Test of Agility (Obelisk)
Orzon (Krath) - Krath Advanced Poetry
BubbaX (Sith) - PHP Programming I
Jaysen Erdon (Sith) - PHP Programming I
Reshiand Tolter (Krath) - Sith ESET
Reshiand Tolter (Krath) - Sith ISET
Name Changes
DJM Sarin (Sith) - DJM Aristan "Sarin" Dantes (Sith)
SW Thran Occasus (Sith) - Thran Occasus-Kunar
SW Thran Occasus-Kunar (Sith) - Thran "Heris" Occasus
Email Address Changes
Order Changes
PRT Hadus (Sith) - Obelisk
Transfers In/Out
PRT Viktor Pacescoras (Sith)
KAP Braecen Kunar (Krath)
APP jedi outwood (Obelisk)
APP Karic Ultross (Krath)- House Satal Keto
NOV Bardak Tu (Krath) - House Exar Kun
SW BubbaX (Sith) - House Exar Kun
APP Jalek Thorne (Obelisk) - House Satal Keto
APP BlindEye (Sith) - House Exar Kun
APP jedi outwood (Obelisk) - House Satal Keto
DB-wide Competitions
"Sunday Tournament" (Every Sunday!)
"Tuesday Tournament" (Every Tuesday!)
"Thursday Tournament" (Every Thursday!)
"Inter-club Training Event" (Every Saturday!)
"Tal Invitational Tournament" - (Currently Running)
Internal Clan/House Competitions
Each month Clan Plagueis will have a competition where a topic is given
and authors must write a short 2 page 11 font times new roman story on
that months particular topic. Winners receive 3rd Level Crescents. This
months Topic for the Fiction is "Vengeance".
Start Date: 4/5/2006
End Date: 4/30/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd Level Crescents
Judged by DJM Sarin
Each month Clan Plagueis will have a competition where a topic is given
and authors must write a short poem in iambic pentameter on that months
particular topic. Winners receive 3rd Level Crescents. This months Topic
for the Fiction is "What comes is better than what came before".
Start Date: 4/5/2006
End Date: 4/30/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
3rd Level Crescents
Judged by DJM Sarin
Each month the Top 3 Clan members that obtain the most victories at the
ACC will be awarded a Crescent for their accomplishment. This will be an
evolving competition through the end of 2006, with Third Level Crescents
awarded monthly to the Top 3 Clan ACC Champions!
Start Date: 3/18/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Third Level Crescents:
1st Place Crescent with Amethyst Star Cr-1A
2nd Place Crescent with Sapphire Star Cr-1S
3rd Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E
May the best ACC warriors win!!!
A monthly competition where we reward the three most active members of the
Clan for their efforts in continuing their training at the Shadow Academy.
The members who successfully complete the most courses will be awarded
Third Level Crescent awards.
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
1st Place - Crescent with Amethyst Star
2nd Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star
3rd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star
Plagueis Pronconsul will oversee the tracking and recording of all
completed courses each month, and will submit reward requests at the end
of each monthly period. Due to the late start date of this competition,
results will be back dated to 03/01/06 to ensure a full months record for
This is a simple competition dedicated to the Fictional Star Wars books.
Each week I will give a quote, and the book it is in. You're job is to
find the chapter its in, and who said it. The person with the most correct
will win.
Start Date: 4/9/2006
End Date: 5/9/2006
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Keto's Vengeance
5th Level Crescent for the person to guess all right.
These qoutes can also be found online, not just in the books.
Just before the Clone Wars, a cloning facility not affiliated with Kamino
also received a call requesting mass production of clones from Jango Fett.
The clones did not do as well, with only about 50% making it out of the
test tubes and half of the survivors being fit for combat. The other half
had problems, either mentally or physically (too weak, mentally inept,
etc.). A very small number were too intelligent, and a handful of them
managed to escape from the cloning facility. They came back a few years
later and took control of the facility. However, one of the facility's
original managers flooded the facility with a process similar to what Hanv Solo was carbonized in. All of the clones, the defects, the normal
clones, and the super-intelligent ones, along with a small number of the
management's faculty, were trapped in space and time.
The facility, located on a remote moon in and out-of-the-way solar system,
was discovered by a Sith on the way back from an assignment, and Keto's
Vengeance has been given the honor of securing the facility. It willv serve as a good testing ground, to root out the weak, and will also add a
small base to CP/HSK. At the very least, the power generators (and other
valuable items) from the facility can be removed to the HSK capital
The run-on will start 10 days from now, will end in one months, and will
be in the HSK forums, untill I get the team forums set up.
Start Date: 3/19/2006
End Date: 4/19/2006
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Keto's Vengeance
HSK Message board
Salth has agreed to award 3rd Level Crescents to the top three writers.
Thanks to PRT David Locke for the idea, and thanks to Salth Khan for
agreeing to award the medals.
Standard weekly QUA pick. Every week in my report I will award the
Quaestor's Choice award to the most active and outstanding member. Merit
will be decided on MP games, ACClive/ACC participation, SA courses, IRC
activity, email response, any and all fiction writing, and any other forms
of activity related to these. Only members between the ranks of APP-JH qualify.
Start Date: 3/13/2006
End Date: 6/13/2006
Unit in Competition: House Satal Keto
Any and all platforms supported by the DB
Cr-E for weekly winner
Kirleta's Way Battle Team needs a new Motto. Submit your ideas for one to
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] no latter than Thrusday the 20th. 5th level Crescents to
be awarded.
Open only to members of Kirleta's Way
Start Date: 4/10/2006
End Date: 4/20/2006
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Kirleta's Way
5th level crescents
The DB Trivia Competition is for Protectors and below of House Exar Kun,
run through the Rollmaster and Envoy office. Fifteen questions will be
part of the trivia, dealing mainly with the Codex. The competition willv be based through email and awards will be given based on total correctv answers.
Start Date: 4/18/2006
End Date: 4/28/2006
Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun
Other: PRTs and Below
Fifth Level Crescents
Medals will be awarded by QUA
I am under direct orders from Krom to have a fictional history. I cannot
do this alone, so I am calling apon you guys to help me out on this. What
we need is information on how we were found, who was the original leader,
how we came into HSK and the like.
Start Date: 4/14/2006
End Date: 4/26/2006
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Keto's Vengeance
4th level crescent to best suited history
keep up the good work guys!
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<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: gray; line-height: 13px; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" align="left">
<!-- #BeginEditable "idline" -->
I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.
<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Proconsul Sith Battlelord Wil Striker *</font>
<font color="darkred">""Death is the only thing that separates us from our enemies... their death!""
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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