Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings, all, from Sergeant Acerbus. This is my first report, so bear with me here.

We've gotten introductions out of the way on my end, and most of you have contacted me in response to my e-mail. Thank you to those of you who have, your insight has been very valuable to me thus far. And for those of you who haven't...get on it!

In important news, the Clan Feud is still running. We've formed a team with Clan Tarentum, so if you are a gamer, beware - your games with them do not count for Feud points. An attempt to do so may result in a visit from Lord Firefox...and I'd like to have a living squadron if at all possible.

So, get on it! We are a mixed bunch, so there should be a little something for everyone. Participation in this Feud not only gets you shineys...but it gets you noticed by guys like me and my bosses, who can recommend you for...promotions! (dun dun dun!)

Ok, time to get the informational stuff out of the way...


Right now, the Feud is most important.

And a few others:






Shadow Academy Courses:



DJK Romulus "Acerbus" Mandalore (that's me!) gets an Amethyst Crescent for winning the "Revenge On Ludo Kressh" competition suite. Apparently he was also chosen to be the new Iron Fist BTL. No idea how that happened, there must have been another drunken party on Sepros.

SBM Godo Nurok snags a Sapphire Crescent for earning second place in the "Revenge on Ludo Kressh" Graphics portion. Big congrats to Godo on his new shiney.

Well, that about ends my report. You made it through the whole thing - I'm impressed!

Now quit reading this stupid report, get out there, and be active! Iron Fist - our strength will never fail!

-SGT Acerbus

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