<head> <title>Satal Keto Quaestor Report</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: arial, sans-serif; } table#total { background-color: black; border: 3px solid gold; width: 750; } td#titles { background-color: gold; height: 19px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; color: black; font-size: x-small; } td#text { background-color: black; line-height: 13px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; color: gold; } td#textleft { background-color: black; line-height: 13px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; color: gold; }
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<table id="total" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Satal Keto Quaestor Report #3
13, May, 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::QUA/OT Venquis Arcanum Reporting::</td></tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
By my life or death, Satal Keto will live on
I'm quite pleased with how we're going this week; keep going! I will take a moment to recognize that school will be over within 2-3 weeks time; Good luck on your finals! Because school is hard in these next few weeks, people will slow down. That is expected; try your best and I can ask no more! :) We'll be having at least 3 or 4 of my old pals transferring in..in a week or two, so be ready for 'em! :) If we keep getting more people, all our BTs will be full, and I'll have to see about opening another! Hehe, :).
General News
<li>Due to the Fued going on, Gaming Nights and the Sunday Tourneys have been cancelled till it is over.
<li>Mailing lists now move to googlegroups - please accept the invite to your group!</li>
<li>The SIT has a new rule for qualifying: you have to play 3 people, instead of 1.</li>
<li>Dessan is in need of HTML coders..email him if interested.</li>
<li>Jac is on LoA till tomorrow (wish ya'll a happy mothers day! :)).</li>
<li>Taldryan Invitational is in the Semi-finals! CP is in the Semi finals of: JO and JA Sabers, JA Guns, XvT and XWA. We're almost to the Finals!
<li>The Fued is still going, and will be over fairly shortly! If you can at all, please partake and play in some way.</li>
Satal Keto News
<li>I sent a House policies email out to you all... I hope you got it! :)
<li>Famosus has asked to resign due to RL School work... I have accepted it and wish him the best of luck! :) As such, Satal Keto is looking for a new Envoy. The requirements will be posted later in the report.
<li>The Order of Keto is now in effect! Grats to BubbaX, Arso, and Sunflash as the first 3 members! :)
<li>The HSK website will be my main focus of work this next week, as well as getting my projects ready. I am very sorry I don't have them right now; school has a few big projects for me, and I've got to type text. With luck, I'll have that covered this weekend, so I can do more QUA stuff over the week. As soon as all HSK site pages have content, and all are updated, I will have it officially released it for you to view. :)
<li>This weeks winners of the QUA's Choice competition are... Shonen (1st), and Raken (2nd)! Awesome job to both of you! Medals will be on the way! :)
Standing Orders
<li>Stay in communication with those around you. BTLs to XOs to Members, please. This is the key! :)
<li>Take some good ole fashioned SA Courses :D
<li>Learn something new.
<li>Have a jolly good time! :D</li>
<li>Communication: I consider communicating with others and
specifically, your leaders, to be some activity. Please make sure your
opinions are voiced, and let us know what you enjoy; include any
suggestions. ;)
<li>ICTE: The ICTE is on this Saturday..being today.. I
would like anyone who can, to get at least a few matches in (if you can). :) I will try to contribute as well.
<li>General Stuff: Your average game matches played means
you're being active, and that's something I love to hear about! ;) If
you play a match with your buds.. make sure your BTL knows about it. We would love to see your pwnage! :P Contribute to your clan, and help us get where we need to be. :D</li>
Open for PRTs and below in CP, run by DJK Orzon. I strongly encourage all PRTs and below to participate. It is a great way to learn more of the Brotherhood and maybe earn a shiney in the process! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1721
A very easy way to earn medals, all you have to do is head to the clan forums and look at this week's picture posted by PCON Salth. Then, email him a caption to go with the picture. It's fun and easy! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1599
A monthly competition where we reward the three most active members of the Clan for their efforts in continuing their training at the Shadow Academy. The members who successfully complete the most courses will be awarded Third Level Crescent awards. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1629
Each month the Top 3 Clan members that obtain the most victories at the ACC will be awarded a Crescent for their accomplishment. This will be an evolving competition through the end of 2006, with Third Level Crescents awarded monthly to the Top 3 Clan ACC Champions! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1668
Each week, two members of Satal Keto are chosen as the QUA's Choice. These are the most devoted and active, for the week. They are awarded the CR-S and CR-E for having been chosen of their job well done! Chosen by QUA/OT Venquis, and announced at each report released. All in HSK are be eligible to be chosen.
