Greetings House Satal Keto and welcome to Week 1 of what hopes to be a long line of Rollmaster Reports. I've only been in office for about 2 hours, so don't expect alot of information (or pretty graphics since I haven't had time to make them) out of me.
None so far! <p> PROMOTIONS:
Julius Caesar - Jedi Hunter! <p> AWARDS:
None so far! <p> SA COURSES:
None so far! <p> COMPETITIONS:<p>
CP Comps
<p> HSK Comps
[BT KV] Keto's Vengeance History
Julius Caesar! Not only has Tolter submitted two approved competitions, he has also succeeded in gaining the Rank of Jedi Hunter! Grats Julius! <p>
Well, that's the end of my week one, that lasted a whole of about 2 hours. Next weeks report will be alot more colorful and hopefully will contain alot more information. Thank you all and good luck next week! <p> Krath Priest Famosus Aspicio
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