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<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Satal Victus Report</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; } body { background-color: #000000; } .style6 {color: #993300} .style8 { font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #CC6600; } --> </style></head>
<table width="600" border="3" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td align="center" height="66" bgcolor="#990000"></td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="50" valign="top"> <span class="style8">Introduction</span>:
<span class="style6">
We've had a pretty good week in Satal Victus, losing one member to the top spot in the new Aleema's Grace training battle team and gaining three replacements ;P
Speaking of replacements, everyone welcome Carth Starkiller, Senka Rakesh, and Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'Tor to Satal Victus. For those of you in the lower journeymen ranks (most of you :P), the steps for your promotion to the next level can be found at: http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotion.php?rank=preDJK
If you have any questions about how to advance in the Brotherhood, I'm here to help :P
Finally, congratulations to Kal Vorrac on winning the Motto Victus! competition. The new motto is up on the roster. </td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="60" valign="top"> <span class="style8">News</span>:
<span class="style6">
We're currently at nine members
The Clan Feud is on - week two has ended, and details for week three events should be out tomorrow
</td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="49" valign="top"> <span class="style8">Awards/Promotions/Courses/Transfers</span>:
<span class="style6">
Shadow Academy Courses:
BubbaX passed "IRC Basics" with a score of 100
Archangel passed "IRC Basics" with a score of 100
Death Pain passed "Lightsaber Basics" with a score of 84
Silent passed "Lightsaber Basics" with a score of 100
BubbaX passed "Krath Grammar Studies" with a score of 94
<span class="style6">
BubbaX --> DC
<span class="style6">
<span class="style6">
Carth Starkiller --> Satal Victus
Senka Rakesh --> Satal Victus
Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'Tor --> Satal Victus
Starret --> Aleema's Grace Tetrarch
</td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="57" valign="top"> <span class="style8">Satal Victus Competitions</span>:
<span class="style6">
*None right now - participate in the Feud! * </td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="56" valign="top"> <span class="style8">Conclusion</span>:
<span class="style6">
I got fair participation for the motto competition, and I know people have been working on stuff for the Feud and other comps, as well as working on promotion requirements, so I'm pretty satisfied. Hopefully we'll have some good battle team stuff going once the Feud ends. :P </td> </tr> <tr bordercolor="#990000"> <td height="52" valign="top"> Sith Warrior BubbaX
SW BubbaX (Sith)/CMDR/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: INI]
DC / Cr-1S-2E / CF-BlF-RF / SI
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:IRC - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:PHP1 - G:AIC - K:GS - S:CORE - G:TS}</td> </tr> </table>
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