Aedile Report


Aedile Report



 [What's Important...](#impt)  

 [What's Not...](#nots)  

 [What's Interesting...](#intr)  

 [What's Happening...](#happ)  

 [Anything Else...](#anyt)  

 [To Wrap It Up...](#twiu)  

<font color="#FFD700"> What's Important...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Some of you may recognize this report style, some may not. I decided to steal my template from when I was doing SHW reports for the time being. But I will be working on trying to fix up something a little different for future reports. We’ll see what I can come up with.

So, what’s important to know? Well, the most important thing is, obviously, I’m now the Aedile of Tridens. My job is going to be to assist JKast, our Quaestor, in administrating this House, and trying to help build it up into serious ass-kicking status. Tarentum and Tridens have long traditions of being excellent parts of the Brotherhood, and in kicking a lot of ass. Tridens was the last House to win the title of “First House of the Sith,” which was previously a great honor. We have a reputation to uphold as a talented and feared House, and I intend to keep that up.

So, where do you all fit into this master plan of mine? Well, you all ARE my master plan. You all have the talent and potential to dominate the Brotherhood, and my goal is to help you to realize that potential. We have a lot of work to do, but when I say that, I don’t mean “work.” I mean that we need to put out a lot of effort, but it’s like playing a game. We’re here to have fun, but it’ll take a cohesive, unified effort from the entire House to really make ourselves stand out. You are all a part of the whole, and you are all a part of each other. We have bonds here in Tarentum that cannot be broken, and we have another bond in that we all make Tridens live and breathe.

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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Not...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> What’s not important… well, I consider my own personal history unimportant when we’re considering the House, but for those who’d like to know a bit more about me, I’ll put that up here. I’ve been with the Dark Brotherhood for just over six years; when we consider some of our respected elders (such as GM Kane, Master Zero and others), that’s not really a long time. But it has been long enough that I’ve been able to figure out a lot of things within the Brotherhood, and I’ve been able to accomplish some decent stuff.

I started out in House Gladius, and have always been a member of Tarentum (except when I was Sith High Warrior). I’ve never ventured to another Clan, and I consider Tarentum my home. Consequently, that means I consider you all like family, and close friends. I’m here for you whenever you need me, and for whatever I can assist you with. I’ve tried to hold that ideal my entire career. I started out as an Aedile (of Gladius) after about six months within the Brotherhood. After a few shorts months of serving as Aedile (to Aari Nikus), I became the Quaestor of Gladius. I loved that job, and I held onto it for about a year.

&nbspI’ve also been the Proconsul of the Clan, as well as the Consul. After the Split from our alliance with the Emperor’s Hammer, I was Quaestor of Gladius again before being tapped into the Clan Summit. I served as Proconsul to Ziguarath before becoming Consul. I had the position of Consul for about a year, too. We competed in a Great Jedi War during that time, and Taldryan barely edged us out of First Place by 600 or so points; considering both our Clans had many thousands of points (I can’t remember the final score), it wasn’t so much as loss as an excellent display of our potential. After the GJW, I served as SHW for 15 months. I’m not back in this Clan, and ready to kick some ass in this next GJW.

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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Interesting...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Can’t think of anything interesting. Can you? If so, send me an email. Or just email me if you feel like talking.

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<font color="#FFD700"> What's Happening...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> As far as what’s happening, we’re waiting on news about the Clan Feud. Tarentum has been involved in a Clan Feud for the past couple of weeks with Clans Naga Sadow, Plagueis and Scholae Palatinae. We haven’t received word yet on whether Week 3 events will be cancelled or not, but we expect to hear things soon. Either way, I’m pretty certain we did good in this Feud. But I won’t like; we can always do better. There is no “best we can do.” Tarentum is always capable of pushing the limits, and I expect Tridens will prove that even moreso. We have unlimited potential and great skill, and I’m going to try and help you all recognize that potential in this next GJW. Be ready for it.

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<font color="#FFD700"> Anything Else...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Not really much else. Just keep your eyes open for more news on the Feud, and be ready to kick some ass in this next GJW. I really want Tridens to outshine every other House of the Brotherhood. I always want to see Tridens help Tarentum put its best foot forward. Our brothers and sisters in Gladius have skill and talent, but we want to outshine even our closest allies and kin. But let’s make sure that we’re working as a Clan, and let’s make sure we don’t forget, Tarentum above all else. We’re a Clan, and that means something, to us if to no one else.

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<font color="#FFD700"> To Wrap it up...</font>> <font color="#FFFAFA"> Just be ready to kick ass, and let’s have fun. I want to make sure Tridens is the best House in the Brotherhood, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help make sure you all have fun, and that we all kick ass together.

Have a good week, all.

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<font color="#EE0000"> Dark Jedi Master Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae</font> <font color="#FFFAFA">

The Ghost Dragon

Aedile of House Tridens

Bearer of the infinite Kick assness

Wielder of the holy keg of f**k you </font>

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