A House wide fiction competition; run by Rannik aka Warhammer, and Daniel Stephens. Details are here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=1753. Starts on May 1st, 2006, and runs for one month until June 1st.
I would like for Kirleta's Way to write a piece of fiction about their characters. Each submission should be at least 2 pages in 12pt times new roman font. Remeber to be original in your background. If you would like to use the History Page to get ideas from that would be great. Send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
This is a simple competition dedicated to the Fictional Star Wars books. Each week I will give a quote, and the book it is in. You're job is to find the chapter its in, and who said it. The person with the most correct will win.
Medal Report
Ataris x1
Kal Vorrac x1
Julius Caesar x1
Raken x1
Julius Caesar x1
Promotions Report
Shonen - NOV & ACO!
Raken - GRD
Sakh nhem - GRD
Education Report
Tek Cicero Dantes - Sith CORE, ESET, ISET
Shonen - ACC INI, Advancement Survey, Training Saber, Leadership Studies, Conflict Mediation, IRC Basics
Senka Rakesh - ACC INI
Raken - ISET, ESET, Safe Computing, Sith Tactics, Dark Jedi Meditation, Obelisk CORE Sunflash - Lightsaber Basics
Ataris - Conflict Mediation
Antei Combat Centre
GRD Lex Darkfire vs. PRT Korenaga No Maragor (Winner)
NOV The Darkness vs. SWL Vessicant (Winner)
PRT Inferno vs. PRT Revall (Winner)
ACO Sorgo Exmortis vs. SWL Vessicant (Winner)
SW Tek Cicero Dantes (Winner) vs. SW Thran "Heris" Occasus
Also, Korenaga's ACC rank was raised to Sentinel! AWESOME! :)
Good Effort, everyone! :)
Transfers Report
None right now, but I know of roughly 4 who should be coming soon.
None, as of my current knowledge. Yay! :)
Famosus has been a very wonderful Envoy, in our House. I cannot express enough my thanks to him for his work. However, due to a huge shift in free time, due to RL exams and other things, he has asked to resign. After considering it, we will go ahead with that, and take applications for ENV of HSK.
With the resignation of Priest Famosus as Envoy of our House, I would like to open the spot to application for those desireous to hold it, within Clan Plagueis.
I would have those requirements be:
**1) A solid knowledge of the Plagueis promotional guidelines, and the CP Envoy document; including knowledge of the DJB's Envoy system.
2) Willing to dedicate their daily time to maintaining contact with newer members; providing them with promotion information and suggestions to advance.
3) Knowledgeable in all facets of the DJB, as to answer any question a youngling might pose.
4) Willing to work with the rest of the House Summit, the Order of Keto, and the ENV BTL (who also serves as AENV).
5) As ENV, you must have a swift email turnaround time. 12-36 hours at the very most, I'm talking of.
6) No rank restrictions apply in this application; you must be willing to do the job, and articulate to us exactly why you should have it.
1) Past experience in the Envoy type line of work.
2) References to your ability (three, max).
Send applications to myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Daniel Stephens ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), and Orzon ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]); titled 'HSK ENV Application'. Please have then in by the 23rd of this month. After that, one will be chosen very shortly, I hope.
There you have it. Good luck!
We have done well for ourselves, this week, in my opinion. We could work more on playing in the Fued, but I know that school is rough these next two weeks, so don't worry about it. Summer will be coming soon..and.. FUN! :D Well done to everyone, and keep pressing onward! :) Remember that I am always here to talk to... no matter what! :)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: In Dark Service :::</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Satal Keto Quaestor, Templar Venquis Arcanum
Assistant Editor: Plagueis Chronicle
Head Administrator: Jedi Academy Gaming
:::!Long Live Satal Keto!:::
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: House Satal Keto, Clan Plagueis, Dark Jedi Brotherhood :::</td> </tr> </table>
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